Items where Research Group is "Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Status | No Grouping
Number of items: 66.

Falciatore, Angela and Mock, Thomas, eds. (2022) The Molecular Life of Diatoms. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-92498-0

Acácio, Marta, Atkinson, Philip W., Silva, João Paulo and Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID: (2022) Performance of GPS/GPRS tracking devices improves with increased fix interval and is not affected by animal deployment. PLoS One, 17 (3). ISSN 1932-6203

Acácio, Marta, Catry, Inês, Soriano-Redondo, Andrea, Silva, João Paulo, Atkinson, Philip W. and Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID: (2022) Timing is critical: Consequences of asynchronous migration for the performance and destination of a long-distance migrant. Movement Ecology, 10. ISSN 2051-3933

Al-Turki, Turki A., Davy, Anthony J. ORCID:, Al-Ammari, B. S. and Basahi, Mohamed A. (2022) Seed germination characteristics of some medicinally important desert plants from the Arabian Peninsula. Journal of Arid Environments, 198. ISSN 0140-1963

Antunes, Ana Carolina, Montanarin, Anelise, Gräbin, Diogo Maia, dos Santos Monteiro, Erison Carlos, de Pinho, Fernando Ferreira, Alvarenga, Guilherme Costa, Ahumada, Jorge, Wallace, Robert B., Ramalho, Emiliano Esterci, Barnett, Adrian Paul Ashton, Bager, Alex, Lopes, Alexandre Martins Costa, Keuroghlian, Alexine, Giroux, Aline, Herrera, Ana María, de Almeida Correa, Ana Paula, Meiga, Ana Yoko, de Almeida Jácomo, Anah Tereza, de Barros Barban, Ananda, Antunes, André, de Almeida Coelho, André Giovanni, Camilo, André Restel, Nunes, André Valle, dos Santos Maroclo Gomes, Andréa Cristina, da Silva Zanzini, Antônio Carlos, Castro, Arlison Bezerra, Desbiez, Arnaud Léonard Jean, Figueiredo, Axa, de Thoisy, Benoit, Gauzens, Benoit, Oliveira, Brunno Tolentino, de Lima, Camilla Angélica, Peres, Carlos Augusto ORCID:, Durigan, Carlos César, Brocardo, Carlos Rodrigo, da Rosa, Clarissa Alves, Zárate-Castañeda, Claudia, Monteza-Moreno, Claudio M., Carnicer, Cleide, Trinca, Cristiano Trape, Polli, Daiana Jeronimo, da Silva Ferraz, Daniel, Lane, Daniel F., da Rocha, Daniel Gomes, Barcelos, Daniele Cristina, Auz, David, Rosa, Dian Carlos Pinheiro, Silva, Diego Afonso, Silvério, Divino Vicente, Eaton, Donald P., Nakano-Oliveira, Eduardo, Venticinque, Eduardo, Junior, Elildo Carvalho, Mendonça, Eloisa Neves, Vieira, Emerson Monteiro, Isasi-Catalá, Emiliana, Fischer, Erich, Castro, Erika Paula, Oliveira, Erison Gomes, de Melo, Fabiano Rodrigues, de Lima Muniz, Fábio, Rohe, Fabio, Baccaro, Fabrício Beggiato, Michalski, Fernanda, Paim, Fernanda Pozzan, Santos, Fernanda, Anaguano, Fernando, Palmeira, Francesca Belem Lopes, da Silva Reis, Francielly, Aguiar-Silva, Francisca Helena, de Avila Batista, Gabriel, Zapata-Ríos, Galo, Forero-Medina, German, Neto, Gilson De Souza Ferreira, Alves, Giselle Bastos, Ayala, Guido, Pedersoli, Gustavo Henrique Prado, El Bizri, Hani R., do Prado, Helena Alves, Mozerle, Hugo Borghezan, Costa, Hugo C. M., Lima, Ivan Junqueira, Palacios, Jaime, de Resende Assis, Jasmine, Boubli, Jean P., Metzger, Jean Paul, Teixeira, Jéssica Vieira, Miranda, João Marcelo Deliberador, Polisar, John, Salvador, Julia, Borges-Almeida, Karen, Didier, Karl, de Lima Pereira, Karla Dayane, Torralvo, Kelly, Gajapersad, Krisna, Silveira, Leandro, Maioli, Leandro Uceli, Maracahipes-Santos, Leonardo, Valenzuela, Leonor, Benavalli, Letícia, Fletcher, Lydia, Paolucci, Lucas Navarro, Zanzini, Lucas Pereira, da Silva, Luciana Zago, Rodrigues, Luiz Cláudio Ribeiro, Benchimol, Maíra, Oliveira, Marcela Alvares, Lima, Marcela, da Silva, Marcélia Basto, dos Santos Junior, Marcelo Augusto, Viscarra, Maria, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Abrahams, Mark Ilan, Benedetti, Maximiliano Auguto, Marmontel, Miriam, Hirt, Myriam R., Tôrres, Natália Mundim, Junior, Orlando Ferreira Cruz, Alvarez-Loayza, Patricia, Jansen, Patrick, Prist, Paula Ribeiro, Brando, Paulo Monteiro, Perônico, Phamela Bernardes, do Nascimento Leite, Rafael, Rabelo, Rafael Magalhães, Sollmann, Rahel, Beltrão-Mendes, Raone, Ferreira, Raphael Augusto Foscarini, Coutinho, Raphaella, da Costa Oliveira, Regison, Ilha, Renata, Hilário, Renato Richard, Pires, Ricardo Araújo Prudente, Sampaio, Ricardo, da Silva Moreira, Roberto, Botero-Arias, Robinson, Martinez, Rodolfo Vasquez, de Albuquerque Nóbrega, Rodrigo Affonso, Fadini, Rodrigo Ferreira, Morato, Ronaldo G., Carneiro, Ronaldo Leal, Almeida, Rony Peterson Santos, Ramos, Rossano Marchetti, Schaub, Roxane, Dornas, Rubem, Cueva, Rubén, Rolim, Samir, Laurindo, Samuli, Espinosa, Santiago, Fernandes, Taís Nogueira, Sanaiotti, Tania Margarete, Alvim, Thiago Henrique Gomide, Dornas, Tiago Teixeira, Piña, Tony Enrique Noriega, Caetano Andrade, Victor Lery, Santiago, Wagner Tadeu Vieira, Magnusson, William E., Campos, Zilca and Ribeiro, Milton Cezar (2022) AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. Ecology, 103 (9). ISSN 0012-9658

Bell, Diana and Cunningham, Andrew (2022) Monkeypox: we cannot afford to ignore yet another warning. CABI One Health. ISSN 2791-233X

Bertorelle, Giorgio, Raffini, Francesca, Bosse, Mirte, Bortoluzzi, Chiara, Iannucci, Alessio, Trucchi, Emiliano, Morales, Hernán E. and van Oosterhout, Cock ORCID: (2022) Genetic load: Genomic estimates and applications in non-model animals. Nature Reviews Genetics, 23 (8). 492–503. ISSN 1471-0056

Brown, Thomas J., Dugdale, Hannah L., Hammers, Martijn, Komdeur, Jan and Richardson, David S. ORCID: (2022) Seychelles warblers with silver spoons: Juvenile body mass is a lifelong predictor of annual survival, but not annual reproduction or senescence. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (7). ISSN 2045-7758

Brown, Thomas J., Spurgin, Lewis G., Dugdale, Hannah L., Komdeur, Jan, Burke, Terry and Richardson, David S. ORCID: (2022) Causes and consequences of telomere lengthening in a wild vertebrate population. Molecular Ecology, 31 (23). pp. 5933-5945. ISSN 0962-1083

Buchan, Claire ORCID:, Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID:, Catry, Inês, Gamero, Anna, Klvaňová, Alena and Gilroy, James J. ORCID: (2022) Spatially explicit risk mapping reveals direct anthropogenic impacts on migratory birds. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31 (9). pp. 1707-1725. ISSN 1466-822X

Busana, Michela, Childs, Dylan Z., Burke, Terrence A., Komdeur, Jan, Richardson, David S. ORCID: and Dugdale, Hannah L. (2022) Population level consequences of facultatively cooperative behaviour in a stochastic environment. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91 (1). pp. 224-240. ISSN 0021-8790

Clark, Miles J., Bennett, Georgina L. ORCID:, Ryan-Burkett, Sandra E., Sear, David A. and Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID: (2022) Untangling the controls on bedload transport in a wood‐loaded river with RFID tracers and linear mixed modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47 (9). pp. 2283-2298. ISSN 0197-9337

Crowther, Liam, Gilroy, James ORCID:, Salliss, Daniel, Hawkes, Robert and Dolman, Paul ORCID: (2022) Biodiversity Audit of the Norfolk Coast – Phase 1. Figshare. ISBN 978-0- 9567812-8-4

Darrington, Mike, Leftwich, Philip T. ORCID:, Holmes, Neil A., Friend, Lucy A., Clarke, Naomi V. E., Worsley, Sarah F., Margaritopolous, John T., Hogenhout, Saskia A., Hutchings, Matthew I. and Chapman, Tracey (2022) Characterisation of the symbionts in the Mediterranean fruit fly gut. Microbial Genomics, 8 (4). ISSN 2057-5858

Davies, Charli S., Worsley, Sarah, Maher, Kathryn, Komdeur, Jan, Burke, Terry, Dugdale, Hannah and Richardson, David S. ORCID: (2022) Immunogenetic variation shapes the gut microbiome in a natural vertebrate population. Microbiome, 10. ISSN 2049-2618

Davy, Anthony J. ORCID: and Lee, John A. (2022) Professor Donald Pigott 1928-2022. Obituary. The Niche, British Ecological Society, 53 (4). pp. 50-51. ISSN 2631-9306

Duncan, Anthony, Barry, Kerrie, Daum, Chris, Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley, Roux, Simon, Schmidt, Katrin, Tringe, Susannah G., Valentin, Klaus U., Varghese, Neha, Salamov, Asaf, Grigoriev, Igor V., Leggett, Richard M., Moulton, Vincent ORCID: and Mock, Thomas ORCID: (2022) Metagenome-assembled genomes of phytoplankton microbiomes from the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Microbiome, 10. ISSN 2049-2618

Eriksson, Charlotte E., Kantek, Daniel L. Z., Miyazaki, Selma S., Morato, Ronaldo G., dos Santos-Filho, Manoel, Ruprecht, Joel S., Peres, Carlos A. ORCID: and Levi, Taal (2022) Extensive aquatic subsidies lead to territorial breakdown and high density of an apex predator. Ecology, 103 (1). ISSN 0012-9658

Farhan Ul Haque, Muhammad, Hernández, Marcela ORCID:, Crombie, Andrew T. and Murrell, J. Colin (2022) Identification of active gaseous-alkane degraders at natural gas seeps. The ISME Journal, 16 (7). 1705–1716. ISSN 1751-7362

Fowler, E. K., Leigh, S., Rostant, W. G. ORCID:, Thomas, A., Bretman, A. and Chapman, T. (2022) Memory of social experience affects female fecundity via perception of fly deposits. BMC Biology, 20. ISSN 1741-7007

Franklin, Kirsty A., Nicoll, Malcolm A. C., Butler, Simon J. ORCID:, Norris, Ken, Ratcliffe, Norman, Nakagawa, Shinichi and Gill, Jennifer A. (2022) Individual repeatability of avian migration phenology: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91 (7). pp. 1416-1430. ISSN 0021-8790

Franklin, Kirsty A., Norris, Ken, Gill, Jennifer A., Ratcliffe, Norman, Bonnet-Lebrun, Anne-Sophie, Butler, Simon J. ORCID:, Cole, Nik C., Jones, Carl G., Lisovski, Simeon, Ruhomau, Kevin, Tatayah, Vikash and Nicoll, Malcolm A. C. (2022) Individual consistency in migration strategies of a tropical seabird, the Round Island petrel. Movement Ecology, 10. ISSN 2051-3933

Fremin, Brayon J., Bhatt, Ami S. and Kyrpides, Nikos C. and Global Phage Small Open Reading Frame (GP-SmORF) Consortium (2022) Thousands of small, novel genes predicted in global phage genomes. Cell Reports, 39 (12). ISSN 2211-1247

Gameiro, João, Catry, Teresa, Marcelino, Joana, Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID:, Palmeirim, Jorge M. and Catry, Inês (2022) High trophic niche overlap in mixed-species colonies using artificial nests. Ibis, 164 (4). pp. 1073-1085. ISSN 0019-1019

Gameiro, João, Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID:, Catry, Teresa, Palmeirim, Jorge M. and Catry, Inês (2022) Antipredator benefits of heterospecific colonial breeding for a predominantly solitary bird. Animal Behaviour, 189. pp. 101-111. ISSN 0003-3472

Gauld, Jethro G., Silva, João P., Atkinson, Philip W., Record, Paul, Acácio, Marta, Arkumarev, Volen, Blas, Julio, Bouten, Willem, Burton, Niall, Catry, Inês, Champagnon, Jocelyn, Clewely, Gary D., Dagys, Mindaugas, Duriez, Olivier, Exo, Klaus-Michael, Fiedler, Wolfgang, Flack, Andrea, Friedemann, Guilad, Fritz, Johannes, Garcia-Ripolles, Clara, Garthe, Stefan, Giunchi, Dimitri, Grozdanov, Atanas, Harel, Roi, Humphreys, Elizabeth M., Monti, Flavio, Janssen, René, Kölzsch, Andrea, Kulikova, Olga, Lameris, Thomas K., López-López, Pascual, Masden, Elizabeth A., Nathan, Ran, Nikolov, Stoyan, Oppel, Steffen, Peshev, Hristo, Phipps, Louis, Pokrovsky, Ivan, Ross-Smith, Viola H., Sariava, Victoria, Scragg, Emily S., Sforzi, Andrea, Stoynov, Emilian, Thaxter, Chris, van Steelant, Wouter, van Toor, Mariëlle, Vorneweg, Bernd, Waldenström, Jonas, Wilkelski, Martin, Žydelis, Ramūnas and Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID: (2022) Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. The Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (6). pp. 1496-1512. ISSN 0021-8901

Gilbertson, Reuben, Langan, Emma and Mock, Thomas ORCID: (2022) Diatoms and their microbiomes in complex and changing polar oceans. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13. ISSN 1664-302X

Gill, John A. and Davy, Anthony J. ORCID: (2022) Growth trajectories of diploid and tetraploid trees of the Betula pendula/B. pubescens complex (Betulaceae): a 38-year record of trunk circumference. British and Irish Botany, 4 (2). pp. 95-105. ISSN 2632-4970

Gray, Peter, Garcia, Clement, Robinson, Carol ORCID: and Bremner, Julie (2022) A method for identifying sensitivity of marine benthic invertebrates to ocean acidification through a biological traits approach. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79 (7). 2117–2125. ISSN 1054-3139

Ji, Yinqiu, Baker, Christopher C. M., Popescu, Viorel D., Wang, Jiaxin, Wu, Chunying, Wang, Zhengyang, Li, Yuanheng, Wang, Lin, Hua, Chaolang, Yang, Zhongxing, Yang, Chunyan, Xu, Charles C. Y., Diana, Alex, Wen, Qingzhong, Pierce, Naomi E. and Yu, Douglas W. (2022) Measuring protected-area effectiveness using vertebrate distributions from leech iDNA. Nature Communications, 13 (1). ISSN 2041-1723

Kleiner, Friedrich H., Helliwell, Katherine E., Chrachri, Abdul, Hopes, Amanda, Parry-Wilson, Hannah, Gaikwad, Trupti, Mieszkowska, Nova, Mock, Thomas ORCID:, Wheeler, Glen L. and Brownlee, Colin (2022) Cold-induced [Ca2+]cyt elevations function to support osmoregulation in marine diatoms. Plant Physiology, 190 (2). pp. 1384-1399. ISSN 0032-0889

Laundon, Davis, Chrismas, Nathan, Bird, Kimberley, Thomas, Seth, Mock, Thomas ORCID: and Cunliffe, Michael (2022) A cellular and molecular atlas reveals the basis of chytrid development. eLife, 11. ISSN 2050-084X

Liu, Jihua, Robinson, Carol ORCID:, Wallace, Douglas, Legendre, Louis and Jiao, Nianzhi (2022) Ocean negative carbon emissions: A new UN Decade program. The Innovation, 3 (5). ISSN 2666-6758

Liu, Jingli, Xue, Chun-Xu, Wang, Jinyan, Crombie, Andrew T., Carrión, Ornella, Johnston, Andrew W. B., Murrell, J. Colin, Liu, Ji, Zheng, Yanfen, Zhang, Xiao-Hua and Todd, Jonathan D. (2022) Oceanospirillales containing the DMSP lyase DddD are key utilisers of carbon from DMSP in coastal seawater. Microbiome, 10. ISSN 2049-2618

Mao, Li, Keenor, Sam G. ORCID:, Cai, Chao, Kilham, Steve, Murfitt, Joanne and Reid, Brian J. ORCID: (2022) Recycling paper to recarbonise soil. Science of the Total Environment, 847. ISSN 0048-9697

Mao, Xuewei, Chen, Jianwei, van Oosterhout, Cock ORCID:, Zhang, Huan, Liu, Guangxing, Zhuang, Yunyun and Mock, Thomas ORCID: (2022) Diversity, prevalence, and expression of cyanase genes (cynS) in planktonic marine microorganisms. The ISME Journal, 16 (2). 602–605. ISSN 1751-7362

Mitchell, Christina, Leigh, Stewart, Alphey, Luke, Haerty, Wilfried ORCID: and Chapman, Tracey (2022) Reproductive interference and Satyrisation: Mechanisms, outcomes and potential use for insect control. Journal of Pest Science, 95 (3). 1023–1036. ISSN 1612-4758

Mock, Thomas ORCID:, Boulton, William, Balmonte, John Paul, Barry, Kevin, Bertilsson, Stefan, Bowman, Jeff, Buck, Moritz, Bratbak, Gunnar, Chamberlain, Emelia J., Cunliffe, Michael, Creamean, Jessie, Ebenhöh, Oliver, Eggers, Sarah Lena, Fong, Allison A., Gardner, Jessie, Gradinger, Rolf, Granskog, Mats A., Havermans, Charlotte, Hill, Thomas, Hoppe, Clara J. M., Korte, Kerstin, Larsen, Aud, Müller, Oliver, Nicolaus, Anja, Oldenburg, Ellen, Popa, Ovidiu, Rogge, Swantje, Schäfer, Hendrik, Shoemaker, Katyanne, Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, Pauline, Torstensson, Anders, Valentin, Klaus, Vader, Anna, Barry, Kerrie, Chen, I.-M. A., Clum, Alicia, Copeland, Alex, Daum, Chris, Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley, Foster, Brian, Foster, Bryce, Grigoriev, Igor V., Huntemann, Marcel, Ivanova, Natalia, Kuo, Alan, Kyrpides, Nikos C., Mukherjee, Supratim, Palaniappan, Krishnaveni, Reddy, T. B. K., Salamov, Asaf, Roux, Simon, Varghese, Neha, Woyke, Tanja, Wu, Dongying, Leggett, Richard M., Moulton, Vincent ORCID: and Metfies, Katja (2022) Multiomics in the central Arctic Ocean for benchmarking biodiversity change. PLoS Biology, 20 (10). ISSN 1544-9173

Mock, Thomas ORCID:, Hodgkinson, Kat, Wu, Taoyang ORCID:, Moulton, Vincent ORCID:, Duncan, Anthony, Oosterhout, Cock van ORCID: and Pichler, Monica (2022) Structure and Evolution of Diatom Nuclear Genes and Genomes. In: The Molecular Life of Diatoms. Springer, pp. 111-145. ISBN 9783030924980

Molony, Brett W. W., Ford, Alex T. T., Sequeira, Ana M. M., Borja, Angel, Zivian, Anna Milena, Robinson, Carol ORCID:, Lonborg, Christian, Escobar-Briones, Elva G. G., Di Lorenzo, Emanuele, Andersen, Jesper H. H., Mueller, Marius N. N., Devlin, Michelle J. J. ORCID:, Failler, Pierre, Villasante, Sebastian, Libralato, Simone and Fortibuoni, Tomaso (2022) Editorial:Sustainable Development Goal 14-Life Below Water: Towards a Sustainable Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. ISSN 2296-7745

Monaghan, Pat, Olsson, Mats, Richardson, David S. ORCID:, Verhulst, Simon and Rogers, Sean M. (2022) Integrating telomere biology into the ecology and evolution of natural populations: Progress and prospects. Molecular Ecology, 31 (23). pp. 5909-5916. ISSN 0962-1083

Murphy, Eugene, Robinson, Carol ORCID:, Hobday, Alistair J., Newton, Alice, Glaser, Marion, Evans, Karen, Dickey-Collas, Mark, Brodie, Stephanie and Gehlen, Marion (2022) Ocean sustainability: Act before it's too late. Nature, 609. p. 676. ISSN 0028-0836

Méndez, Verónica, Alves, Jose A., Gill, Jennifer A., Þórisson, Böðvar, Carneiro, Camilo, Pálsdottír, Aldís, Vignisson, Sölvi and Gunnarsson, Tomas G. (2022) Effects of pair migratory behavior on breeding phenology and success in a partially migratory shorebird population. Ecology and Evolution, 12 (8). ISSN 2045-7758

Neri, Uri, Wolf, Yuri I., Roux, Simon, Camargo, Antonio Pedro, Lee, Benjamin, Kazlauskas, Darius, Chen, I. Min, Ivanova, Natalia, Zeigler Allen, Lisa, Paez-Espino, David, Bryant, Donald A., Bhaya, Devaki, Krupovic, Mart, Dolja, Valerian V., Kyrpides, Nikos C., Koonin, Eugene V., Gophna, Uri, Narrowe, Adrienne B., Probst, Alexander J., Sczyrba, Alexander, Kohler, Annegret, Séguin, Armand, Shade, Ashley, Campbell, Barbara J., Lindahl, Björn D., Reese, Brandi Kiel, Roque, Breanna M., Derito, Chris, Averill, Colin, Cullen, Daniel, Beck, David A. C., Walsh, David A., Ward, David M., Wu, Dongying, Eloe-Fadrosh, Emiley, Brodie, Eoin L., Young, Erica B., Lilleskov, Erik A., Castillo, Federico J., Martin, Francis M., Lecleir, Gary R., Attwood, Graeme T., Cadillo-Quiroz, Hinsby, Simon, Holly M., Hewson, Ian, Grigoriev, Igor V., Tiedje, James M., Jansson, Janet K., Lee, Janey, Vandergheynst, Jean S., Dangl, Jeff, Bowman, Jeff S., Blanchard, Jeffrey L., Bowen, Jennifer L., Xu, Jiangbing, Banfield, Jillian F., Deming, Jody W., Kostka, Joel E., Gladden, John M., Rapp, Josephine Z., Sharpe, Joshua, McMahon, Katherine D., Treseder, Kathleen K., Bidle, Kay D., Wrighton, Kelly C., Thamatrakoln, Kimberlee, Nusslein, Klaus, Meredith, Laura K., Ramirez, Lucia, Buee, Marc, Huntemann, Marcel, Kalyuzhnaya, Marina G., Waldrop, Mark P., Sullivan, Matthew B., Schrenk, Matthew O., Hess, Matthias, Vega, Michael A., O'Malley, Michelle A., Medina, Monica, Gilbert, Naomi E., Delherbe, Nathalie, Mason, Olivia U., Dijkstra, Paul, Chuckran, Peter F., Baldrian, Petr, Constant, Philippe, Stepanauskas, Ramunas, Daly, Rebecca A., Lamendella, Regina, Gruninger, Robert J., Mckay, Robert M., Hylander, Samuel, Lebeis, Sarah L., Esser, Sarah P., Acinas, Silvia G., Wilhelm, Steven S., Singer, Steven W., Tringe, Susannah S., Woyke, Tanja, Reddy, T. B. K., Bell, Terrence H., Mock, Thomas ORCID:, McAllister, Tim, Thiel, Vera, Denef, Vincent J., Liu, Wen-Tso, Martens-Habbena, Willm, Allen Liu, Xiao-Jun, Cooper, Zachary S. and Wang, Zhong (2022) Expansion of the global RNA virome reveals diverse clades of bacteriophages. Cell, 185 (21). 4023-4037.e18. ISSN 0092-8674

O'Reilly, Enya, Gregory, Richard D., Aunins, Ainars, Brotons, Lluís, Chodkiewicz, Tomasz, Escandell, Virginia, Foppen, Ruud P. B., Gamero, Anna, Herrando, Sergi, Jiguet, Frédéric, Kalas, John A., Kamp, Johannes, Klvaňová, Alena, Lehikoinen, Aleksi, Lindström, Åke, Massimino, Dario, Jostein Øien, Ingar, Reif, Jiří, Šilarová, Eva, Teufelbauer, Norbert, Trautmann, Sven, van Turnhout, Chris, Vikstrøm, Thomas, Voříšek, Petr and Butler, Simon J. ORCID: (2022) An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization. Ecological Indicators, 135. ISSN 1470-160X

Ostle, Clare, Landschützer, Peter, Edwards, Martin, Johnson, Martin, Schmidtko, Sunke, Schuster, Ute, Watson, Andrew J and Robinson, Carol ORCID: (2022) Multidecadal changes in biology influence the variability of the North Atlantic carbon sink. Environmental Research Letters, 17 (11). ISSN 1748-9326

Peake, Lewis R. ORCID:, Dawson, Lorna A., Price, J. Paul Newell, Aller, M. Fernanda, Bhogal, Anne, Doody, Donnacha G., Gregory, Andrew S. and McKinley, Jennifer M. (2022) Priorities for UK soils. Geoderma Regional, 29. ISSN 2352-0094

Pearce-Higgins, James, Antao, Laura, Bates, Rachel, Bowgen, Katharine, Bradshaw, Catherine, Duffield, Simon, Ffoulkes, Charles, Franco, Aldina ORCID:, Geschke, J., Gregory, Richard, Harley, Mike, Hodgson, Jenny, Jenkins, Rhosanna, Kapos, Val, Maltby, Katherine, Watts, Olly, Willis, Steve and Morecroft, Michael (2022) A framework for climate change adaptation indicators for the natural environment. Ecological Indicators, 136. ISSN 1470-160X

Pálsdottír, Aldís Erna, Gill, Jennifer A., Pálsson, Snæbjörn, Alves, José A., Méndez, Veronica, Þórisson, Böðvar and Gunnarsson, Tómas G. (2022) Effects of overhead power-lines on the density of groundnesting birds in open sub-arctic habitats. Ibis, 164 (4). pp. 1257-1264. ISSN 0019-1019

Pálsdóttir, Aldís Erna, Gill, Jennifer A., Alves, Jose A., Pálsson, Snæbjörn, Méndez, Veronica, Ewing, Harry and Gunnarsson, Tómas G. (2022) Subarctic afforestation: Effects of forest plantations on ground-nesting birds in lowland Iceland. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (10). pp. 2456-2467. ISSN 0021-8901

Santos, Carlos David, Ramesh, Hariprasath, Ferraz, Rafael, Franco, Aldina M. A. ORCID: and Wilkelski, Martin (2022) Factors influencing wind turbine avoidance behaviour of a migrating soaring bird. Scientific Reports, 12. ISSN 2045-2322

Sepil, Irem, Perry, Jennifer C. ORCID:, Dore, Alice, Chapman, Tracey and Wigby, Stuart (2022) Experimental evolution under varying sex ratio and nutrient availability modulates male mating success in Drosophila melanogaster. Biology Letters, 18 (6). ISSN 1744-9561

Shellock, Rebecca J., Cvitanovic, Christopher, Mackay, Mary, McKinnon, Merryn C., Blythe, Jessica, Kelly, Rachel, van Putten, Ingrid E., Tuohy, Paris, Bailey, Megan, Begossi, Alpina, Crona, Beatrice, Fakoya, Kafayat A., Ferreira, Beatrice P., Ferrer, Alice J. G., Frangoudes, Katia, Gobin, Judith, Goh, Hong Ching, Haapasaari, Paivi, Hardesty, Britta Denise, Häussermann, Vreni, Hoareau, Kelly, Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Isaacs, Moenieba, Kraan, Marloes, Li, Yinji, Liu, Min, Lopes, Priscila F. M., Mlakar, Marina, Morrison, Tiffany H., Oxenford, Hazel A., Pecl, Gretta T., Penca, Jerneja, Robinson, Carol ORCID:, Selim, Samiya, Skern-Mauritzen, Mette, Soejima, Kumi, Soto, Doris, Spalding, Ana K., Vadrot, Alice, Vaidianu, Natașa, Webber, Mona and Wisz, Mary S. (2022) Breaking down barriers: The identification of actions to promote gender equality in interdisciplinary marine research institutions. One Earth, 5 (6). pp. 687-708. ISSN 2590-3322

Siddall, Alexandra, Harvey-Samuel, Tim, Chapman, Tracey and Leftwich, Philip T. ORCID: (2022) Manipulating insect sex determination pathways for genetic pest management: Opportunities and challenges. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10. ISSN 2296-4185

Sire, Lucas, Yáñez, Paul Schmidt, Wang, Cai, Bézier, Annie, Courtial, Béatrice, Cours, Jérémy, Fontaneto, Diego, Larrieu, Laurent, Bouget, Christophe, Thorn, Simon, Müller, Jörg, Yu, Douglas W., Monaghan, Michael T., Herniou, Elisabeth A. and Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos (2022) Climate-induced forest dieback drives compositional changes in insect communities that are more pronounced for rare species. Communications Biology, 5 (1). ISSN 2399-3642

Sparks, Alexandra M., Spurgin, Lewis G., van der Velde, Marco, Fairfield, Eleanor A., Komdeur, Jan, Burke, Terry, Richardson, David S. ORCID: and Dugdale, Hannah L. (2022) Telomere heritability and parental age at conception effects in a wild avian population. Molecular Ecology, 31 (23). pp. 6324-6338. ISSN 0962-1083

Tang, Jiao, Davy, Anthony J. ORCID:, Wang, Wei, Zhang, Xihuan, Wu, Dafu, Hu, Lin and Yin, Jinzhong (2022) Effects of biogas slurry on crop yield, physicochemical properties and aggregation characteristics of lime concretion soil in wheat-maize rotation in the North China Plain. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22 (2). 2406–2417. ISSN 0718-9516

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Tichkule, Swapnil, Cacciò, Simone M., Robinson, Guy, Chalmers, Rachel M., Mueller, Ivo, Emery-Corbin, Samantha J., Eibach, Daniel, Tyler, Kevin M. ORCID:, van Oosterhout, Cock ORCID: and Jex, Aaron R. (2022) Global population genomics of two subspecies of Cryptosporidium hominis during 500 years of evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 39 (4). ISSN 0737-4038

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