Items where School is "School of Global Development (formerly School of International Development)

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Number of items: 179.


Abranches, Maria (2014) Remitting wealth, reciprocating health? The ‘travel’ of the land from Guinea-Bissau to Portugal. American Ethnologist, 41 (2). pp. 261-275. ISSN 1548-1425

Abranches, Maria (2014) Perceptions of the country through the migration of city-grown crops: Guinean food in Bissau and in Lisbon. In: Food between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 127-142.

Agol, Dorice, Latawiec, Agnieszka E. and Strassburg, Bernardo B. N. (2014) Evaluating impacts of development and conservation projects using sustainability indicators: Opportunities and challenges. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 48 (September). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0195-9255

Aikman, Sheila (2014) Intercultural Bilingual Education, Self-Determination and Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Basin. In: Education in Indigenous, Nomadic and Travelling Communities. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 169-188. ISBN 9781472513144

Allen, Tim and Macdonald, Anna (2014) Post-Conflict Traditional Justice. In: Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Springer, New York, pp. 3831-3843.

Anderson, Edward (2014) Time differences, communication and trade: longitude matters II. Review of World Economics, 150 (2). pp. 337-369. ISSN 1610-2878

Anderson, Edward and Esposito, Lucio (2014) On the joint evaluation of absolute and relative deprivation. Journal of Economic Inequality, 12 (3). pp. 411-428. ISSN 1569-1721

Armijos, Maria Teresa (2014) Long live Atahualpa: Indigenous politics, justice, and democracy in the Northern Andes. Latin American Politics and Society, 56 (1). pp. 185-188. ISSN 1531-426X

Armijos, Maria Teresa and Walnycki, Anna Maria (2014) Why participation matters: Communal drinking water management in Bolivia and Ecuador. IDS Bulletin, 45 (2-3). pp. 43-55. ISSN 0265-5012


Babon, Andrea, McIntyre, Daniel, Gowae, Gae Y., Gallemore, Caleb, Carmenta, Rachel, Di Gregorio, Monica and Brockhaus, Maria (2014) Advocacy coalitions, REDD+, and forest governance in Papua New Guinea:how likely is transformational change? Ecology and Society, 19 (3). ISSN 1708-3087

Baggio, Jacopo and Papyrakis, Elissaios (2014) Agent-based simulations of subjective well-being. Social Indicators Research, 115 (2). pp. 623-635. ISSN 1573-0921

Basten, Stuart, Muttarak, Raya and Pothisiri, Wiraporn (2014) “The persistence of parent repayment” and the anticipation of filial obligations of care in two Thai provinces. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 8 (2). pp. 109-122. ISSN 1753-1403

Blaikie, Piers and Muldavin, Joshua (2014) Environmental justice? The story of two projects. Geoforum, 54. pp. 226-229. ISSN 0016-7185

Bouwer, Laurens M., Papyrakis, Elissaios, Poussin, Jennifer, Pfurtscheller, Clemens and Thieken, Annegret (2014) The costing of measures for natural hazard mitigation. Natural Hazards Review, 15 (4). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1527-6988

Brockhaus, Maria, Di Gregorio, Monica and Carmenta, Rachel (2014) REDD+ policy networks: exploring actors and power structures in an emerging policy domain. Ecology and Society, 19 (4). ISSN 1708-3087

Budds, Jessica (2014) Acceso al agua y justicia hídrica:Un análisis de las relaciones de poder entre Southern Copper Corporation y comunidades rurales en Moquegua y Tacna, Perú. In: Minería, Agua y Justicia Ambiental en los Andes. IEP and Plural, Lima and La Paz. ISBN 978-612-4121-11-1

Budds, Jessica, Linton, Jamie and McDonnell, Rachael (2014) The hydrosocial cycle. Geoforum, 57. pp. 167-169. ISSN 0016-7185

Budds, Jessica and Loftus, Alex (2014) Water and hydropolitics. In: The Companion to Development Studies. Routledge. ISBN 9781444167245

Bulkeley, Harriet, Edwards, Gareth A. S. and Fuller, Sara (2014) Contesting climate justice in the city: examining politics and practice in urban climate change experiments. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 24. pp. 31-40. ISSN 0959-3780

Butt, Nathalie, Malhi, Yadvinder, New, Mark, Macia, Manuel J., Lewis, Simon L., Lopez-Gonzalez, Gabriela, Laurance, William F., Laurance, Susan, Luizao, Regina, Andrade, Ana, Baker, Timothy R., Almeida, Samuel and Phillips, Oliver L. (2014) Shifting dynamics of climate-functional groups in old-growth Amazonian forests. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 7 (1-2). pp. 267-279. ISSN 1755-0874


Camfield, Laura (2014) Growing up in Ethiopia and Andhra Pradesh: the impact of social protection schemes on girls’ roles and responsibilities. European Journal of Development Research, 26 (1). 107–123. ISSN 1743-9728

Camfield, Laura (2014) The economics of non-cognitive skills. In: The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics. Oxford Handbooks in Economics . Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-968711-4

Camfield, Laura and Duvendack, Maren (2014) Impact Evaluation – Are We ‘Off the Gold Standard’? European Journal of Development Research, 26. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1743-9728

Camfield, Laura and Duvendack, Maren (2014) Impact evaluation: are we ‘off the ‘Gold standard’?:Impact evaluation. European Journal of Development Research, 26 (1). pp. 1-54. ISSN 0957-8811

Camfield, Laura, Duvendack, Maren and Palmer-Jones, Richard (2014) Things you wanted to know about bias in evaluations but never dared to think. IDS Bulletin, 45 (6). 49–64. ISSN 0265-5012

Camfield, Laura and Esposito, Lucio (2014) A cross-country analysis of perceived economic status and life satisfaction in high- and low-income countries. World Development, 59. pp. 212-223. ISSN 0305-750X

Cassimon, Danny, Prowse, Martin and Essers, Dennis (2014) Financing the clean development mechanism through debt-for-efficiency swaps? Case study evidence from a Uruguayan wind farm project. European Journal of Development Research, 26. 142–159. ISSN 0957-8811

Chhotray, Vasudha (2014) Disaster relief and the Indian state: Lessons for just citizenship. Geoforum, 54. 217–225.

Chhotray, Vasudha and Biswal, R (2014) Justice at sea: Fishers politics and marine conservation in Odisha, India. Development And Change. ISSN 1467-7660 (Submitted)

Chilvers, Jason, Lorenzoni, Irene, Terry, Geraldine, Buckley, Paul, Pinnegar, John K. and Gelcich, Stefan (2014) Public engagement with marine climate change issues: (Re)framings, understandings and responses. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 29. pp. 165-179. ISSN 0959-3780

Clare, Abbie, Barnes, Andrew, Mcdonagh, John and Shackley, Simon (2014) From rhetoric to reality: farmer perspectives on the economic potential of biochar in China. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 12 (4). pp. 440-458. ISSN 1473-5903

Clark, K. E., Torres, M. A., West, A. J., Hilton, R. G., New, M., Horwath, A. B., Fisher, J. B., Rapp, J. M., Caceres, A. Robles and Malhi, Y. (2014) The hydrological regime of a forested tropical Andean catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), 18 (12). pp. 5377-5397. ISSN 1027-5606

Clist, Paul (2014) Foreign Aid and Domestic Taxation: Multiple Sources, One Conclusion.

Clist, Paul and Dercon, Stefan (2014) 12 Principles for Payment by Results (PbR) in International Development.

Cole, Megan J., Bailey, Richard M. and New, Mark G. (2014) Tracking sustainable development with a national barometer for South Africa using a downscaled "safe and just space" framework. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (42). E4399-E4408. ISSN 0027-8424

Conker, Ahmet (2014) An Enhanced notion of power for inter-state and transnational hydropolitics: An Analysis of Turkish- Syrian Water Relations and the Ilısu Dam Conflict between the Opponents and Proponents of the Dam. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Coolsaet, Brendan and Pitseys, John (2014) Biodiversité et ressources génétiques: la Belgique et le Protocole de Nagoya. Courrier hebdomadaire / Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politiques. pp. 5-32. ISSN 1782-141X


D'Exelle, Ben (2014) Representative Sampling. In: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-0754-2

D'Exelle, Ben and van den Berg, Marrit (2014) Aid distribution and cooperation in unequal communities. Review of Income and Wealth, 60 (1). pp. 114-132. ISSN 0034-6586

De Matteis, Alessandro (2014) Preferred form of food assistance in remote resource-poor areas:The case of arid lands in Kenya. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 6 (2). pp. 167-195. ISSN 1943-9342

De Matteis, Alessandro (2014) Varied nutritional impact of the global food price crisis. Economics and Business Letters, 3 (3). pp. 166-176. ISSN 2254-4380

Deryng, Delphine, Conway, Declan, Ramankutty, Navin, Price, Jeff and Warren, Rachel (2014) Global crop yield response to extreme heat stress under multiple climate change futures. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (3). ISSN 1748-9326

Dillon, Andrew, Friedman, Jed and Serneels, Pieter (2014) Health information, treatment, and worker productivity : experimental evidence from malaria testing and treatment among Nigerian sugarcane cutters.

Duvendack, Maren (2014) Wir wissen nur, dass wir nichts wissen: Zur Beweislage über die Wirksamkeit von Mikrofinanzen. In: Rendite machen und Gutes tun? Mikrokredite und die Folgen neoliberaler Entwicklungspolitik. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt.

Duvendack, Maren, Palmer Jones, Richard and Vaessen, Jos (2014) Meta-analysis of the impact of microcredit on women’s control over household decisions: Methodological issues and substantive findings. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 6 (2). pp. 73-96. ISSN 1943-9342

Duvendack, Maren and Palmer-Jones, Richard (2014) Replication of Quantitative Work in Development Studies: Experiences and Suggestions. In: Methodological Challenges and New Approaches to Research in International Development. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 238-260. ISBN 9781137293619


Edwards, Lawrence and Jenkins, Rhys (2014) The margins of export competition:A new approach to evaluating the impact of China on South African exports to Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Policy Modeling, 36 (Supplement 1). S132-S150. ISSN 0161-8938

Esposito, Lucio (2014) Latin America in the XXI Century: Nations, Regionalism and Globalization: Review. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED, pp. 373-375.


Fezzi, Carlo, Bateman, Ian, Askew, Tom, Munday, Paul, Pascual, Unai, Sen, Antara and Harwood, Amii (2014) Valuing provisioning ecosystem services in agriculture: The impact of climate change on food production in the United Kingdom. Environmental and Resource Economics, 57 (2). pp. 197-214. ISSN 0924-6460


Garrett, Lucy (2014) The equity and efficiency of incentives to manage ecosystem services for natural resource conservation and rural development Case studies from Lombok, Indonesia and Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Gelcich, Stefan, Buckley, Paul, Pinnegar, John K., Chilvers, Jason, Lorenzoni, Irene, Terry, Geraldine, Guerrero, Matias, Castilla, Juan Carlos, Valdebenito, Abel and Duarte, Carlos M. (2014) Public awareness, concerns, and priorities about anthropogenic impacts on marine environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (42). 15042–15047. ISSN 0027-8424

Gentry, Bradford S., Sikor, Thomas, Auld, Graeme, Bebbington, Anthony J., Benjaminsen, Tor A., Hunsberger, Carol A., Izac, Anne Marie, Margulis, Matias E., Plieninger, Tobias, Schroeder, Heike and Upton, Caroline (2014) Changes in land-use governance in an urban era. In: Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era. MIT Press, pp. 239-271. ISBN 9780262026901

Gilberthorpe, Emma (2014) The Money Rain Phenomenon:Papua New Guinea Oil and the Resource Curse. In: Natural Resource Extraction and Indigenous Livelihoods: Development Challenges in an Era of Globalization. Ashgate Publishing, Surrey, pp. 75-92. ISBN 978-1-4094-3777-2

Gilberthorpe, Emma, Clarke, Sarah F. and Sillitoe, Paul (2014) Money Rain: The Resource Curse in Two Oil and Gas Economies. In: Sustainable Development: An Introduction Focusing on the Gulf Region. Berghahn Books, Oxford, pp. 153-177. ISBN 978-1-78238-371-0

Gilberthorpe, Emma and Hilson, Gavin (2014) Introduction. In: Natural Resource Extraction and Indigenous Livelihoods. Ashgate Publishing, Surrey, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-4094-3777-2

Guan, Dabo, Hubacek, Klaus, Tillotson, Martin, Zhao, Hongyan, Liu, Weidong, Liu, Zhu and Liang, Sai (2014) Lifting China's water spell. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (19). pp. 11048-11056. ISSN 0013-936X

Guan, Dabo, Klasen, Stephan, Hubacek, Klaus, Feng, Kuishuang, Liu, Zhu, He, Kebin, Geng, Yong and Zhang, Qiang (2014) Determinants of stagnating carbon intensity in China. Nature Climate Change, 4 (11). pp. 1017-1023. ISSN 1758-678X

Guan, Dabo, Lin, Jintai, Davis, Steven J., Pan, Da, He, Kebin, Wang, Can, Wuebbles, Donald J., Streets, David G. and Zhang, Qiang (2014) Reply to Lopez et al.:Consumption-based accounting helps mitigate global air pollution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (26). ISSN 0027-8424

Guan, Dabo, Su, Xin, Zhang, Qiang, Peters, Glen P., Liu, Zhu, Lei, Yu and He, Kebin (2014) The socioeconomic drivers of China’s primary PM2.5 emissions. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (2). ISSN 1748-9326

Guichaoua, Yvan (2014) Tuareg Militancy and the Sahelian Shock Waves of the Libya Revolution. In: The Libyan Revolution and its Aftermath. C. Hurst & Co..


Halimanjaya, Aidy Steveany (2014) Global Climate Mitigation Finance: The Determinants of its Provision and Allocation. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Hissen, Nina F. (2014) The Influence of Policy Discourses on multilevel water governance: a case study of the Equatorial Nile Basin. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Hoechner, Hannah (2014) Experiencing inequality at close range: Almajiri students and Qur'anic schools in Kano. In: Sects and social disorder: Muslim identities and conflict in northern Nigeria. James Currey Publications, pp. 98-125. ISBN 9781847011596

Hoechner, Hannah (2014) Traditional Qur’anic students (almajirai) in Nigeria: Fair game for unfair accusations? In: Boko Haram: Islamism, politics, security and the state in Nigeria. African Studies Centre Leiden, pp. 63-84. ISBN 978-90-5448-135-5

Huang, Zhen, Pan, Yuanjia, Chao, Yimin, Shen, Wei, Wang, Changchun and Xu, Hualong (2014) Triazaheterocyclic compound as an efficient catalyst for dehydration of fructose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. RSC Advances, 4 (26). pp. 13434-13437. ISSN 2046-2069

Huo, Hong, Zhang, Qiang, Guan, Dabo, Su, Xin, Zhao, Hongyan and He, Kebin (2014) Examining air pollution in China using production- and consumption-based emissions accounting approaches. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (24). pp. 14139-14147. ISSN 0013-936X


Iversen, Vegard, Kalwij, Adriaan, Verschoor, Arjan and Dubey, Amaresh (2014) Caste dominance and economic performance in rural India. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 62 (3). pp. 423-457. ISSN 1539-2988


Jalles D Orey, Maria Ana (2014) Does health aid work? A multilevel analysis. In: Royal Economic Society, 2014-01-11, UCL, London.

Jalles D Orey, Maria Ana (2014) Are Aid Agencies Really Willing to Coordinate? Reality and Prescription Disputed. In: NOVAFRICA- NOVA SBE Research Seminars, 2014-05-09.

Jenkins, Rhys (2014) Chinese competition and Brazilian exports of manufactures. Oxford Development Studies, 42 (3). pp. 395-418. ISSN 1360-0818

Jia, Xiangping, Lu, Yuelai, Chadwick, David, Norse, David, Powlson, David, Zhang, Fusuo and Huang, Jikun (2014) Contribution of improved nitrogen fertilizer use to development of a low carbon economy in China. World Agriculture.

Jones, Ben (2014) Pentecostalism and Development in sub-Saharan Africa:In the Office and in the Village. In: Pentecostalism in Africa. Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies . Brill, pp. 248-269. ISBN 978-90-04-28187-5

Joy, Edward J M, Ander, E Louise, Young, Scott D, Black, Colin R, Watts, Michael J, Chilimba, Allan D C, Chilima, Benson, Siyame, Edwin W P, Kalimbira, Alexander A, Hurst, Rachel, Fairweather-Tait, Susan J, Stein, Alexander J, Gibson, Rosalind S, White, Philip J and Broadley, Martin R (2014) Dietary mineral supplies in Africa. Physiologia Plantarum, 151 (3). pp. 208-229. ISSN 0031-9317

Jukes, Matthew C. H., Jere, Catherine M. and Pridmore, Pat (2014) Evaluating the provision of flexible learning for children at risk of primary school dropout in Malawi. International Journal of Educational Development, 39. pp. 181-192. ISSN 0738-0593


Kebede, Bereket (2014) Rational Choice Theory. In: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-0754-2

Kebede, Bereket, Tarazona, Marcela, Munro, Alistair and Verschoor, Arjan (2014) Intra-household efficiency: An experimental study from Ethiopia. Journal of African Economies, 23 (1). pp. 105-150. ISSN 0963-8024


Lawson, E., Thorne, C., Ahilan, S., Allen, D., Arthur, S., Everett, G., Fenner, R., Glenis, V., Guan, D., Hoang, L., Kilsby, C., Lamond, J., Mant, J., Maskrey, S., Mount, N., Sleigh, A., Smith, L. and Wright, N. (2014) Delivering and evaluating the multiple flood risk benefits in Blue-Green cities:An interdisciplinary approach. In: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. WITPress, POL, pp. 113-124. ISBN 9781845647841

Lees, Shelley, Zalwango, Flavia, Andrew, Bahati, Vandepitte, Judith, Seeley, Janet, Hayes, Richard J. and Francis, Suzanna C. (2014) Understanding motives for intravaginal practices amongst Tanzanian and Ugandan women at high risk of HIV infection:The embodiment of social and cultural norms and well-being. Social Science and Medicine, 102. pp. 165-173. ISSN 0277-9536

Lin, Jintai, Pan, Da, Davis, Steven J., Zhang, Qiang, He, Kebin, Wang, Can, Streets, David G., Wuebbles, Donald J. and Guan, Dabo (2014) China’s international trade and air pollution in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 111 (5). pp. 1736-1741. ISSN 0027-8424

Lindner, Sören and Guan, Dabo (2014) A hybrid-unit energy input-output model to evaluate embodied energy and life cycle emissions for China’s Economy. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 18 (2). pp. 201-211. ISSN 1530-9290

Linton, Jamie and Budds, Jessica (2014) The hydrosocial cycle: Defining and mobilizing a relational-dialectical approach to water. Geoforum, 57. pp. 170-180. ISSN 0016-7185

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter (2014) Beyond neglect: long-term care research in low and middle income countries. International Journal of Gerontology, 8 (2). 66–69. ISSN 1873-958X

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter (2014) Health and social protection policies for older people in Latin America. In: International Handbook on Ageing and Public Policy. Handbooks of Research on Public Policy . Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 217-226. ISBN 9780857933904

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter and Agrawal, Sutapa (2014) Pensions and the health of older people in South Africa: Is there an effect? Journal of Development Studies, 50 (11). pp. 1570-1586. ISSN 1743-9140

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter and Artaraz, Kepa (2014) Pension reform in Bolivia: two models of income security in old age. In: Reforming Pensions in Developing and Transition Countries. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 251-277. ISBN 978-1-137-39610-5

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter, Beard, John, Minicuci, Nadia, Ebrahim, Shah and Chatterji, Somnath (2014) Hypertension among older adults in low- and middle-income countries:prevalence, awareness and control. International Journal of Epidemiology, 43 (1). pp. 116-128. ISSN 0300-5771

Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter, Ebrahim, Shah and Grosskurth, Heiner (2014) Is hypertension the new HIV epidemic? International Journal of Epidemiology, 43 (1). pp. 8-10. ISSN 0300-5771

Locke, Catherine (2014) "A Mother who Stays but Cannot Provide for her Children is not as Good as Migrant People like us”:Migrant Mothers in Vietnam. In: The Cultural Politics of Reproduction: Migration, Health and Family Making. Berghahn, New York and Oxford, pp. 127-151. ISBN 978-1-78238-544-8

Locke, Catherine, Thi Thanh Tam, Nguyen and Thi Ngan Hoa, Nguyen (2014) Mobile householding and marital dissolution in Vietnam: An inevitable consequence? Geoforum, 51. 273–283. ISSN 0016-7185

Lomax, Jacob (2014) Wartime threats and displacement decisions: civilian self-protection strategies in the Battle for Abidjan. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Lutz, Wolfgang, Muttarak, Raya and Striessnig, Erich (2014) Universal education is key to enhanced climate adaptation. Science, 346 (6213). pp. 1061-1062. ISSN 0036-8075


MacKellar, Neil, New, Mark and Jack, Chris (2014) Observed and modelled trends in rainfall and temperature for South Africa: 1960-2010. South African Journal of Science, 110 (7-8). pp. 51-63. ISSN 0038-2353

Macedo Castillejos, Ignacio (2014) Understanding Development Bureaucracies: A Case Study of Mexico’s Rural Development Policy. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Maddox, Bryan (2014) Globalising assessment: an ethnography of literacy assessment, camels and fast food in the Mongolian Gobi. Comparative Education, 50 (4). pp. 474-489. ISSN 0305-0068

Marshall, Nadine Anne, Dowd, Anne-Maree, Fleming, Aysha, Gambley, Clair, Howden, Mark, Jakku, Emma, Larsen, Carl, Marshall, Paul Augustine, Moon, Katie, Park, Sarah and Thorburn, Peter John (2014) Transformational capacity in Australian peanut farmers for better climate adaptation. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 34 (3). pp. 583-591. ISSN 1774-0746

Martin, Adrian, Gross-Camp, Nicole, Kebede, Bereket and McGuire, Shawn (2014) Measuring effectiveness, efficiency and equity in a Payments for Ecosystem Services trial. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 28. 216–226. ISSN 0959-3780

Martin, Adrian, Gross-Camp, Nicole, Kebede, Bereket, McGuire, Shawn and Munyarukaza, Joseph (2014) Whose environmental justice? Exploring local and global perspectives in a payments for ecosystem services scheme in Rwanda. Geoforum, 54. pp. 167-177. ISSN 0016-7185

Martin, Faith, Russell, Steve and Seeley, Janet (2014) Higher quality of life and lower depression for people on ART in Uganda as compared to a community control group. PLoS One, 9 (8). ISSN 1932-6203

Matsue, Naomi, Daw, Tim and Garrett, Lucy (2014) Women fish traders on the Kenyan coast: Livelihoods, bargaining power, and participation in management. Coastal Management, 42 (6). pp. 531-554. ISSN 0892-0753

Mayston, Rosie, Guerra, Mariella, Huang, Yueqin, Sosa, Ana Luisa, Uwakwe, Richard, Acosta, Isaac, Ezeah, Peter, Gallardo, Sara, de Oca, Veronica Montes, Wang, Hong, Guerchet, Maëlenn, Liu, Zhaorui, Sanchez, Maria, Lloyd-Sherlock, Peter and Prince, Martin J (2014) Exploring the economic and social effects of care dependence in later life:protocol for the 10/66 research group INDEP study. SpringerPlus, 3. ISSN 2193-1801

McDonagh, John, Garcia Fajardo, Belina and P., Mireles Lezama (2014) Saberes y recursos comunitarios en la estragia de mejoramiento y conservacion de suelos agricolas mazahuas. In: Patrimonio ambiental y conocimiento local. UNSPECIFIED, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, pp. 205-239. ISBN 978-607-7588-89-4

Mcdonagh, John, Lu, Yuelai and Semalulu, Onesmus (2014) Adoption and adaptation of improved soil management practices in the Eastern Ugandan hills. Land Degradation & Development, 25 (1). pp. 58-70. ISSN 1085-3278

Meyer, Volker, Schwarze, Reimund, Becker, Nina, Markantonis, Vasileios, van den Bergh, Jeroen C. J. M., Bouwer, Laurens M., Bubeck, Philip, Ciavola, Paolo, Genovese, Elisabetta, Green, Colin, Hallegatte, Stephane, Kreibich, Heidi, Lequeux, Quentin, Logar, Ivana, Papyrakis, Elissaios, Pfurtscheller, Clemens, Poussin, Jennifer, Przyluski, Valentin, Thieken, Annegret H. and Viavattene, Christophe (2014) Assessing the Costs of Natural Hazards:State of the Art and the Way Forward. In: Hydrometeorological Hazards. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781118629574

Milner-Gulland, E. J., Mcgregor, J.A., Agarwala, M., Atkinson, G., Bevan, P., Clements, T., Daw, T., Homewood, K., Kumpel, N., Lewis, J., Mourato, S., Palmer Fry, B., Redshaw, M., Rowcliffe, J.m., Suon, S., Wallace, G., Washington, H. and Wilkie, D. (2014) Accounting for the impact of conservation on human well-being. Conservation Biology, 28 (5). 1160–1166. ISSN 0888-8892

Milner-Gulland, EJ, McGregor, J.A., Agarwala, Matthew, Atkinson, G, Bevan, Philippa, Clements, T., Daw, T, Homewood, K., Kumpel, N., Lewis, J., Mourato, S., Palmer Fry, B., Redshaw, M., Suon, S., Wallace, G., Washington, H. and Wilkie, D (2014) How can conservationists account for their impact on human well-being? Conservation Biology, 28 (5). 1160–1166. ISSN 0888-8892

Monteith, William (2014) Participant Observation in Urban Arenas: Uncovering Hidden Rules in a Ugandan Marketplace. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

Monteith, William (2014) Disciplining the market: The structure and function of governance in a Ugandan marketplace. In: African Studies Association of the UK Biennial Conference, 2014-09-10.

Monteith, William and Giesbert, Lena (2014) Perceptions of ‘Good Work’ in the Informal Urban Economy: Evidence from Burkina Faso, Uganda and Sri Lanka. In: EADI 14th General Conference: Responsible Development in a Polycentric World: Inequality, Citizenship and the Middle Classes, 2014-06-23.

Morris, Paul, Rao, Nitya and Sayed, Yusuf (2014) Converging and diverging comparisons. Compare, 44 (5). pp. 685-687. ISSN 0305-7925

Muniina, Pamela Nasirumbi, Seeley, Janet and Floyd, Sian (2014) Household Surveys — Using Qualitative Data to Enhance Our Understanding of Household Dynamics over Time. In: Methodological Challenges and New Approaches to Research in International Development. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 175-193. ISBN 978-1-349-45127-2

Munro, Alistair, Kebede, Bereket, Tarazona-Gomez, Marcela and Verschoor, Arjan (2014) Autonomy and efficiency: An experiment on household decisions in two regions of India. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 33. pp. 114-133.

Muttarak, Raya (2014) Generation, ethnic and religious diversity in friendship choice:Exploring interethnic close ties in Britain. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37 (1). pp. 71-98. ISSN 0141-9870

Muttarak, Raya and Lutz, Wolfgang (2014) Is education a key to reducing vulnerability to natural disasters and hence unavoidable climate change? Ecology and Society, 19 (1). ISSN 1708-3087

Myers, Rodd (2014) Multi-Scalar Access Analysis: Understanding How Benefits Are Shared in a Rattan Global Value Chain. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage Publications.

Myers, Rodd and Ardiansyah, Fitrian (2014) Who holds power in land use decisions? Implications for REDD+ in Indonesia. CIFOR InfoBrief, 100.


Natsuda, Kaoru and Thoburn, John (2014) How much policy space still exists under the WTO? A comparative study of the automotive industry in Thailand and Malaysia. Review of International Political Economy, 21 (6). pp. 1346-1377. ISSN 0969-2290

Neudorfer, Natascha S. and Theuerkauf, Ulrike G. (2014) Buying war not peace: The influence of corruption on the risk of ethnic war. Comparative Political Studies, 47 (13). pp. 1856-1886. ISSN 0010-4140

Neudorfer, Natascha S. and Theuerkauf, Ulrike G. (2014) Who controls the wealth? Electoral system design and ethnic war in resource-rich countries. Electoral Studies, 35 (3). pp. 171-187. ISSN 0261-3794

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