Items where School is "School of Education and Lifelong Learning

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Number of items: 89.


Acharya, Sushan, Jere, Catherine and Robinson-Pant, Anna (2019) Indigenous adult women, learning and social justice: Challenging deficit discourses in the current policy environment. Studies in the Education of Adults, 51 (2). pp. 268-289. ISSN 0266-0830

Aikman, Sheila and Robinson-Pant, Anna (2019) Indigenous women and adult learning:Towards a paradigm change? Studies in the Education of Adults, 51 (2). pp. 151-160. ISSN 0266-0830

Andrade, Alejandro, Maddox, Bryan, Edwards, David, Chopade, Pravin and Khan, Saad (2019) Quantitative Multimodal Interaction Analysis for the assessment of problem-solving skills in a collaborative online game. In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography - 1st International Conference, ICQE 2019, Proceedings. Communications in Computer and Information Science . Springer, USA, pp. 281-290. ISBN 9783030332310

Andrews, Richard (2019) The importance of rhetoric and argumentation to schools in England. Utbildning & Demokrati, 28 (2). pp. 77-92. ISSN 1102-6472

Aspin, Stephanie (2019) Poetry/Therapy. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.


Barrow, Charlotte and Westrup, Rebecca (2019) Writing Skills for Education Students. McMillan - Scott Pic.. ISBN 9781137610188

Bates, Agnieszka (2019) Character education and the 'priority of recognition'. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49 (6). pp. 695-710. ISSN 0305-764X

Bates, Agnieszka (2019) Readiness for School, time and ethics in educational practice. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 38 (4). pp. 411-426. ISSN 1573-191X

Bedston, Stuart, Hu, Yang, Philip, Georgia, Youansamouth, Lindsay, Brandon, Marian, Broadhurst, Karen and Clifton, John (2019) Understanding recurrent care proceedings: Competing risks of how mothers and fathers enter subsequent care proceedings in England. In: International Conference on Administrative Data Research 2019, 2019-12-09 - 2019-12-11.

Bedston, Stuart, Philip, Georgia, Youansamouth, Lindsay, Clifton, John, Broadhurst, Karen, Brandon, Marian and Hu, Yang (2019) Linked lives: Gender, family relations and recurrent care proceedings in England. Children and Youth Services Review, 105. ISSN 0190-7409

Bhavsar, Nikita, Ntoumanis, Nikos, Quested, Eleanor, Gucciardi, Daniel F., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie, Ryan, Richard M., Reeve, Johnmarshall, Sarrazin, Philippe and Bartholomew, Kimberley J. (2019) Conceptualizing and testing a new tripartite measure of coach interpersonal behaviors. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 44. pp. 107-120. ISSN 1469-0292

Biza, Irene (2019) Calculus as a discursive bridge for Algebra, Geometry and Analysis: The case of tangent line. In: Calculus in upper secondary and beginning university mathematics, 2019-08-06 - 2019-08-09, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.

Biza, Irene and Nardi, Elena (2019) MathTASK και CAPTeaM: συγκεκριμένες καταστάσεις απο την τάξη ως άναυσμα για διδακτικό αναστοχασμό. In: 8ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ένωσης Ερευνητών της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών (Εν.Ε.Δι.Μ.). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 758-760. ISBN 978-9925-580-79-8

Biza, Irene and Nardi, Elena (2019) Scripting the experience of mathematics teaching: The value of student teacher participation in identifying and reflecting on critical classroom incidents. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 9 (1). pp. 43-56. ISSN 2046-8253

Brownsword, Sarah (2019) Preparing primary trainee teachers to teach children from Black, Asian and other minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds or groups: participation, experiences and perceptions of trainee teachers. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (2). pp. 39-44. ISSN 2054-5266

Buck, Ellen (2019) Locating learning within children’s perceptions of present and future selves: a phenomenological study using funds of identity. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Buckner, Stefanie, Darlington, Nicole, Woodward, Michael, Buswell, Marina, Mathie, Elspeth, Arthur, Antony, Lafortune, Louise, Killett, Anne, Mayrhofer, Andrea, Thurman, John and Goodman, Claire (2019) Dementia friendly communities in England: A scoping study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 34 (8). pp. 1235-1243. ISSN 0885-6230

Byram, Michael, Porto, Melina and Yulita, Leticia (2019) Education for Intercultural Citizenship. In: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education. Routledge. ISBN 9780815368434


Cator, Angela (2019) The Inclusion Paradox - An Examination of Travellers’ Place in an East Coast High School. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Craske, James, Dyer, Harry and Loschmann, Janis (2019) Response to House of Lords Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technologies. UNSPECIFIED.


Devonish, Peter (2019) Head-to-head: school leaders’ perceptions of excellence in high-performing secondary schools and academies in England. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Devonport, Tracey J., Leflay, Kath and Russell, Katrina (2019) Examining the construction of identity among high performance male and female athletes using photography. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 11 (5). pp. 720-739. ISSN 2159-676X

Devonport, Tracey J., Russell, Kate, Leflay, Kath and Conway, Jennifer (2019) Gendered performances and identity construction among UK female soccer players and netballers: a comparative study. Sport in Society, 22 (7). pp. 1131-1147. ISSN 1743-0437


Elliott, John (2019) Quality criteria for lesson and learning studies as forms of action research. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 9 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2046-8253

Elliott, John (2019) Some critical issues posed by ‘Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics’ from a Western Perspective. In: Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics: an international perspective. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-04031-4

Elliott, John (2019) A Western Perspective. In: Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics. Theory and Practice of Lesson Study in Mathematics . Springer, pp. 785-801. ISBN 978-3-030-04030-7

Elliott, John (2019) What is lesson study? European Journal of Education, 54 (2). pp. 175-188. ISSN 0141-8211

Elliott, John and Austin, Lucy (2019) The conceptualisation and impact of a post-graduate course in lesson and learning study. Educational Action Research, 27 (4). pp. 460-480. ISSN 0965-0792


F Mudin, Vivemarlyne (2019) An Investigation into English Teachers’ Understandings and Practices of Formative Assessment in the Malaysian Primary ESL Classroom: Three Case Studies. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Fox, Chris, Hammond, Simon P., Shepstone, Lee, Poland, Fiona, MacLullich, Alasdair, Cross, Jane, John Knapp, Martin Richard, Henderson, Cate, Sahota, Opinda, Penhale, Bridget, Backhouse, Tamara, Boustani, Malaz A., Howard, Robert J., Ballard, Clive and Teale, Elizabeth (2019) Dementia hospital care research programme: Peri-operative enhanced recovery hip fracture care of patients with dementia (perfected) - cluster randomised control trial results. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 15 (7). P1565. ISSN 1552-5260

Fox, Chris, Howard, Robert J., Ballard, Clive, Cross, Jane, Poland, Fiona, John Knapp, Martin Richard, Henderson, Cate, Teale, Elizabeth, Penhale, Bridget, Sahota, Opinda, Hammond, Simon P., Shepstone, Lee, Backhouse, Tamara and Maclullich, Alasdair (2019) Peri-operative enhanced recovery hip fracture care of patients with dementia (perfected): RCT results. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 15 (7). P1448. ISSN 1552-5260


González-Martín, Alejandro S., Biza, Irene, Cooper, Jason, Ghedamsi, Imène, Gueudet, Ghislaine, Mesa, Vilma, Pinto, Alon and Viirman, Olov (2019) Introduction to the papers of TWG14: University Mathematics Education. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME, pp. 2400-2407. ISBN 9789073346758

González-Martín, Alejandro S., Mesa, Vilma, Monaghan, John and Nardi, Elena (2019) Breaking out of inertia: How can curriculum, pedagogy and assessment celebrate a more dynamic experience of calculus? In: Calculus in upper secondary and beginning university mathematics, 2019-08-06 - 2019-08-09, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.

Gordon, John (2019) Literacy Across the Curriculum. In: Preparing To Teach In Secondary Schools. UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP (Fourth). Open University Press, Maidenhead. ISBN 9780335227129

Gordon, John (2019) Literacy Across the Curriculum. In: Preparing to Teach in Secondary Schools. Open University Press, London. ISBN 9780335227129

Gordon, John (2019) Pedagogic Literary Narration in theory and action. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 19. pp. 1-31. ISSN 1573-1731

Gourlay, Helen (2019) Supporting the development of preservice science teachers’ reflectivity using action learning and the diagnostic teaching cycle: A case study. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.


Hanemann, Ulrike (2019) Indigenous women’s perceptions of the Mexican bilingual and intercultural education model. Studies in the Education of Adults, 51 (2). pp. 232-249. ISSN 0266-0830

Haydn, Terence (2019) Triangulation in history education research - and its limitations: a view from the UK. History Education Research Journal, 16 (1). pp. 35-49. ISSN 2631-9713

Hinchliffe, Geoffrey (2019) Sartre’s analysis of anti-Semitism and its relevance for today. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51 (1). pp. 97-106. ISSN 0013-1857

Hyland, K and Jiang, K (2019) Academic discourse and global publishing:Disciplinary persuasion in changing times. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780429433962

Hyland, Ken (2019) Foreword:Bringing in the reader. In: Engagement in Professional Genres. Engagement in Professional Genres . John Benjamins Publishing Company, xi-xiv.

Hyland, Ken (2019) Interpersonality and teacher-written feedback. In: Feedback in second language writing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 165-183. ISBN 978-1-108-43997-8

Hyland, Ken and Jiang, Feng (Kevin) (2019) Academic lexical bundles: How are they changing? International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 23 (4). 383–407. ISSN 1384-6655

Hyland, Ken and Jiang, Feng (Kevin) (2019) Points of reference: Changing patterns of academic citation. Applied Linguistics, 40 (1). 64–85. ISSN 0142-6001

Hyland, Ken (2019) Academic interaction: Where’s it all going? In: Specialized English: New Directions in ESP and EAP Research and Practice. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-1-138-58877-6

Hyland, Ken (2019) Participating in publishing: The Demoralising Discourse of Disadvantage. In: Novice writers an scholarly publication. UNSPECIFIED, London, pp. 13-24. ISBN 978-3-319-95332-8

Hyland, Ken (2019) Second Language Writing. Cambridge University Press, New York. ISBN 978-1-108-45641-8

Hyland, Ken (2019) What messages do students take from feedback? In: Feedback in second language writing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 265-284. ISBN 978-1-108-43997-8


Jandre, Juliana and Viana, Vander (2019) An English as a foreign language test for reading, writing, and cultural diversity awareness for high-school students. In: Tests that second language teachers make and use. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 129-155. ISBN 978-1-5275-3901-3

Jennings-Tallant, Laura (2019) ‘Let the Wild Rumpus Start!’. Using Carnival as a Metaphor to Highlight the Pedagogical Significance of Young Children’s Humor. In: Research on Young Children's Humor. Educating the Young Child . Springer Nature, pp. 203-221. ISBN 978-3-030-15201-7

Jones, David and Spicer, Sally (2019) Science capital in primary PGCE students: Factors influencing its development and its impact on science teaching. Science Teacher Education (85). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1756-915X

Jones, David and Spicer, Sally (2019) One year on - Science capital in primary PGCE students: Factors influencing its development and its impact on science teaching. Association for Science Education International (85). p. 9.


Kanellos, Ioannis, Nardi, Elena and Biza, Irene (2019) Η ετοιμότητα των μαθητών για τη μαθηματική απόδειξη: Eνδείξεις από μια «δύσκολη» ερώτηση. In: 8ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ένωσης Ερευνητών της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών (Εν.Ε.Δι.Μ.). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 428-436. ISBN 978-9925-580-79-8

Kayali, Lina and Biza, Irene (2019) ‘Balancing’ the ‘live’ use of resources towards the introduction of the iterative numerical method. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME, pp. 3648-3655.

Kayali, Lina (2019) Mathematics teachers’ work with resources: four cases of secondary teachers using technology. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Kirk, Rachel (2019) A Plumber Who Teaches or Teacher of Plumbing? A study to inform a strategy for teacher learning and development, designed to provide opportunity for personalised learning and growth of dual professionalism, whilst also enabling achievement of the strategic plan and vision for a college of general further education in Suffolk. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.


Lake, Elizabeth (2019) ‘Playing it safe’ or ‘throwing caution to the wind’: Risk-taking and emotions in a mathematics classroom. Lumat: International Journal of Math, Science and Technology Education, 7 (2). pp. 50-64.

Leavey, Nick, Hammond, Simon P., Shepstone, Lee, Cross, Jane, Zetterberg, Henrik, Cunningham, Colm, MacLullich, Alasdair, Otto, Leiv, Minihane, Anne-Marie, Ballard, Clive, Knapskog, Anne-Brita, Hall, Roanna, Howard, Gregory, Hammond, Matt and Fox, Chris (2019) Study Protocol: ASCRIBED: The impact of Acute SystematiC inflammation upon cerebRospinal fluId and blood BiomarkErs of brain inflammation and injury in Dementia: a study in acute hip fracture patients. BMC Neurology, 19. ISSN 1471-2377

Lebeau, Yann (2019) Field of Higher Education Research, Africa. In: Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer. ISBN 978-94-017-8904-2

Leeder, Thomas (2019) Foucault and pastoral power:Implications for formalised sports coach mentoring. In: Exploring Research in Sports Coaching and Pedagogy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 111-120. ISBN 978-1-5275-2828-4

Leeder, Thomas (2019) Learning to mentor in sports coaching: a design thinking approach, edited by Fiona C. Chambers, London, Routledge, 2018, 252 pp., £105.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-138-04453-1. Sport, Education and Society, 24 (2). pp. 208-211. ISSN 1357-3322

Leeder, Thomas (2019) You need to be a certain kind of person: Learning to ‘become’ a community coach mentor. In: Sports coaching in the community: Developing knowledge and insight. Manchester Metropolitan Publishers, Manchester, pp. 33-48.

Leeder, Thomas M., Russell, Kate and Beaumont, Lee C. (2019) Developing sports coaches as mentors: A Bourdieusian analysis. In: Cluster for Research into Coaching (CRiC) 5th International Coaching Conference, 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-05.

Leeder, Thomas M., Russell, Kate and Beaumont, Lee C. (2019) "Learning the hard way": Understanding the workplace learning of sports coach mentors. International Sport Coaching Journal, 6 (3). pp. 263-273. ISSN 2328-9198

Luo, Na and Hyland, Ken (2019) “I won't publish in Chinese now”: Publishing, translation and the non-English speaking academic. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 39. pp. 37-47. ISSN 1475-1585


Millora, Christopher (2019) Reciprocity as research ethics. Convivial Thinking blog.

Minott, Mark (2019) Reflective teaching, inclusive teaching and the teacher's tasks in the inclusive classroom: a literary investigation. British Journal of Special Education, 46 (2). pp. 226-238. ISSN 0952-3383


Nardi, Elena and Rasmussen, Chris (2019) Teaching Practices at University Level. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education. Springer, pp. 1-5.

Newman, James (2019) "What happens in the changing room, stays in the changing room." Unearthing bullying, banter, teasing and victimisation in men's professional football. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.


Odindo, Fredrick (2019) Introducing Learning Study approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics in Kenyan secondary schools. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.


Papadaki, Evi (2019) Mapping out different discourses of mathematical horizon. In: Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. UNSPECIFIED.

Papageorgiou, Ifigenia, Copland, Fiona, Viana, Vander, Bowker, David and Moran, Edward (2019) Teaching practice in UK ELT Master's programmes. ELT Journal, 73 (2). pp. 154-165. ISSN 0951-0893

Petropoulou, Georgia, Mali, Aggeliki and Biza, Irene (2019) Οι ερευνητές μαθηματικοί στη διδακτική πράξη: Δυνατότητες και προοπτικές για την εκπαίδευση των μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών. In: 8ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ένωσης Ερευνητών της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών (Εν.Ε.Δι.Μ.). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 170-178.

Priyadharshini, Esther (2019) Anticipating the apocalypse: Monstrous educational futures. Futures, 113. ISSN 0016-3287

Prostrollo, Danielle (2019) More than the practice room: exploring the conservatoire student experience. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Psycharis, George, Biza, Irene, Papadopoulos, George, Potari, Despina and Sakonidis, Charalampos (2019) Η μαθηματική πρόκληση στη σχολική τάξη και στην εκπαιίδευση εκπαιδευτικών. In: 8ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο της Ένωσης Ερευνητών της Διδακτικής των Μαθηματικών (Εν.Ε.Δι.Μ.). UNSPECIFIED, pp. 822-846. ISBN 978-9925-580-79-8


Skinner, James (2019) An Evaluation of International Mindedness as a Curriculum Aim: the case of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Fenton Hall. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Smith, Teresa (2019) Puppetry and playfulness:The role of the teacher when using arts organisations and programmes in schools. Impact, 7. ISSN 2398-7073

Steel, N., Ford, J., Lenaghan, L., Salter, C., Shiner, A., Murdoch, J., Clark, A. and Turner, D. (2019) Goal setting for patients with multimorbidity in primary care: A cluster randomised feasibility trial. Age and Ageing, 48 (Supplement_1). i27–i30. ISSN 0002-0729

Stevenson, Jacqueline, O'Mahony, Joan, Khan, Omar, Ghaffar, Farhana and Stiell, Bernadette (2019) Understanding and overcoming the challenges of targeting students from under-represented and disadvantaged ethnic backgrounds. Office for Students.

Stylianidou, Angeliki and Nardi, Elena (2019) Mathematical discourses of a teacher and a visually impaired pupil on number sequences: Divergence, convergence or both? In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11). Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME, Utrecht, the Netherlands, pp. 4688-4695.

Stylianidou, Angeliki and Nardi, Elena (2019) Tactile construction of mathematical meaning: Benefits for visually impaired and sighted pupils. In: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. UNSPECIFIED, South Africa, University of Pretoria, pp. 343-350.


Thoma, Athina and Nardi, Elena (2019) Linear stability or graphical analysis? Routines and visual mediation in students' responses to a stability of dynamical systems exam task. In: UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)

Thoma, G. and Biza, Eirini (2019) Problem-solving techniques in the context of an educational video game: The mudwall puzzle in Zoombinis. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME, pp. 2977-2984.

Titchiner, Beth (2019) A New Epistemic and Methodological Approach to the Study of Violence. In: The Epistemology of Violence. Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice . Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 19-42. ISBN 978-3-030-12910-1


Viana, Vander and Zyngier, Sonia (2019) Creative writing and iconicity in English as a foreign language. New Writing, 16 (1). pp. 38-49. ISSN 1479-0726

Viirman, Olov and Nardi, Elena (2019) Negotiating different disciplinary discourses: biology students’ ritualized and exploratory participation in mathematical modeling activities. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101 (2). 233–252. ISSN 0013-1954


Zou, Hang and Hyland, Ken (2019) Reworking research: interactions in academic articles and blogs. Discourse Studies, 21 (6). pp. 713-733. ISSN 1461-4456

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