Items where School is "School of Art, Media and American Studies (former - to 2024)

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Status | No Grouping
Number of items: 106.


Tillett, Rebecca, ed. (2014) Howling for Justice:New Perspectives on Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead. Arizona University Press, Arizona.

(2014) London: City of Paradox. UNSPECIFIED.

Haenni, Sabine, Barrow, Sarah and White, John, eds. (2014) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Films. Routledge. ISBN 9780415688932

Antunes, Filipa (2014) Children and Horror after PG-13: The Case of The Gate. Networking Knowledge, 6 (4). ISSN 1755-9944

Arnold, Dana (2014) Construire la modernité urbaine: la concession britannique à Tianjin 1860-2014. Outre-Mers, 382-383. pp. 89-102.

Atakav, Eylem (2014) "Do one’s dreams become smaller as one becomes bigger?" Memory, Trauma and the Child in Turkish Cinema. In: New Cinema, New Media: Reinventing Turkish Cinema. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 158-165. ISBN 978-1-4438-5688-1

Atakav, Eylem (2014) Dorothy Arzner (1897-1979). In: Fifty Hollywood Directors. Routledge. ISBN 9780415501408

Aveyard, Karina (2014) The Lure of the Big Screen:Cinema in Rural Australia and the United Kingdom. Intellect Books, Bristol and Chicago. ISBN 9781783203826

Barrow, Sarah (2014) Out of the shadows: ‘New’ Peruvian cinema, national identity and political violence. Modern Languages Open. ISSN 2052-5397

Bigsby, Christopher (2014) Ballygoran. Colney Books, Norwich. ISBN 9781505468205

Brogiolo, Gian Pietro and Dallemule, Morena (2014) Wall-paintings in the Hermitage of San Colombano, Trambileno, near Rovereto, Val d’Adige. In: Chiese altomedievali in Trentino e arco alpino orientale. Edizioni Quasar, pp. 99-114.

Brogiolo, Gian Pietro, Gheroldi, Vincenzo, De Rubeis, Flavia and Mitchell, John (2014) Nuove ricerche sul sequenza, cronologia, e contesto degli affreschi di Santa Maria foris portas di Castelseprio. Hortus Artium Medievalium, 20 (2). pp. 720-737.

Carruthers, William (2014) A Review of ‘Dialogues with the Dead: Egyptology in British Culture and Religion, 1822–1922’. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, 24. ISSN 2047-6930

Challis, Ben, D'Arcy, Geraint, Dean, Robert, Hand, Richard, Smith, Rob and Traynor, Mary (2014) Wireless zombies! A re-creation of Golden Age radio drama for a contemporary audience. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 34 (3). pp. 252-259. ISSN 1468-2761

Clark, Christopher W. (2014) Angels and Demons:Responses to HIV/AIDS in Contemporary American Literature. In: GLITS: 'Cardiovascular Culture: Responses to HIV/AIDS in Contemporary American Literature', 2014-03-13, Seminar Room A, Ground Floor, Warmington Tower, Goldsmiths.

Clark, Christopher W. (2014) Visiting the Body Artist:Bodily borders in Don DeLillo's The Body Artist. In: Textual Embodiment: Literature, the Body and Psychoanalysis, 2014-08-05, Small Cinema, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths.

Clarke, Joanne (2014) Cyprus During the Neolithic Period. In: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 177-193. ISBN 978-0-19-921297-2

Collings, Beccy (2014) #selfiecontrol: @CAZWELLnyc and the role of the ironic selfie in transmedia celebrity self-promotion. Celebrity Studies, 5 (4). pp. 511-513. ISSN 1939-2397

Cornea, Christine (2014) Re-viewing 'Survivors' (BBC, 1975-77): Gender, genre and national anxiety. Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 31 (5). pp. 401-414. ISSN 1543-5326

D'Arcy, Geraint (2014) ‘Essentially, another man’s woman’: Information and gender in the novel and adaptations of John le Carré’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Adaptation, 7 (3). pp. 275-290. ISSN 1755-0645

Dare-Edwards, Helena Louise (2014) ‘Shipping bullshit’: Twitter rumours, fan/celebrity interaction and questions of authenticity. Celebrity Studies, 5 (4). pp. 521-524. ISSN 1939-2397

De Jong, Ferdinand (2014) Archiving after Empire:Saint-Louis and its Sufi Counter-Memory. Francosphères, 3 (1). pp. 25-41. ISSN 2046-3820

De Jong, Ferdinand and Murphy, David (2014) Introduction:Archiving the Postcolonial City. Francosphères, 3 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2046-3820

De Jong, Ferdinand, Quinn, Brian and Bach, Jean-Nicolas (2014) Ruines d'Utopies:L’École William Ponty et L’Université du Futur africain. Politique africaine, 135. pp. 71-94.

Denison, Rayna (2014) Franchising and Failure:Discourses of Failure within the Japanese-American Speed Racer Franchise. In: Mechademia. UNSPECIFIED, Minneapolis, pp. 269-281. ISBN 0816695350

Denison, Rayna (2014) Japanese and Korean Film Franchising and Adaptation:Editor's Introduction. Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema, 6 (2). pp. 105-117. ISSN 1756-4905

Emmett, Hilary (2014) One of these things (is and) is not like the others: Comparative Australian-American Studies and ‘Enchanted’ Pedagogy. Australasian Journal of American Studies, 33 (2). pp. 121-137. ISSN 0705-7113

Emmett, Hilary (2014) A Valediction Forbidding Mo’nin?: Beloved Revisited. In: Living Language, Living Memory. Södertörns Högskola, Huddinge, pp. 95-106. ISBN 978-91-86069-95-7

Grant, Nicholas (2014) Crossing the Black Atlantic: The global Antiapartheid movement and the racial politics of the Cold War. Radical History Review, 2014 (119). pp. 72-93. ISSN 0163-6545

Grant, Nicholas (2014) Shawn Leigh Alexander, An Army of Lions: The Civil Rights Struggle before the NAACP. Politics and Culture in Modern America (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012, $49.95). Pp. 408. ISBN 978 0 8122 4375 8. Journal of American Studies, 48 (1). ISSN 0021-8758

Greene, Fred L., Johnston, Keith M and Vollans, Ed (2014) Would I lie to you? Researching audience attitudes to, and uses of, the promotional trailer format. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 10 (1). pp. 109-116. ISSN 2040-0918

Haider, Syed (2014) Shooting Muslims:Looking at Islam in Bollywood through a Postcolonial Lens. In: Postcolonialism and Islam. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781138377387

Hair, Ross (2014) Models of order: Form and cosmos in the poetry of Ian Hamilton Finlay and Ronald Johnson. Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 56 (2, Summer). pp. 181-225.

Hair, Ross (2014) Thick as trees: Kinship and place in transatlantic small press poetry networks. Anglophonia/Caliban, 35. pp. 159-177.

Hakim, Jamie, Gupta, Rahila and Cardullo, Paolo (2014) Sociology, Politics, Thinking and Acting: a festschrift for Nira Yuval-Davis. Centre for research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging.

Hamad, Hannah (2014) Conference Report: Sex and the City Ten Years On: Landmark Television and its Legacy. CST Online.

Hamad, Hannah (2014) ‘Don't let him take Britain back to the 1980s’: Ashes to Ashes as postfeminist recession television. Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 28 (2). pp. 201-212. ISSN 1030-4312

Hamad, Hannah (2014) Fairy Jobmother to the Rescue?:Postfeminism and the Recessionary Cultures of Reality TV. In: Gendering the Recession. Duke University Press, Durham and London, pp. 223-245. ISBN 978-0-8223-5696-7

Hamad, Hannah (2014) Paternalising the Rejuvenation of Later Life Masculinity in Twenty- First Century Film. In: Ageing, Popular Culture and Contemporary Feminism. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 78-92. ISBN 978-1-137-37652-7

Hand, Richard (2014) Listen in Terror:British Horror Radio from the Advent of Broadcasting to the Digital Age. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-8148-4

Hand, Richard J. (2014) Conrad adapted. In: The New Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107610378

Hand, Richard J. and Purssell, Andrew (2014) Adapting Graham Greene. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780230579040

Harrison, Rebecca (2014) Inside the cinema train: Britain, Empire and modernity in the Twentieth Century. Film History, 26 (4). pp. 32-57. ISSN 1553-3905

Heslop, T. A. (2014) St Anselm and the Good Samaritan Window at Canterbury Cathedral. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 77. pp. 1-33. ISSN 0075-4390

Holmes, Su (2014) ‘You don’t need influence … all you need is your first opportunity!’: The Early Broadcast Talent Show and the BBC. Critical Studies in Television, 9 (1). pp. 23-42. ISSN 1749-6039

Jancovich, Mark (2014) 'Cue the Shrieking Virgins':The Critical Reception of the Twilight Saga. In: Screening Twlight. International Library of the Moving Image . I B Tauris, London, pp. 26-39. ISBN 9781780766652

Jancovich, Mark (2014) Horror in the 1940s. In: A Companion to the Horror Film. Wiley, Oxford, pp. 237-254. ISBN 9780470672600

Jancovich, Mark (2014) “Hot Profits out of Cold Shivers!”:Horror, the First Run Market, and the Hollywood Studios, 1938-42. In: Merchants of Menace. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781623564209

Jancovich, Mark (2014) “There’s Nothing So Wrong with a Hollywood Script that a Bunch of Giant CGI Scorpions Can’t Solve”:Politics, Computer Generated Images and Camp in the Critical Reception of the Post-Gladiator Historical Epics. In: The Return of the Epic Film. Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748684021

Johnston, Keith M (2014) Sound and (no) Vision:Locating the Radio Trailer. Music, Sound and the Moving Image, 8 (2). pp. 163-178. ISSN 1753-0768

Johnston, Keith M. (2014) Reclaiming the 'Vanilla' DVD: Brand packaging and the case of Ealing Studies. Screen, 55 (1). ISSN 0036-9543

Keller, Jessalynn (2014) Fiercely Real?:Tyra Banks and the making of new media celebrity. Feminist Media Studies, 14 (1). pp. 147-164. ISSN 1468-0777

Kohlert, Frederik (2014) Brown, Chester; Cruse, Howard; Doucet, Julie; Drawn & Quarterly; I Never Liked You; Louis Riel; Matt, Joe; Stuck Rubber Baby. In: Comics Through Time. Greenwood Publishing Group, Santa Barbara. ISBN 978-0-313-39750-9

Kramer, Peter (2014) 2001, l’odyssee de l’espace. Paris: G3J Editeur.

Kramer, Peter (2014) 2001: A Space Odyssey: The Ultimate Spectacle. UNSPECIFIED, Pure Movies

Kramer, Peter (2014) Disney, George Lucas und Pixar: Animation und die US-amerikanische Filmindustrie seit den 1970er Jahren. Film Konzepte, 33. ISSN 1861-9622

Kramer, Peter (2014) Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. British Film Institute, London. ISBN 9781844577781

Kramer, Peter (2014) Gravity's Pull. UNSPECIFIED, ThinkingFilmCollective Blogspot

Kramer, Peter (2014) The Making of an International Star:The Early Film Career and Star Image of Audrey Hepburn, 1948-1954. In: Fan Phenomena: Audrey Hepburn. Intellect. ISBN 9781783202065

Kramer, Peter (2014) Polish translation of “’Dear Mr. Kubrick’: Audience Responses to 2001: A Space Odyssey in the Late 1960s” (first published in Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, November 2009). In: Badanie widowni filmowej - antologia przekladow. Wydawnictwo PWSFTviT.

Krcma, Ed (2014) Tacita Dean and Still Life. Art History, 37 (5). pp. 960-977. ISSN 1467-8365

Krcma, Ed (2014) Wols and Smallness. Oxford Art Journal, 37 (3). pp. 245-264. ISSN 1741-7287

Krcma, Edward (2014) Do, Undo, Redo:On Recent Drawings by Peter Morrens. In: Peter Morrens: Covers. Posture Editions, Ghent, pp. 179-185. ISBN 9789491262104

Køhlert, Frederik Byrn (2014) In the Ghetto:Sociology, the Cagney Gangster, and the ‘Dead End’ Kids in Angels with Dirty Faces. Journal of Popular Culture, 47 (4). pp. 857-876. ISSN 1540-5931

Lau, George, Sekules, Veronica and Thofner, Margit (2014) A world (art) of senses, value and display. World Art, 4 (2). pp. 133-136. ISSN 2150-0894

Lawson, E., Thorne, C., Ahilan, S., Allen, D., Arthur, S., Everett, G., Fenner, R., Glenis, V., Guan, D., Hoang, L., Kilsby, C., Lamond, J., Mant, J., Maskrey, S., Mount, N., Sleigh, A., Smith, L. and Wright, N. (2014) Delivering and evaluating the multiple flood risk benefits in Blue-Green cities:An interdisciplinary approach. In: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. WITPress, POL, pp. 113-124. ISBN 9781845647841

Long, Emma (2014) The Church-State Debate:Religion, Education and the Establishment Clause in Post War America. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781472522528

McKay, George (2014) Winifred Atwell and her 'other piano': 16 hit singles and a 'blanket of silence', sounding the limits of jazz. In: Black British Jazz: Routes, Ownership and Performance. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, pp. 153-172. ISBN 9781472417565

McLennan, Rachael (2014) Aging, adaptation, and the Curious Cases of Benjamin Button. Literature / Film Quarterly, 42 (4). pp. 635-648. ISSN 0090-4260

McLennan, Rachael (2014) To count as a girl: Misdirection in 10 Things I Hate About You. Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation, IX (1). ISSN 1554-6985

McMahon, Wendy (2014) The Origins of Man:Contemporary Literary Representations of Masculinity in the Caribbean. In: Caribbeing. Brill, pp. 187-198. ISBN 9789042038851

Mclaughlin, Malcolm (2014) The Long, Hot Summer of 1967. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137269621

Mclaughlin, Malcolm (2014) Storefront Revolutionary:Martin Sostre's Afro-Asian Bookshop, Black Liberation Culture, and the New Left, 1964-1975. Sixties-A Journal of History Politics and Culture, 7 (1). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1754-1328

Mills, Brett (2014) Sitcoms. In: Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Sage Publications, Los Angeles, pp. 695-698. ISBN 9781412999090

Mills, Brett (2014) Sketch Comedy Shows. In: Encyclopedia of Humor Studies. Sage Publications, Los Angeles, pp. 698-700. ISBN 9781412999090

Mills, Brett and Ralph, Sarah (2014) 'Trying to Ride a Naughty Horse': British Television Comedy Producers. In: Beyond the Bottom Line. Bloomsbury Academic, New York, pp. 161-174. ISBN 9781441172365

Mistry, Kaeten (2014) The United States, Italy and the Origins of Cold War:Waging Political Warfare 1945–1950. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107035089

Mitchell, John (2014) The painted decoration of San Salvatore di Brescia in context. In: Dalla corte regia al monastero di San Salvatore-Santa Giulia di Brescia. Edizioni SAP, pp. 169-201.

Moran, Albert and Aveyard, Karina (2014) The place of television programme formats. Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 28 (1). pp. 18-27. ISSN 1030-4312

Peters Corbett, David (2014) American Water: Memory and Projection in Mid-Nineteenth Century American Painting. In: Interdisciplinary Encounters. I B Tauris, London, pp. 137-155. ISBN 978-1780767024

Riggs, Christina (2014) Discussing knowledge in the making. In: Histories of Egyptology. Routledge Studies in Egyptology Series . Routledge, New York and London, pp. 129-138. ISBN 9780415843690

Riggs, Christina (2014) Unwrapping Ancient Egypt. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9780857855077

Riggs, Christina (2014) Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture:A Very Short Introduction. Very Short Introductions . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199682782

Rimmer, Mark, Higham, Ben and Brown, Tony (2014) Whatever Happened to Community Music?:AHRC Research Network Project Report. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED, Norwich.

Rimmer, Mark, Street, John and Phillips, Tom (2014) Understanding the Cultural Value of 'In Harmony-Sistema England'. pp. 1-57.

Rycroft, Daniel (2014) Historical Anthropology and "The Primitive": Rethinking the 1931 Census of India. In: Politics of Ethnicity in India, Nepal and China. Primus Books, New Delhi, pp. 25-54. ISBN 9380607873

Rycroft, Daniel (2014) Indigenous Studies and Fieldwork in India:A Dialogue. In: Fieldwork in South Asia. Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 339-359. ISBN 978-81-321-1742-1

Rycroft, Daniel (2014) Reinterpreting Adivasi History:Memory of the Santal Revolution in Village Bhognadih. In: Dissent, Disrimination and Dispossession. Manohar Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 51-71. ISBN 978-93-5098-043-9

Rycroft, Daniel J. (2014) Looking beyond the present: The historical dynamics of Adivasi (indigenous and tribal) assertions in India. Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2394-5524

Selby, Nick (2014) Editorial. Comparative American Studies, 12 (4). pp. 247-248. ISSN 1477-5700

Selby, Nick (2014) Editorial. Comparative American Studies, 12 (3). pp. 157-158. ISSN 1477-5700

Smith, Phyll (2014) ‘Poisoning their daydreams’: American Serial Cinema, moral panic and the British Children’s Cinema Movement. Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 47 (1). pp. 39-53. ISSN 0024-4643

Snelson, Tim (2014) Bad Medicine: The Psychiatric Profession’s Interventions into the Business of Postwar Horror. In: Merchants of Menace: The Business of Horror Cinema. Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, New York, pp. 93-107. ISBN 978-1-62356-420-9

Snelson, Tim (2014) Phantom Ladies:Hollywood Horror and the Home Front. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 978-0-8135-7042-6

Snelson, Tim (2014) The (Re)possession of the American Home: Negative Equity, Gender Inequality, and the Housing Crisis Horror Story. In: Gendering the Recession: Media and Culture in an Age of Austerity. Duke University Press, pp. 161-180. ISBN 978-0-8223-5687-5

Tasker, Yvonne (2014) British Action and Adventure: A National Take on a Global Genre. Frames Cinema Journal (6). ISSN 2053-8812

Tillett, Rebecca (2014) Almanac contextualised. In: Howling for Justice. Arizona University Press, Arizona, pp. 5-13. ISBN 978-0-8165-1338-3

Tillett, Rebecca (2014) "Sixty Million Souls Howl for Justice in the Americas!": Almanac of the Dead as political activism, and environmental and social justice. In: Howling For Justice. Arizona University Press, Arizona. ISBN 978-0-8165-1338-3

Williams, Melanie (2014) David Lean. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-7385-4

Williams, Melanie (2014) Interview for StudioCanal Bluray/DVD release of The Belles of St Trinian (1954). Studiocanal.

Williams, Melanie (2014) Robert Bolt. In: British Writers. British Writers Series . Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN 9780684325019


Brooks, Oliver (2014) ‘I mainly come for the pies’ An ethnographic study of contemporary football culture. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Burtenshaw-Zumstein, Julia (2014) Cupisnique, Tembladera, Chongoyape, Chavín? A Typology of Ceramic Styles from Formative Period Northern Peru, 1800-200 BC. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Jones, Timothy (2014) Animating Community: Reflexivity and Identity in Indian Animation Production Culture. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Mitchell, Stephen Mark (2014) Deconstructing National Identity: Character, Place, and Contemporary American Independent Cinema. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Rickards, Carolyn (2014) A very British spectacle? : critical reception of the fantasy genre within contemporary British cinema. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

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