Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID:
Translating the Eye of the Poem.
Przekladaniec/CTIS Occasional Papers, 4.
Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID:
Translation and timelessness.
Journal of Literary Semantics, 38 (2).
pp. 101-114.
ISSN 1613-3838
Buckland, Adelene and Vaninskaya, Anna (2009) Epic's Historic Form. Journal of Victorian Culture, 14 (2). pp. 163-172. ISSN 1750-0133
Connors, Clare (2009) Force and metaphysics in Heidegger. Parallax, 15 (2). pp. 15-26. ISSN 1353-4645
Cowan, Andrew ORCID:
Losing My Voice.
The International Literary Quarterly, 7.
Cowan, Andrew ORCID:
Walter Barley.
Short Fiction, 3.
pp. 12-31.
Currie, Mark (2009) The Novel and the Moving Now. Novel, 42 (2). 318–325. ISSN 1945-8509
Dosani, Sabina ORCID:
Genograms: Assessment and Intervention (3rd edn). By Monica McGoldrick, Randy Gerson & Sueli Petry. Norton Professional Books. 2008. 400pp. US$27.00 (pb). ISBN: 9780393705096.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 194 (1).
p. 95.
ISSN 0007-1250
Dosani, Sabina ORCID:
Risk & Adolescents: Making Sense of Adolescent Psychology By Patrick B. Johnson & Micheline S. Malow-Iroff. Praeger Publishers. 2008. US$49.95 (hb). 160pp. ISBN: 9780313336874.
The British Journal of Psychiatry, 194 (3).
p. 289.
ISSN 0007-1250
Karshan, Thomas (2009) Apes, Tyros, and Humans: Wyndham Lewis's Portraits. Modernism/modernity, 16 (2). pp. 427-433. ISSN 1071-6068
Karshan, Thomas (2009) Deaths of the Author: Mallarmé, Nabokov, Duchamp. Frieze Magazine, 125. pp. 23-4.
Karshan, Thomas (2009) Evolutionary Criticism. Essays in Criticism, 59 (4). pp. 287-301. ISSN 1471-6852
Karshan, Thomas (2009) Nabokov's 'Homework in Paris': Stéphane Mallarmé, Bend Sinister, and the Death of the Author. Nabokov Studies, 12. pp. 1-30.
Karshan, Thomas (2009) PETERSBURG:Review of new translation of Andrei Bely's novel Petersburg. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement (5520). p. 21. ISSN 0307-661X
Large, Duncan ORCID:
'Götzen-Dämmerung' from the perspective of translation studies.
Nietzscheforschung, 16.
pp. 151-160.
ISSN 1869-5604
Large, Duncan ORCID:
On the genealogy of moral pleasure.
German Life and Letters, 62 (3).
pp. 255-269.
ISSN 0016-8777
Noel-Tod, Jeremy ORCID:
A History of Difficulty: On Cambridge Poetry.
Cambridge Literary Review, 1 (1).
pp. 97-102.
Pinner, Rebecca ORCID:
Text and Context: Author and Audience in John Lydgate’s Life of St Edmund.
Skepsi, 2 (1).
pp. 23-35.
Potter, Rachel ORCID:
Obscene modernism and the trade in salacious books.
Modernism/modernity, 16 (1).
pp. 87-104.
ISSN 1071-6068
Rau, Petra ORCID:
The fascist body beautiful and the imperial crisis in 1930s British writing.
Journal of European Studies, 39 (1).
pp. 5-35.
ISSN 1740-2379
Smyth, Karen ORCID:
Enhancing the agency of the listener: Introducing reception theory in a lecture.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33 (2).
pp. 131-140.
ISSN 0309-877X
Stewart, Carol (2009) Pamela and the Anglican Crisis of the 1730s. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 32 (1). pp. 37-51. ISSN 1754-0208
Stonebridge, Lyndsey (2009) "What does death represent to the individual?" Psychoanalysis in wartime. differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 20 (1). pp. 102-116. ISSN 1527-1986
Stonebridge, Lyndsey (2009) Arendt's testimony: Judging in a Lawless World. New Formations - Summer 2009, 67. pp. 78-90.
Stott, Rebecca (2009) Tangling with History. Cambridge Literary Review, 1 (1). pp. 263-268. ISSN 2042-129X
Szeman, Ioana (2009) ’Gypsy Music’ and Deejays: Balkanism, Orientalism and Romani Musicians. TDR: The Drama Review, 53 (3). pp. 98-116. ISSN 1054-2043
Thieme, John (2009) Global Positioning in Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide. Muse India, 24.
Thieme, John (2009) "Out of place"?: The poetics of space in Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry tide and Michael Ondaatje's Anil's ghost. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 31 (2). pp. 32-43.
Thomson, Ian (2009) 'From Yard to Yard':Interview with Detective Mark Shields in Kingston, Jamaica. The Voice. pp. 8-9.
Thomson, Ian (2009) 'Island of Bad Blood':Article on contemporary Jamaica. Standpoint. pp. 52-55.
Wilson, Ross (2009) Robert Browning’s Compounds. Literature Compass, 6 (2). pp. 524-531. ISSN 1741-4113
Wilson, Ross (2009) Voluptuousness and asceticism in Adorno. German Life and Letters, 62 (3). pp. 270-283. ISSN 0016-8777
Woodcock, Matthew (2009) Edmund Spenser and Commemorations of the Death of Elizabeth I. Notes and Queries, 56 (1). pp. 42-46. ISSN 0029-3970
Catling, Jo ORCID:
Europäische Flânerien: W. G. Sebalds intertextuelle Wanderungen zwischen Melancholie und Ironie.
Gedächtnis und Widerstand. Festschrift für Irene-Heidelberger-Leonard.
Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, pp. 139-54.
ISBN 9783860576656
Catling, Jo ORCID:
Rilke auf Capri.
Rainer Maria Rilke: Les Jours d’Italie/ Die italienischen Tage.
Switzerland:Fondation Rainer Maria Rilke, pp. 187-227.
ISBN 9783905756623
Catling, Jo ORCID:
Translation of W. G. Sebald, ‘Le promeneur solitaire. Remembering Robert Walser’.
The Tanners.
New York: New Directions, pp. 1-36.
ISBN 9780811215893
Donnell, Alison ORCID:
Visibility, violence and voice?:Attitudes to veiling post-11 September.
The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader.
ISBN 978-0415543705
Epstein, Bj (2009) In Name Only? Translating Names in Children’s Literature. In: Northern Lights: Translation in the Nordic Countries. Peter Lang, Oxford and Berne, pp. 191-209.
Epstein, Bj (2009) Introduction. In: Northern Lights: Translation in the Nordic Countries. Peter Lang, Oxford and Berne, pp. 11-16.
Foden, Giles and John Buchan, [No Value] (2009) Introduction. In: The Strange Adventures of Mr Andrew Hawthorn and Other Stories. Penguin. ISBN 9780141442426
Foden, Giles (2009) One Last Throw of the Dice. In: Ox-Tales: Water. Green Profile, pp. 167-82. ISBN 9781846682063
Henitiuk, Valerie (2009) Resources [an annotated bibliography]. In: Teaching World Literature. Modern Language Association of America, pp. 401-16. ISBN 9781603290340
Joyce, Laura (2009) Miss America (Short Story). In: Succour: The New Fiction, Poetry and Art. Succour: The New Fiction, Poetry and Art, 9 . UNSPECIFIED.
Karshan, Thomas (2009) Nabokov's Transition from Game to Free Play, 1934-1947. In: Transitional Nabokov. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 263-82.
Kitson, Peter ORCID:
Bales of Living Anguish: Representations of Race and the Slave in Romantic Writing.
L'abolition de l'esclavage au Royaume-Uni 1787-1840 : débats et dissensions.
Armand Colin, Paris.
ISBN 9782301000606
Kitson, Peter ORCID:
Coleridge's Lectures 1795: On Politics and Religion.
The Oxford Handbook of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 127-142.
ISBN 9780199229536
Large, Duncan ORCID:
'Der brave Bürger von Rouen':Nietzsches Flaubert-Bild.
Auf Nietzsches Balkon.
Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, pp. 86-95.
ISBN 3957731763
Maples, Holly (2009) Parading Multicultural Ireland: Identity Politics and National Agendas in the 2007 St Patrick's Festival. In: Performing at the Crossroads: Critical Essays on Performance Studies and Irish Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke & New York, pp. 237-248. ISBN 9780230219984
Maples, Holly (2009) Parading Memory: The Production of Commemoration in Contemporary Ireland. In: Performance of Violence. Carysfort Press. ISBN 9781904505440
Pinner, Rebecca ORCID:
Images of St Edmund in Norfolk Churches.
St. Edmund, King and Martyr: Changing Images of a Medieval Saint.
York Medieval Press, York, pp. 111-132.
ISBN 9781903153260
Rau, Petra ORCID:
The Trouble with Cosmopolitans: Modernism between Nation and Internationalism.
Internationalism and the Arts at the Fin de Siècle.
Peter Lang, New York, pp. 179-205.
Rau, Petra ORCID:
The War in Fiction from 1970 to the Present.
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of the Second World War.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 308-325.
Rossiter, William ORCID:
'I know where is an hynde': Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Transformation of Actaeon.
Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' in English Poetry.
Universitätsverlag-Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 69-88.
ISBN 978-3825355203
Wilson, Ross (2009) Introduction. In: The Meaning of 'Life' in Romantic Poetry and Poetics. Routledge Studies in Romanticism . Routledge, New York, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9780415956680
Wilson, Ross (2009) Poetry as Reanimation in Shelley. In: The Meaning of 'Life' in Romantic Poetry and Poetics. Routledge Studies in Romanticism . Routledge, New York, pp. 125-145. ISBN 9780415956680
Loffredo, Eugenia and Perteghella, Manuela, eds. (2009) One Poem in Search of a Translator: Rewriting 'Les Fenêtres' by Apollinaire. Peter Lang, Oxford. ISBN 978-3039114085
Wilson, Ross, ed. (2009) The Meaning of 'Life' in Romantic Poetry and Poetics. Routledge Studies in Romanticism . Routledge, New York.
Boll, Tom ORCID:
Academic Funding for Translation Projects.
Private Commission.
Chaudhuri, Amit (2009) The Immortals. Picador. ISBN 9780330455800
Epstein, BJ (2009) Northern Lights: Translation in the Nordic Countries. Peter Lang. ISBN 9783039118496
Foden, Giles (2009) Towards a Science of Global Systems. European Commission.
Foden, Giles (2009) Turbulence. Faber and Faber. ISBN 9780571205226
Foden, Giles and Manubhai Madhvani, [No Value] (2009) Tide of Fortune: A Family Tale. Random House: India. ISBN 9781897403808
Greenlaw, Lavinia (2009) Musikens betydelse för flickor (Swedish edition of The Importance of Music for Girls). Alfabeta.
Large, Duncan ORCID:
Nietzsches Renaissance-Gestalten:Shakespeare, Kopernikus, Luther.
Schriften aus dem Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche
Verlag der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar.
ISBN 978-3-86068-394-1
Rau, Petra ORCID:
English Modernism, National Identity and the Germans, 1890-1950.
Ashgate Publishing, Farnham.
Robinson, Sophie (2009) A. Les Figues, Los Angeles. ISBN 193425410X
Stott, Rebecca (2009) The Coral Thief. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 9780297851370
Szirtes, George (2009) The Burning of the Books and Other Poems. Bloodaxe. ISBN 9781852248420
Taunton, Matthew ORCID:
Fictions of the City: Class, Culture and Mass Housing in London and Paris (Language, Discourse, Society).
Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-0230579767
Thomson, Ian (2009) The Dead Yard:Tales of Modern Jamaica. Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571227624
Carson, James Robert and Hall, Sir Peter (2009) Where There Is A Will by G. Feydeau adapted by N. Frei. [Performance]
Waters, Steve ORCID:
The Contingency Plan.
Boll, Tom ORCID:
David Huerta, Nine Years Later - A Poem Dated.
Modern Poetry in Translation.
Greenlaw, Lavinia (2009) Radio play adaptation of Troilus and Criseyde for Radio 4 Classic Serial. UNSPECIFIED.