Aikman, Sheila (2025) Hidden, scattered and reconstructed: Indigenous lifeways, knowledges and intergenerational learning. Compare, 55 (1). pp. 11-28. ISSN 0305-7925
Aikman, Sheila (2019) Indigenous knowledge, skills and action: Indigenous women’s learning in the Peruvian Amazon. Studies in the Education of Adults, 51 (2). pp. 195-212. ISSN 0266-0830
Aikman, Sheila and Robinson-Pant, Anna (2019) Indigenous women and adult learning:Towards a paradigm change? Studies in the Education of Adults, 51 (2). pp. 151-160. ISSN 0266-0830
Aikman, Sheila (2017) Changing livelihoods and language repertoires: hunting, fishing and gold mining in the southeast Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 246 (246). ISSN 1613-3668
Aikman, Sheila, Robinson-Pant, Anna, McGrath, Simon, Jere, Catherine, Cheffy, Ian, Themelis, Spyros and Rogers, Alan (2016) Challenging deficit discourses in international education and development. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46 (2). pp. 314-334. ISSN 0305-7925
Aikman, Sheila and Rao, Nitya (2012) Gender equality and girls' education: Investigating frameworks, disjunctures and meanings of quality education. Theory and Research in Education, 10 (3). pp. 211-228. ISSN 1741-3192
Aikman, Sheila and Dyer, Caroline (2012) Education and inclusion:re-examining the narratives. Compare, 42 (2). pp. 177-185. ISSN 0305-7925
Aikman, Sheila (2012) Interrogating discourses of intercultural education: From indigenous Amazon community to global policy forum. Compare, 42 (2). pp. 235-259. ISSN 0305-7925
Aikman, Sheila and King, Linda (2012) Editorial: Indigenous knowledges and education. Compare, 42 (5). pp. 673-681. ISSN 0305-7925
Maddox, B., Aikman, Sheila, Rao, N. and Robinson-Pant, A. (2011) Literacy inequalities and social justice. International Journal of Educational Development, 31 (6). pp. 577-579. ISSN 0738-0593
Aikman, Sheila (2011) Educational and indigenous justice in Africa. International Journal of Educational Development, 31 (1). pp. 15-22.
Aikman, Sheila, Halaib, Anjum and Rubagizac, Jolly (2011) Conceptualising gender equality in research on education quality. Comparative Education, 47 (1). ISSN 0305-0068
Aikman, Sheila (2010) Marching to different rhythms: international NGO collaboration with the state in Tanzania. Development in Practice, 20 (4/5). pp. 498-510. ISSN 0961-4524
Aikman, S. (2009) The contradictory languages of fishing and gold panning in the Peruvian Amazon. Maritime Studies (MAST), 8 (2). pp. 50-71.
Preston, Rosemary and Aikman, Sheila (2005) Setting the scene: measurement and learning beyond the mainstream. International Journal of Educational Development, 25 (2). pp. 99-110.
May, Stephen and Aikman, Sheila (2003) Indigenous education: addressing current issues and developments. Comparative Education, 39 (2). pp. 139-145. ISSN 0305-0068
Aikman, Sheila (2002) Women's oral knowledge and the poverty of formal education in the SE Peruvian Amazon. Gender and Development, 10 (3). pp. 41-50. ISSN 1355-2074
Aikman, Sheila and Pridmore, Pat (2001) Multigrade schooling in 'remote' areas of Vietnam. International Journal of Educational Development, 21 (6). pp. 521-536.
Aikman, Sheila (1998) Towards an intercultural participatory approach to learning for the Harakmbut. International Journal of Educational Development, 18 (3). pp. 197-206. ISSN 0738-0593
Aikman, Sheila (1997) Interculturality and intercultural education:A challenge for democracy. International Review of Education, 43 (5-6). pp. 463-479. ISSN 0020-8566
Aikman, Sheila (1995) Territory, indigenous education and cultural maintenance:The case of the Arakmbut of South-Eastern Peru. Prospects, 25 (4). pp. 593-608. ISSN 0033-1538
Aikman, Sheila (1995) Language, literacy and bilingual education:An Amazon people's strategies for cultural maintenance. International Journal of Educational Development, 15 (4). pp. 411-422. ISSN 0738-0593
Aikman, Sheila (2022) Languages and Identities. In: Education and International Development an Introduction. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 269-284. ISBN 9781350119055
Aikman, Sheila (2017) L'education interculturelle bilingue en Amerique latine dans 'l'apres 2015'. In: Quelle education pour les peuples autochtones? L'Harmattan, Paris, pp. 59-74. ISBN 9782343108636
Aikman, Sheila (2015) Language and identities. In: Education and International Development. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 221-236. ISBN 9781472510686
Aikman, Sheila (2014) Intercultural Bilingual Education, Self-Determination and Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon Basin. In: Education in Indigenous, Nomadic and Travelling Communities. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 169-188. ISBN 9781472513144
Aikman, Sheila and Unterhalter, E. (2013) Gender equality, capabilities and the terrain of quality education. In: Education Quality and Social Justice in the South. Routledge, London.
Aikman, Sheila (2010) Grasping rare moments for change: Children's participation in conflict contexts. In: Children as decision makers in education. Continuum, London, pp. 25-34.
Aikman, S., Unterhalter, E. and Boler, T. (2008) Essentialism, equality, and empowerment: concepts of gender and schooling in the HIV and AIDS epidemic. In: Gender equality, HIV, and AIDS: a challenge for the education sector. Oxfam GB, Oxford, pp. 11-32. ISBN 978-085598-586-8
Aikman, Sheila and El Haj, Hanan (2006) EFA for pastoralists in North Sudan: a mobile multigrade model of schooling. In: Education for All and Multigrade Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities. Springer, 193–213. ISBN 978-1-4020-6647-4
Sanou, Salina and Aikman, Sheila (2005) Pastoralist schools in Mali: gendered roles and curriculum realities. In: Beyond Access: Transforming Policy and Practice for Gender Equality in Education. Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780855985295
Aikman, S. (2005) Partnerships from below: Indigenous rights and girls education in the Peruvian Amazon. In: Partnerships for Girls' Education. Oxfam GB, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780855985134
Aikman, Sheila, Unterhalter, Elaine and Challender, Chloe (2005) The education MDGs: Achieving gender equality through curriculum and pedagogy change. In: Gender and the Millennium Development Goals. Oxfam, GB, Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780855985509
Aikman, S. (2004) Es la Educacion Bilingue un medio para mantener la lengua? Un studio en la Amazonia peruana. In: Escritura y sociedad Nuevas perspectivas teóricas y etnográficas. Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
Aikman, S. (2003) Communicacion para el autodesarrollo. In: Los Pueblos Indígenas de Madre de Dios. IWGIA, Copenhagen.
Aikman, Sheila (2001) Literacies, languages and developments in Peruvian Amazonia. In: Literacy and Development. Literacies series . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-23451-1
Aikman, S. (2000) Higher education as a collective resource for the Harakmbut of Amazonian Peru. In: Local Knowledge and Wisdom in Higher Education. Pergamon, Oxford. ISBN 9780080434537
Aikman, S. (2000) Bolivia. In: World Yearbook 2000: Education in Transition. Kogan Page, London.
Aikman, S. (1999) Alternative development and education: economic interests and cultural practices in the Amazon. In: Education, Culture and Economics: Dilemmas for Development. Garland, London. ISBN 978-0815327837
Aikman, Sheila and Robinson-Pant, Anna (2020) Indigenous Women and Adult Learning. Routledge. ISBN 9780367517052
Robinson-Pant, Anna, Aikman, Sheila, Dyer, Caroline, Rao, Nitya, Rogers, Alan and Themelis, Spyros (2015) BAICE Thematic Forum:Challenging deficit discourses in international education and development. University of East Anglia.
Aikman, S. (2003) La educación indígena en Sudamérica. Interculturalidad y bilingüismo en Madre de Dios, Perú. Lengua y Sociedad . Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP), Lima. ISBN 9972-51-092-1
Aikman, Sheila (1999) Intercultural education and literacy - an ethnographic study of Arakmbut education studies in written language and literacy. Studies in Written Language and Literacy series . John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam. ISBN 978 90 272 1800 1