Items where Author is "Dolman, Paul"

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Number of items: 115.


Pedley, Scott, Wolstenholme, Paul and Dolman, Paul (2023) Plantation clear-fell patches benefit heathland arthropods. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4 (3). ISSN 2688-8319

Zini, Valentina, Waeber, Kristin and Dolman, Paul M. (2023) Relative influence of inter- and intraspecific competition in an ungulate assemblage modified by introduced species. Journal of Mammalogy, 104 (4). 879–891. ISSN 1545-1542

Crowther, Liam, Gilroy, James, Hawkes, Robert, Peach, Will J, Salliss, Daniel, Webb, Jonathan and Dolman, Paul (2023) Harnessing biodiversity data to inform policy: Rapid regional audits should underpin Local Nature Recovery Strategies. Biological Conservation, 282. ISSN 0006-3207

Zini, Valentina, Wäber, Kristin and Dolman, Paul (2022) Relation of pine crop damage to species-specific density in a multi-ungulate assemblage. European Journal of Forest Research, 141 (3). pp. 489-502. ISSN 1612-4677

Dolman, Paul, Burnside, John, Scotland, Keith and Collar, Nigel (2021) Captive breeding and the conservation of the threatened houbara bustards. Endangered Species Research, 46. pp. 161-173. ISSN 1863-5407

Zini, Valentina, Wäber, Kristin, Hornigold, Karen, Lake, Iain and Dolman, Paul M. (2021) Human and environmental associates of local species-specific abundance in a multi-species deer assemblage. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 67 (6). ISSN 1612-4642

Hawkes, Robert W., Smart, Jennifer, Brown, Andy, Green, Rhys E., Jones, Helen and Dolman, Paul M. (2021) Effects of experimental land management on habitat use by Eurasian Stone-curlews. Animal Conservation, 24 (5). pp. 743-755. ISSN 1367-9430

Burnside, John, Salliss, Daniel, Collar, Nigel and Dolman, Paul (2021) Birds use individually consistent temperature cues to time their migration departure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 118 (28). ISSN 1091-6490

Dolman, Paul M., Scotland, Keith M., Burnside, Robert J. and Collar, Nigel J. (2021) Sustainable hunting and the conservation of the threatened houbara bustards. Journal for Nature Conservation, 61. ISSN 1617-1381

Hawkes, Robert W., Smart, Jennifer, Brown, Andy, Jones, Helen, Lane, Steve A., Lucas, Colin, McGill, James, Owens, Nick, Ratier Backes, Amanda, Webb, Jon R., Wells, Doreen and Dolman, Paul M. (2021) Experimental evidence that novel land management interventions inspired by history enhance biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58 (5). pp. 905-918. ISSN 0021-8901

Jayathilake, H. Manjari, Warren-Thomas, Eleanor, Nelson, Luke, Dolman, Paul, Bumrungsri, Sara, Watinee, Juthong, Carrasco, L. Roman and Edwards, David P. (2021) Fruit trees and herbaceous plants increase functional and phylogenetic diversity of birds in smallholder rubber plantations. Biological Conservation, 257. ISSN 0006-3207

Burnside, Robert J., Brighten, Alex L., Collar, Nigel J., Soldatov, Valentin, Koshkin, Maxim, Dolman, Paul M. and Ten, Anna (2020) Breeding productivity, nest-site selection and conservation needs of the endemic Turkestan Ground-jay Podoces panderi. Journal of Ornithology, 161 (4). pp. 1175-1183. ISSN 2193-7192

Pedley, Scott and Dolman, Paul (2020) Arthropod traits and assemblages differ between core patches, transient stepping-stones and landscape corridors. Landscape Ecology, 35 (4). 937–952. ISSN 0921-2973

Zielonka, Natalia B., Hawkes, Robert W., Jones, Helen, Burnside, John J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2020) Placement, survival and predator identity of Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata nests on lowland grass-heath. Bird Study, 66 (4). pp. 471-483. ISSN 0006-3657

Burnside, John, Buchan, Claire, Salliss, Daniel, Collar, Nigel and Dolman, Paul (2020) Releases of Asian houbara must respect genetic and geographic origin to preserve inherited migration behaviour: Evidence from a translocation experiment. Royal Society Open Science, 7 (3). ISSN 2054-5703

Warren-Thomas, Eleanor, Nelson, Luke, Watinee, Juthong, Bumrungsri, Sara, Brattström, Oskar, Stroesser, Laetitia, Chambon, Bénédicte, Penot, Éric, Tongkaemkaew, Uraiwan, Edwards, David P. and Dolman, Paul M. (2020) Rubber agroforestry in Thailand provides some biodiversity benefits without reducing yields. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (1). pp. 17-30. ISSN 0021-8901

Zini, Valentina, Waeber, Kristin and Dolman, Paul (2019) Habitat quality, configuration and context effects on roe deer fecundity across a forested landscape mosaic. PLoS One, 14 (12). ISSN 1932-6203

Burnside, John, Guilherme, Joao, Collar, Nigel and Dolman, Paul (2019) Backpack-mounted satellite transmitters do not affect reproductive performance in a migratory bustard. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65. ISSN 1612-4642

Gudka, Mishal, Santos, Carlos David, Dolman, Paul, Abad-Gómez, José M. and Silva, João Paulo (2019) Feeling the heat: Elevated temperature affects male display activity of a lekking grassland bird. PLoS One, 14 (9). ISSN 1932-6203

Hawkes, Robert W., Smart, Jennifer, Brown, Andy, Jones, Helen, Lane, Steven, Wells, Doreen and Dolman, Paul M. (2019) Multi-taxa consequences of management for an avian umbrella species. Biological Conservation, 236. pp. 192-201. ISSN 0006-3207

Hawkes, Robert, Smart, Jennifer, Brown, Andy, Jones, Helen and Dolman, Paul (2019) Experimental evidence that ground‐disturbance benefits Woodlark Lullula arborea. Ibis, 161 (2). pp. 447-452. ISSN 0019-1019

Burnside, Robert J., Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2018) Dataset on the numbers and proportion of mortality attributable to hunting, trapping and powerlines in wild and captive-bred migratory Asian houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii. Data in Brief, 21. pp. 1848-1852. ISSN 2352-3409

Dolman, Paul M., Collar, Nigel J. and Burnside, Robert J. (2018) Captive breeding cannot sustain migratory Asian houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii without hunting controls. Biological Conservation, 228. pp. 357-366. ISSN 0006-3207

Guilherme, Joao L., Burnside, Robert J., Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2018) Consistent nest-site selection across habitats increases fitness in Asian Houbara. Auk, 135 (2). pp. 192-205. ISSN 0004-8038

Warren-Thomas, Eleanor, Edwards, David, Bebber, Daniel, Chhang, Phourin, Diment, Alex, Evans, Tom, Lambrick, Frances, Maxwell, James F., Nut, Menghor, O'Kelly, Hannah, Theilade, Ida and Dolman, Paul (2018) Protecting tropical forests from the rapid expansion of rubber using carbon payments. Nature Communications, 9. ISSN 2041-1723

Mahood, Simon P., Silva, João P., Dolman, Paul M. and Burnside, Robert J. (2018) Proposed power transmission lines in Cambodia constitute a significant new threat to the largest population of Bengal florican Houbaropsis bengalensis. Oryx, 52 (1). pp. 147-155. ISSN 0030-6053

Dolman, Paul, Williamson, Tom, Fuller, Rob and Barnes, Gerald (2017) What does ‘traditional’ management really mean? British Wildlife, 29 (2). pp. 113-119. ISSN 0958-0956

Formica, Adam F., Burnside, Robert J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2017) Rainfall validates MODIS-derived NDVI as an index of spatio-temporal variation in green biomass across non-montane semi-arid and arid Central Asia. Journal of Arid Environments, 142. 11–21. ISSN 0140-1963

Burnside, Robert J., Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2017) Comparative migration strategies of wild and captive-bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii. Ibis, 159 (2). 374–389. ISSN 0019-1019

Fuller, Robert J., Williamson, Tom, Barnes, Gerry and Dolman, Paul M. (2017) Human activities and biodiversity opportunities in pre-industrial cultural landscapes: relevance to conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54 (2). 459–469. ISSN 0021-8901

Collar, Nigel, Burnside, Robert and Dolman, Paul (2017) Averting the extinction of bustards in Asia. Forktail, 33. pp. 1-26.

Hornigold, Karen, Lake, Iain and Dolman, Paul (2016) Recreational use of the countryside: No evidence that high nature value enhances a key ecosystem service. PLoS One, 11 (11). ISSN 1932-6203

Koshkin, Maxim, Burnside, Robert J., Packman, Charlotte E., Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2016) Effects of habitat and livestock on nest productivity of the Asian houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii in Bukhara Province, Uzbekistan. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62 (4). 447–459. ISSN 1612-4642

Koshkin, Maxim, Burnside, Robert, Collar, Nigel, Guilherme, Joao, Showler, David and Dolman, Paul (2016) Effects of habitat and land use on breeding season density of male Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii. Journal of Ornithology, 157 (3). 811–823. ISSN 2193-7192

Burnside, Robert, Collar, Nigel, Scotland, Keith and Dolman, Paul (2016) Survival rates of captive-bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii in a hunted migratory population. Ibis, 158 (2). pp. 353-361. ISSN 0019-1019

Parashuram, Devathi, Oppel, Steffen, Fenton, Calvin, James, Glenford, Daley, James, Gray, Gerard, Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2015) The Forest Thrush Turdus lherminieri prefers mature mesic forest with dense canopy. Bird Conservation International, 25 (04). pp. 503-513. ISSN 0959-2709

Waeber, Kristin and Dolman, Paul (2015) Deer abundance estimation at landscape-scales in heterogeneous forests. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16 (7). pp. 610-620.

Mossman, Hannah, Panter, Chris and Dolman, Paul (2015) Modelling biodiversity distribution in agricultural landscapes to support ecological network planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 141. pp. 59-67.

Dolman, Paul, Collar, Nigel, Scotland, Keith and Burnside, Robert (2015) Ark or park: the need to predict relative effectiveness of ex situ and in situ conservation before attempting captive breeding. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52 (4). 841–850. ISSN 0021-8901

Warren-Thomas, Eleanor, Dolman, Paul and Edwards, David (2015) Increasing demand for natural rubber necessitates a robust sustainability initiative to mitigate impacts on tropical biodiversity. Conservation Letters, 8 (4). 230–241. ISSN 1755-263X

Sharps, Katrina, Henderson, Ian, Conway, Greg, Armour-Chelu, Neal and Dolman, Paul (2015) Home-range size and habitat use of European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus nesting in a complex plantation-forest landscape. Ibis, 157 (2). pp. 260-272. ISSN 0019-1019

Packman, C. E., Showler, D. A., Collar, N. J., Virak, Son, Mahood, S. P., Handschuh, M., Evans, T. D., Chamnan, Hong and Dolman, P. M. (2014) Rapid decline of the largest remaining population of Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis and recommendations for its conservation. Bird Conservation International, 24 (04). pp. 429-437. ISSN 0959-2709

Pedley, Scott M. and Dolman, Paul M. (2014) Multi-taxa trait and functional responses to physical disturbance. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83 (6). pp. 1542-1552. ISSN 0021-8790

Koshkin, Maxim A., Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2014) Do sheep affect distribution and habitat of Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii? Journal of Arid Environments, 103. pp. 53-62. ISSN 0140-1963

Holt, Charles, Fuller, Robert and Dolman, Paul (2014) Exclusion of deer affects responses of birds to woodland regeneration in winter and summer. Ibis, 156 (1). pp. 116-131. ISSN 0019-1019

Wright, Hugh L., Collar, Nigel J., Lake, Iain R., Norin, Net, Vann, Rours, Ko, Sok, Pherun, Sum and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) Experimental test of a conservation intervention for a highly threatened waterbird. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77 (8). pp. 1610-1617. ISSN 0022-541X

Wright, Hugh L., Collar, Nigel J., Lake, Iain R. and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) Amphibian concentrations in desiccating mud may determine the breeding season of the white-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni). Auk, 130 (4). pp. 774-783. ISSN 0004-8038

Ji, Yinqiu, Ashton, Louise, Pedley, Scott M., Edwards, David P., Tang, Yong, Nakamura, Akihiro, Kitching, Roger, Dolman, Paul M., Woodcock, Paul, Edwards, Felicity A., Larsen, Trond H., Hsu, Wayne W., Benedick, Suzan, Hamer, Keith C., Wilcove, David S., Bruce, Catharine, Wang, Xiaoyang, Levi, Taal, Lott, Martin, Emerson, Brent C. and Yu, Douglas W. (2013) Reliable, verifiable, and efficient monitoring of biodiversity via metabarcoding. Ecology Letters, 16 (10). 1245–1257. ISSN 1461-0248

Bertoncelj, Irena and Dolman, Paul (2013) The matrix affects trackway corridor suitability for an arenicolous specialist beetle. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17 (3). pp. 503-510. ISSN 1366-638X

Waeber, Kristin, Spencer, Jonathan and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) Achieving landscape-scale deer management for biodiversity conservation: The need to consider sources and sinks. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77 (4). pp. 726-736. ISSN 0022-541X

Bertoncelj, Irena and Dolman, Paul (2013) Conservation potential for heathland Carabid beetle fauna of linear trackways within a plantation forest. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 6 (3). pp. 300-308. ISSN 1752-458X

Packman, Charlotte E., Gray, Thomas N. E., Collar, Nigel J., Evans, Tom D., Van Zalinge, Robert N., Virak, Son, Lovett, Andrew A. and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) Rapid loss of Cambodia's grasslands. Conservation Biology, 27 (2). pp. 245-247. ISSN 1523-1739

Pedley, Scott M., Franco, Aldina M. A., Pankhurst, Tim and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) Physical disturbance enhances ecological networks for heathland biota: A multiple taxa experiment. Biological Conservation, 160. pp. 173-182.

Pedley, Scott M., Bertoncelj, Irena and Dolman, Paul M. (2013) The value of the trackway system within a lowland plantation forest for ground-active spiders. Journal of Insect Conservation, 17 (1). pp. 127-137. ISSN 1366-638X

Senyatso, Kabelo, Collar, Nigel and Dolman, Paul (2013) Assessing range-wide conservation status change in an unmonitored widespread African bird species. Diversity and Distributions, 19 (2). 106–119. ISSN 1366-9516

Holt, Charles, Fuller, Robert and Dolman, Paul (2013) Deer reduce habitat quality for a woodland songbird: evidence from settlement patterns, demographic parameters, and body condition. Auk, 130 (1). pp. 13-20.

Dolman, Paul, Panter, Christopher and Mossman, Hannah (2012) The biodiversity audit approach challenges regional priorities and identifies a mismatch in conservation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49 (5). pp. 986-997. ISSN 0021-8901

Wright, H. L., Collar, N. J., Lake, I. R., Vorsak, Bou and Dolman, P. M. (2012) Foraging ecology of sympatric White-shouldered Ibis Pseudibis davisoni and Giant Ibis Thaumatibis gigantea in northern Cambodia. Forktail (28). pp. 93-100. ISSN 0950-1746

Wright, Hugh L., Lake, Iain R. and Dolman, Paul M. (2012) Low-impact agriculture requires urgent attention not greater caution: response to Phalan and colleagues. Conservation Letters, 5 (4). 325–326. ISSN 1755-263X

Ieronymidou, C., Dolman, P.M. and Collar, N.J. (2012) Endemic Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax and colonizing Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala show different habitat associations. Ibis, 154 (2). pp. 248-259. ISSN 0019-1019

Holt, Charles, Fraser, Katherine, Bull, Alan J. and Dolman, Paul (2012) Habitat use by nightingales in a scrub-woodland mosaic at the edge of the range. Bird Study, 59 (4). pp. 416-425. ISSN 0006-3657

Wright, Hugh L., Collar, Nigel J., Lake, Iain R., Norin, Net, Vann, Rours, Ko, Sok, Phearun, Sum and Dolman, Paul M. (2012) First census of the white-shouldered ibis Pseudibis davisoni reveals roost-site mismatch with Cambodia's protected areas. Oryx, 46 (02). pp. 236-239. ISSN 0030-6053

Boughey, Katherine L., Lake, Iain R., Haysom, Karen A. and Dolman, Paul M. (2011) Improving the biodiversity benefits of hedgerows: How physical characteristics and the proximity of foraging habitat affect the use of linear features by bats. Biological Conservation, 144 (6). pp. 1790-1798.

Urquiza-Haas, T., Peres, C. A. and Dolman, P. M. (2011) Large vertebrate responses to forest cover and hunting pressure in communal landholdings and protected areas of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Animal Conservation, 14 (3). pp. 271-282. ISSN 1469-1795

Wright, Hugh L., Lake, Iain R. and Dolman, Paul M. (2011) Agriculture-a key element for conservation in the developing world. Conservation Letters, 5 (1). pp. 11-19.

Boughey, Katherine L., Lake, Iain R., Haysom, Karen A. and Dolman, Paul M. (2011) Effects of landscape-scale broadleaved woodland configuration and extent on roost location for six bat species across the UK. Biological Conservation, 144 (9). pp. 2300-2310.

Holt, Chas A., Fuller, Robert J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2011) Breeding and post-breeding responses of woodland birds to modification of habitat structure by deer. Biological Conservation, 144 (9). pp. 2151-2162.

Santangeli, Andrea and Dolman, Paul M. (2011) Density and habitat prefereces of male little bustard across contrasting agro-pastoral landscapes in Sardinia (Italy). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 57 (4). pp. 805-815. ISSN 1612-4642

Wright, H. L., Buckingham, D. L. and Dolman, P. M. (2010) Dry season habitat use by critically endangered white-shouldered ibis in northern Cambodia. Animal Conservation, 13 (1). pp. 71-79. ISSN 1469-1795

Aghainajafi-Zadeh, S, Hemami, MR, Karami, M and Dolman, PM (2010) Wintering habitat use by houbara bustard (Chlamydotis macqueenii) in steppes of Harat, central Iran. Journal of Arid Environments, 74 (8). pp. 912-917. ISSN 1095-922X

Holt, Chas A., Fuller, Robert J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2010) Experimental evidence that deer browsing reduces habitat suitability for breeding Common Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos. Ibis, 152 (2). pp. 335-346. ISSN 1474-919X

Wright, Hugh L., Vorsak, Bou, Collar, Nigel J., Gray, Thomas N. E., Lake, Iain R., Phearun, Sum, Rainey, Hugo J., Vann, Rours, Ko, Sok and Dolman, Paul M. (2010) Establishing a national monitoring programme for white-shouldered Ibis in Cambodia. Ibis, 152 (1). pp. 206-208. ISSN 1474-919X

Spottiswoode, C. N., Wondafrash, M., Gabremichael, M. N., Abebe, Y. D., Mwangi, M. A. K., Collar, N. J. and Dolman, P. M. (2009) Rangeland degradation is poised to cause Africa's first recorded avian extinction. Animal Conservation, 12 (3). pp. 249-257. ISSN 1469-1795

Gray, Thomas N. E., Borey, Ro, Hout, Seng Kim, Chamnan, Hong, Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2009) Generality of models that predict the distribution of species: Conservation activity and reduction of model transferability for a threatened bustard. Conservation Biology, 23 (2). pp. 433-439. ISSN 1523-1739

Gray, Thomas N. E., Chamnan, Hong, Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2009) Sex-specific habitat use by a lekking bustard: Conservation implications for the critically endangered Bengal Florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis) in an intensifying agroecosystem. Auk, 126 (1). pp. 112-122.

Gray, Thomas N. E., Collar, Nigel J., Davidson, Peter J. A., Dolman, Paul M., Evans, Tom D., Fox, Harry N., Chamnan, Hong, Borey, Ro, Kim Hout, Seng and van Zalinge, Robert N. (2009) Distribution, status and conservation of the Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis in Cambodia. Bird Conservation International, 19 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1474-0001

Urquiza-Haas, Tania, Peres, Carlos A. and Dolman, Paul M. (2009) Regional scale effects of human density and forest disturbance on large-bodied vertebrates throughout the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Biological Conservation, 142 (1). pp. 134-148.

Wright, Lucy J., Hoblyn, Ron A., Green, Rhys E., Bowden, Christopher G. R., Mallord, John W., Sutherland, William J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2009) Importance of climatic and environmental change in the demography of a multi-brooded passerine, the woodlark Lullula arborea. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78 (6). pp. 1191-1202. ISSN 1365-2656

Dolman, Paul M. and Waeber, Kristin (2008) Ecosystem and competition impacts of introduced deer. Wildlife Research, 35 (3). pp. 202-214. ISSN 1448-5494

Mallord, John W., Dolman, Paul W., Brown, Andy and Sutherland, William J. (2008) Early nesting does not result in greater productivity in the multi-brooded Woodlark Lullula arborea. Bird Study, 55 (2). pp. 145-151. ISSN 1944-6705

Dolman, P. M., Hinsley, S. A., Bellamy, P. E. and Watts, K. (2007) Woodland birds in patchy landscapes: the evidence base for strategic networks. Ibis, 149 (s2). pp. 146-160. ISSN 1474-919X

Eycott, A. E., Watkinson, A. R., Hemami, M.-R. and Dolman, P. M. (2007) The dispersal of vascular plants in a forest mosaic by a guild of mammalian herbivores. Oecologia, 154. pp. 107-118.

Gray, Thomas N. E., Chamnan, Hong, Borey, Ro, Collar, Nigel J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2007) Habitat preferences of a globally threatened bustard provide support for community-based conservation in Cambodia. Biological Conservation, 138 (3-4). pp. 341-350.

Urquiza-Haas, Tania, Dolman, Paul M. and Peres, Carlos A. (2007) Regional scale variation in forest structure and biomass in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: Effects of forest disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management, 247 (1-3). pp. 80-90.

Hemami, Mahmoud R., Watkinson, Andrew R., Gill, Robin M. A. and Dolman, Paul M. (2007) Estimating abundance of introduced Chinese muntjac Muntiacus reevesi and native roe deer Capreolus capreolus using portable thermal imaging equipment. Mammal Review, 37 (3). pp. 246-254. ISSN 0305-1838

Lin, Ying-Chi, James, Robert and Dolman, Paul M. (2007) Conservation of heathland ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae): The value of lowland coniferous plantations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 16. pp. 1337-1358.

Mallord, JW, Dolman, PM, Brown, AF and Sutherland, WJ (2007) How perception and density-dependence affect breeding Woodlands Lullula arborea. Ibis, 149. 15-. ISSN 1474-919X

Mallord, John W., Dolman, Paul M., Brown, Andy and Sutherland, William J. (2007) Quantifying density dependence in a bird population using human disturbance. Oecologia, 153. pp. 49-56.

Mallord, John W., Dolman, Paul M., Brown, Andy and Sutherland, William J. (2007) Nest site characteristics of woodlands Lullula arborea breeding on heathlands in southern England: Are there consequences for nest survival and productivity? Bird Study, 54 (3). pp. 307-314. ISSN 1944-6705

Mallord, John W., Dolman, Paul M., Brown, Andy F. and Sutherland, William J. (2007) Linking recreational disturbance to population size in a ground-nesting passerine. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44 (1). pp. 185-195. ISSN 1365-2664

Wright, Lucy J., Hoblyn, Ron A., Sutherland, William J. and Dolman, Paul M. (2007) Reproductive success of Woodlarks Lullula arborea in traditional and recently colonized habitats. Bird Study, 54 (3). pp. 315-323. ISSN 1944-6705

Eycott, Amy, Watkinson, Andrew and Dolman, Paul (2006) The soil seedbank of a lowland conifer forest: The impacts of clear-fell management and implications for heathland restoration. Forest Ecology and Management, 237 (1-3). pp. 280-289.

Eycott, A. E., Watkinson, A. R. and Dolman, P. M. (2006) Ecological patterns of plant diversity in a plantation forest managed by clearfelling. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43 (6). pp. 1160-1171. ISSN 1365-2664

Hemami, Mahmoud-Reza, Watkinson, A. R. and Dolman, P. M. (2005) Population densities and habitat associations of introduced muntjac Muntiacus reevesi and native roe deer Capreolus capreolus in a lowland pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 215 (1-3). pp. 224-238.

Hemami, Mahmoud-Reza, Watkinson, A. R. and Dolman, P. M. (2005) Population densitites and habitat associations of introduced muntjac Muntiacus reevesi and native roe deer Capreolus capreolus in a lowland pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 215 (1-3). pp. 224-238.

Sutherland, William J., Pullin, Andrew S., Dolman, Paul M. and Knight, Teri M. (2005) Response to Mathevet and Mauchamp: Evidence-based conservation: dealing with social issues. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 20 (8). 424–425. ISSN 0169-5347

Hemami, Mahmoud R. and Dolman, Paul M. (2005) The disappearance of muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) pellet groups in a pine forest of lowland England. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 51. pp. 19-24. ISSN 1612-4642

Woodhouse, S, Good, J, Lovett, A, Fuller, R and Dolman, P (2005) Effects of land-use and agricultural management on birds of marginal farmland: a case study in the Llyn peninsula, Wales. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 107 (4). pp. 331-340.

Joys, Andrew C., Fuller, R. J. and Dolman, P. M. (2004) Influences of deer browsing, coppice history, and standard trees on the growth and development of vegetation structure in coppiced woods in lowland England. Forest Ecology and Management, 202. pp. 23-37.

Hemani, M. R., Watkinson, A. R. and Dolman, P. M. (2004) Habitat selection by sympatric muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in a lowland commercial pine forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 194 (1-3). pp. 49-60.

Stone, J, Dolman, PM and Fuller, RJ (2004) Impacts of deer grazing on regenerating coppice stools and ground flora: An exclosure study in Bradfield Woods, England. Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 98. pp. 257-262.

Sutherland, William J., Pullin, Andrew S., Dolman, Paul M. and Knight, Teri M. (2004) The need for evidence-based conservation. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19 (6). pp. 305-308. ISSN 1872-8383

Sutherland, William J., Pullin, Andrew S., Dolman, Paul M. and Knight, Teri M. (2004) Response to Griffiths. Mismatches between conservation science and practice. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19 (11). pp. 565-566. ISSN 1872-8383

Dolman, Paul M., Lovett, Andrew, O'Riordan, Tim and Cobb, Dick (2001) Designing whole landscapes. Landscape Research, 26 (4). pp. 305-335. ISSN 0142-6397

O'Riordan, T, Lovett, A, Dolman, P, Cobb, D and Sunnenberg, G (2000) Designing and implementing whole landscapes. Ecos, 21. pp. 57-68.

Peres, C. A. and Dolman, P. M. (2000) Density compensation in neotropical primate communities: evidence from 56 hunted and nonhunted Amazonian forests of varying productivity. Oecologia, 122 (2). pp. 175-189. ISSN 0029-8549

Woodhouse, S, Lovett, A, Dolman, P and Fuller, R (2000) Using a GIS to select priority areas for conservation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 24 (2). pp. 79-93.

Book Section

Dolman, PM, Lovett, A, O'Riordan, T and Cobb, D (2004) Designing whole landscapes. In: Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 1: Prize Winning Papers from the World's Planning School Associations. Routledge, London, pp. 88-125.

Eycott, AE, Watkinson, AR and Dolman, PM (2004) Deer as vectors of plant dispersal in woodland networks. In: Landscape Ecology of Trees and Forests. IALE (UK) and The Woodland Trust, Grantham, pp. 50-57.

Dolman, PM and Fuller, RJ (2003) The processes of species colonisation in wooded landscapes: A review of principles. In: The Restoration of Wooded Landscapes. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, pp. 25-36.

Lovett, AA, Sunnenberg, G, Appleton, KJ, Dockerty, TL, Dolman, PM, Cobb, D and O'Riordan, T (2002) The use of VRML in landscape visualisation. In: Trends in GIS and Virtualization in Environmental Planning and Design. Wichmann, Heidelberg, pp. 68-85.

Dolman, PM (2000) Biodiversity and ethics. In: Environmental Sciences for Environmental Management. Prentice Hall, Harlow, pp. 119-148.

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