Items where Research Group is "Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Sciences

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Number of items: 53.


Abernethy, Kirsten E., Trebilcock, Paul, Kebede, Bereket, Allison, Edward H. and Dulvy, Nicholas K. (2010) Fuelling the decline in UK fishing communities? ICES Journal of Marine Science, 67 (5). 1076–1085. ISSN 1054-3139

Alberini, A, Bateman, Ian, Loomes, Graham and Ščasný, M (2010) Valuation of Environment-Related Health Risks for Children. OECD.

Aryeetey, Genevieve Cecilia, Jehu-Appiah, Caroline, Spaan, Ernst, D'Exelle, Ben, Agyepong, Irene and Baltussen, Rob (2010) Identification of poor households for premium exemptions in Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: empirical analysis of three strategies. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 15 (12). pp. 1544-1552. ISSN 1365-3156


Baker, R., Bateman, I., Donaldson, C., Jones-Lee, M, Lancsar, E., Loomes, G., Mason, H., Odejar, M., Pinto Prades, J. L., Robinson, A., Ryan, M., Shackley, P., Smith, R., Sugden, R. and Wildman, J. (2010) Weighting and valuing quality-adjusted life-years using stated preference methods: Preliminary results from the social value of a QALY project. Health Technology Assessment, 14 (27). i-161. ISSN 1366-5278

Bardsley, Nicholas, Mehta, Judith, Starmer, Chris and Sugden, Robert (2010) Explaining focal points: cognitive hierarchy theory versus team reasoning. Journal of Economics, 120 (543). pp. 40-79. ISSN 0931-8658

Bateman, IJ, Mace, GM, Fezzi, C, Atkinson, G and Turner, K (2010) Economic analysis for ecosystem service assessments. pp. 1-49.

Bateman, Ian J., Dent, Sam, Peters, Ellen, Slovic, Paul and Starmer, Chris (2010) The Affect Heuristic and the Attractiveness of Simple Gambles. In: The Feeling of Risk. Earthscan, London, pp. 4-19. ISBN 9781849776677

Bateman, Ian J. and Dupont, Diane P. (2010) Political affiliation and willingness-to-pay for publicly versus privately provided environmental goods. pp. 1-34.

Bateman, Ian J., Fisher, Brendan, Fitzherbert, Emily, Glew, David and Naidoo, Robin (2010) Tigers, markets and palm oil: market potential for conservation. Oryx, 44 (2). pp. 230-234. ISSN 1365-3008

Bateman, Ian J. and Georgiou, Stavros (2010) The Socioeconomic Consequences of Climate Change for the Management of Water Resources. In: The Impact of Climate Change on European Lakes. Springer, Amsterdam, pp. 437-452.

Bayliss, Andrew P. and Kritikos, Ada (2010) Brief report: Perceptual load and the autism spectrum in typically developed individuals. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41. pp. 1573-1578. ISSN 1573-3432

Bayliss, Andrew P., Schuch, Stefanie and Tipper, Steven P. (2010) Gaze cueing elicited by emotional faces is influenced by affective context. Visual Cognition, 18 (8). pp. 1214-1232. ISSN 1350-6285

Borcan, Oana (2010) Nord-Vest. In: Measuring the quality of Government and Subnational Variation. Report for the European Commission Directorate-General Regional Policy Directorate Policy Development . European Commission.

Brooks, Sharon E., Kebede, Bereket, Allison, Edward H. and Reynolds, John D. (2010) The balance of power in rural marketing networks: a case study of snake trading in Cambodia. Journal of Development Studies, 46 (6). pp. 1003-1025. ISSN 0022-0388


Cartwright, Edward and Patel, Amrish (2010) Imitation and the incentive to contribute early in a sequential public good game. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 12 (4). pp. 691-708. ISSN 1097-3923

Cartwright, Edward and Patel, Amrish (2010) Public goods, social norms and naive beliefs. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 12 (2). pp. 199-223. ISSN 1097-3923

Covey, J, Robinson, A, Jones-Lee, M, Loomes, G and Thomson, T (2010) Assessment of the Value for Preventing a Fatality (VPF) (T616 Report).

Crisp, Richard, Husnu, Senel, Meleady, Rose, Stathi, Sofia and Turner, Rhiannon (2010) From imagery to intention:A dual route model of imagined contact effects. European Review of Social Psychology, 21 (1). pp. 188-236. ISSN 1046-3283


D'Exelle, Ben, Lecoutere, Els and Van Campenhout, Bjorn (2010) Who Engages in Water Scarcity Conflicts? A Field Experiment with Irrigators in Semi-arid Africa. Working Paper. Microcon.

D'Exelle, Ben, Lecoutere, Els and van Campenhout, Bjorn (2010) Social status and bargaining when resources are scarce: evidence from a field lab experiment. Working Paper. Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS), University of East Anglia.

D'Exelle, Ben and Riedl, Arno (2010) Directed generosity and network formation: network dimension matters. Working Paper. Centre for Behavioural and Experimental Social Science (CBESS), University of East Anglia.

Day, Brett and Loomes, Graham (2010) Conflicting violations of transitivity and where they may lead us. Theory and Decision, 68 (1-2). pp. 233-242. ISSN 0040-5833

Day, Brett and Pinto Prades, Jose-Luis (2010) Ordering anomalies in choice experiments. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 59 (3). pp. 7675-7697.

Dillon, Andrew, Bardasi, Elena, Beegle, Kathleen and Serneels, Pieter (2010) Explaining variation in child labor statistics. Discussion Paper. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

Dodsworth, J, Cooper, N, Fleming, P, Schofield, G, Bailey, S and Young, J (2010) Final report on the evaluation of Fosternets in three English Authorities.

Donaldson, C, Mason, H, Jones-Lee, M and Robinson, A (2010) Weighting and valuing quality adjusted life years: preliminary results from the social value of a QALY project. Report for the Methodology Programme. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Düzel, Emrah, Penny, Will D. and Burgess, Neil (2010) Brain oscillations and memory. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 20 (2). pp. 143-149. ISSN 0959-4388


Fezzi, Carlo, Hutchins, Michael, Rigby, Dan, Bateman, Ian J., Posen, Paulette and Hadley, David (2010) Integrated assessment of water framework directive nitrate reduction measures. Agricultural Economics, 41 (2). pp. 123-134. ISSN 1574-0862

Fisher, B, Bateman, IJ and Turner, RK (2010) Valuing ecosysten services: Benefits, values, space and time. In: Valuation of Regulating Services of Ecosystems: Methodology and Applications. Routledge, pp. 13-23.

Fuentemilla, Lluís, Penny, Will D., Cashdollar, Nathan, Bunzeck, Nico and Düzel, Emrah (2010) Theta-coupled periodic replay in working memory. Current Biology, 20 (7). pp. 606-612. ISSN 0960-9822


Hampson, Danyel, Crowther, John, Bateman, Ian, Kay, David, Posen, Paulette, Stapleton, Carl, Wyer, Mark, Fezzi, Carlo, Jones, Philip and Tzanopoulos, Joseph (2010) Predicting microbial pollution concentrations in UK rivers in response to land use change. Water Research, 44 (16). pp. 4748-4759. ISSN 1879-2448

Harrison, Glenn W., Humphrey, Steven J. and Verschoor, Arjan (2010) Choice under uncertainty: evidence from Ethiopia, India and Uganda. The Economic Journal, 120 (543). pp. 80-104. ISSN 1468-0297


Kirkby, Christopher A., Giudice-Granados, Renzo, Day, Brett, Turner, Kerry, Velarde-Andrade, Luz Marina, Dueñas-Dueñas, Agusto, Lara-Rivas, Juan Carlos and Yu, Douglas W. (2010) The market triumph of ecotourism: An economic investigation of the private and social benefits of competing land uses in the Peruvian Amazon. PLoS One, 5 (9). ISSN 1932-6203


Lanz, Bruno, Provins, Allan, Bateman, Ian J., Scarpa, Riccardo, Willis, Ken G. and Ozdemiroglu, Ece (2010) Investigating Willingness to Pay–Willingness to Accept Asymmetry in Choice Experiments. In: Choice Modelling: The State of the Art and the State of Practice. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., pp. 517-542. ISBN 978-1-84950-772-1

Lievens, Tomas, Serneels, Pieter, Damascene Butera, J. and Soucat, Agnes (2010) Diversity in career preferences of future health workers in Rwanda: where, why and for how much? Working Paper. The World Bank, Washington DC.

Litvak, Vladimir, Eusebio, Alexandre, Jha, Ashwani, Oostenveld, Robert, Barnes, Gareth R, Penny, William D, Zrinzo, Ludvic, Hariz, Marwan I, Limousin, Patricia, Friston, Karl J and Brown, Peter (2010) Optimized beamforming for simultaneous MEG and intracranial local field potential recordings in deep brain stimulation patients. NeuroImage, 50 (4). pp. 1578-1588. ISSN 1053-8119

Loomes, G, Starmer, Chris and Sugden, Robert (2010) Preference reversals and disparities between willingness to pay and willingness to accept in repeated markets. Journal of Economic Psychology. pp. 374-387. ISSN 0167-4870


Munro, A., Kebede, B., Tarazona-Gomez, M. and Verschoor, A. (2010) The lion’s share. An experimental analysis of polygamy in Northern Nigeria. Discussion Paper. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), Tokyo, Japan.


Parry, Luke, Day, Brett, Amaral, Silvana and Peres, Carlos A. (2010) Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters. Population and Environment, 32 (2). pp. 137-176. ISSN 1573-7810

Parry, Luke, Peres, Carlos A., Day, Brett and Amaral, Silvana (2010) Rural-urban migration brings conservation threats and opportunities to Amazonian watersheds. Conservation Letters, 3 (4). pp. 251-259.

Penny, Will D., Stephan, Klaas E, Daunizeau, Jean, Rosa, Maria J, Friston, Karl J, Schofield, Thomas M and Leff, Alex P (2010) Comparing families of dynamic causal models. PLoS Computational Biology, 6 (3). ISSN 1553-734X

Poulsen, Anders and Poulsen, Odile (2010) Prisoner's dilemma payoffs and the evolution of co-operative preferences. Journal of Socio-Economics, 39 (2). pp. 158-162.

Poulsen, Anders U. and Roos, Michael W. M. (2010) Do people make strategic commitments? Experimental evidence on strategic information avoidance. Experimental Economics, 13 (2). pp. 206-225.


Rao, Nitya, Verschoor, Arjan, Deshpande, Ashwini and Dubey, Amaresh (2010) Gender, caste and growth assessment – India (report to UK Department for International Development). Working Paper. University of East Anglia, UK.

Robinson, Angela, Covey, Judith, Spencer, Anne and Loomes, Graham (2010) Are some deaths worse than others? The effect of 'labelling' on people's perceptions. Journal of Economic Psychology, 31 (3). pp. 444-455.


Schuch, Stefanie, Bayliss, Andrew P., Klein, Christoph and Tipper, Steven P. (2010) Attention modulates motor system activation during action observation: evidence for inhibitory rebound. Experimental Brain Research, 205 (2). pp. 235-249. ISSN 1432-1106

Serneels, Pieter, Montalvo, Jose G., Pettersson, Gunilla, Lievens, Tomas, Butera, Jean Damascene and Kidanu, Aklilu (2010) Who wants to work in a rural health post? The role of intrinsic motivation, rural background and faith-based institutions in Ethiopia and Rwanda. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88 (5). pp. 342-349. ISSN 0042-9686

Serra, Danila, Serneels, Pieter, Lindelow, Magnus and Montalvo, Jose Garcia (2010) Discovering the real world: health workers' career choices and early work experience in Ethiopia. Working Paper. The World Bank, Washington DC.

Stephan, K E, Penny, W D, Moran, R J, den Ouden, H E M, Daunizeau, J and Friston, K J (2010) Ten simple rules for dynamic causal modeling. NeuroImage, 49 (4). pp. 3099-3109. ISSN 1053-8119

Sugden, Robert (2010) Is there a distinction between morality and convention? In: Norms and Values: The Role of Social Norms as Instruments of Value Realisation. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 47-65.

Sugden, Robert (2010) Opportunity as mutual advantage. Economics and Philosophy, 26 (1). pp. 47-68. ISSN 1474-0028

Sugden, Robert, Bardsley, Nicholas, Cubitt, Robin, Loomes, Graham, Moffatt, Peter and Starmer, Chris (2010) Experimental Economics: Rethinking the Rules. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691124797


Turocy, Theodore L. (2010) Computing sequential equilibria using agent quantal response equilibria. Economic Theory, 42 (1). pp. 255-269.

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