Items where Author is "Read, Rupert"

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Number of items: 134.


Read, Rupert (2023) Living in truth in a time of ecological ‘emergency’ and emergence: Vaclav Havel as eco-guru. The Ecological Citizen, 6 (1). pp. 52-59. ISSN 2515-1967

Read, Rupert (2022) Critical Notice: Iain McGilchrist, The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World (Perspectiva, 2021). 2 volumes, 1500 pages, no price. Philosophical Investigations, 45 (4). pp. 528-539. ISSN 0190-0536

Read, Rupert (2022) Why Climate Breakdown Matters. Why Philosophy Matters . Bloomsbury. ISBN 978-1-3502-1202-2

Sinclair, Ian and Read, Rupert (2021) A Timeline of The Plague Year:A Comprehensive Record of the UK Government’s Response to the Coronavirus Crisis. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 9781008976115

Read, Rupert (2021) How we failed to imagine Covid-19. Crisis Response, 16 (1). pp. 46-49. ISSN 1745-8633

Read, Rupert (2021) Parents For A Future:How Loving Our Children Can Prevent Climate Collapse. UEA Publishing Project.

Burgess, Claire and Read, Rupert (2020) Extinction Rebellion and environmental activism - the XR interviews. In: From Student Strikes to the Extinction Rebellion. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 171-180. ISBN 9781800881099

Read, Rupert (2020) Wittgenstein’s Liberatory Philosophy:Thinking Through His Philosophical Investigations. Routledge. ISBN 9780367547684

Read, Rupert (2020) This civilization is finished: Time to build an ecological civilization. The Ecological Citizen, 3 (2). 157–162. ISSN 2515-1967

Read, Rupert (2020) The Ecological Economics Revolution:Looking at Economics from the Vantage-Point of Wittgenstein’s and Kuhn’s Philosophies. In: Wittgensteinian (adj.). Springer.

Read, Rupert (2020) Extinction Rebellion:Insights from the inside. Simplicity Institute, Melbourne. ISBN 978-0-6488405-1-0

Mariqueo-Russell, Atus and Read, Rupert (2019) Fully Automated Luxury Barbarism. Radical Philosophy, 2.06 (2019). pp. 108-110. ISSN 0300-211X

Read, Rupert and Allesøe Christensen, Bo (2019) Psychology and Non-sense: Schizophrenese as Example. In: The Second Cognitive Revolution. Springer, 161–172. ISBN 978-3-030-26679-0

Read, Rupert and Allesøe, Bo (2019) Why ‘Swampman’ would not even get as far as thinking it was Davidson: On the spatio-temporal basis of Davidson's conjuring trick. Philosophical Investigations, 42 (2). pp. 350-366. ISSN 0190-0536

Read, Rupert (2019) Two Conceptions of “Community”:As Defined by What It Is Not, or as Defined by What It Is. In: Morality in a Realistic Spirit. Routledge, pp. 215-228. ISBN 9781351064309

Read, Rupert (2019) What is new in our time? The truth in 'post truth': A response to Finlayson. Nordic Wittgenstein Review (2019). pp. 81-96. ISSN 2242-248X

Read, Rupert and Ucan, Timur (2019) Introduction: Post-Truth? Nordic Wittgenstein Review. pp. 5-22. ISSN 2242-248X

Read, Rupert and Alexander, Samuel (2019) This Civilisation is Finished:Conversations on the end of Empire - and what lies beyond. Simplicity Institute, Melbourne. ISBN 978-0-9942828-3-5

Heatley, Brian, Read, Rupert and Foster, John (2019) Introduction:Looking for hope between disaster and catastrophe. In: Facing up to Climate Reality. London Publishing Partnership, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-1907994920

Paul, Helena and Read, Rupert (2019) Geoengineering as a response to the climate crisis:Right road or disasterous diversion? In: Facing up to Climate Reality. London Publishing Partnership, pp. 109-130. ISBN 978-1907994920

Read, Rupert and Steele, Kristen (2019) Making the best of climate disasters:On the need for a localised and localising response. In: Facing up to climate reality. London Publishing Partnership, pp. 53-68. ISBN 978-1907994920

Read, Rupert (2019) ‘Private Language’ and the Second Person:Wittgenstein and Løgstrup ‘Versus’ Levinas? In: Moral Foundations of Philosophy of Mind. Palgrave Macmillan.

Read, Rupert and Greiffenhagen, Christian (2019) Can Sentences Self-Refer:Gödel and the Liar. In: Festschrift for Wes Sharrock. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 181-201.

Read, Rupert and Greaves, Tom (2018) A Micro ‘Case Study’:Critiquing the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. In: Debating Nature's Value. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-99243-3

Read, Rupert (2018) This civilisation is finished: So what is to be done?

Read, Rupert (2018) A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment. Routledge. ISBN 9781138596023

Read, Rupert (2018) Can There Be a Logic of Grief?: Why Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty Say ‘Yes’. In: Wittgenstein and Phenomenology. Routledge. ISBN 9781138648654

Read, Rupert (2018) Wittgenstein as Unreliable Narrator/Unreliable Author. In: Philosophy in the Condition of Modernism. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 49-70. ISBN 978-3-319-77077-2

Read, Rupert, Alexander, Samuel and Garrett, Jacob (2018) Voluntary simplicity strongly backed by all three main normative-ethical traditions. Ethical Perspectives, 25 (1). pp. 87-116. ISSN 1370-0049

Read, Rupert (2018) Must Do Better:Book Review: Peter Singer’s The Most Good You Can Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically and William MacAskill’s Doing good better: Effective Altruism and a radical new way to make a difference. Radical Philosophy, 2 (01). pp. 106-109. ISSN 0300-211X

Read, Rupert (2018) A Wittgensteinian/Austinian qualified defense of Ryle on know-how. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 39 (2). pp. 405-429. ISSN 0093-4240

Read, Rupert and O'Riordan, Tim (2017) Understanding, Safeguarding and Strengthening the Precautionary Principle, in the context of the Brexit negotiation. All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

Read, Rupert (2017) The Augustinian Picture and Its Counter-Picture: PI 1 and PI 43 as Twins. In: Finding One’s Way Through Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 41-52. ISBN 978-3-319-63506-4

Read, Rupert and Mariqueo-Russell, Atus (2017) What Kind of Creatures Are We? By Noam Chomsky Columbia University Press: New York, 2016. 167pp., £17 ISBN: 9780231175968 Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics By Chris Knight Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 2016. 285 pp., $30 ISBN: 9780300221466. Philosophy, 92 (4). pp. 660-668. ISSN 0031-8191

Read, Rupert and O'Riordan, Tim (2017) The Precautionary Principle Under Fire. Environment, 59 (5). pp. 4-15. ISSN 1939-9154

Makoff, Ruth and Read, Rupert (2017) Beyond just justice – Creating space for a future-care ethic. Philosophical Investigations, 40 (3). 223–256. ISSN 0190-0536

Read, Rupert (2017) How to Think about the Climate Crisis, via Precautionary Reasoning:A Wittgensteinian Case-study in Overcoming Scientism. In: Wittgenstein and Scientism. Taylor and Francis, pp. 133-151. ISBN 9781138829398

Read, Rupert (2017) On preparing for the great gift of community that climate disasters can give us. Global Discourse, 7 (1). pp. 149-167. ISSN 2326-9995

Read, Rupert (2017) The future: Compassion, complacency, or contempt? Global Discourse, 7 (1). pp. 188-191. ISSN 2326-9995

Hutchinson, Phil and Read, Rupert (2017) Grammar. In: Understanding Wittgenstein, Understanding Modernism. Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Modernism . Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781501302442

Read, Rupert (2016) Wittgenstein and the Illusion of ‘Progress’: On Real Politics and Real Philosophy in a World of Technocracy. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 78. pp. 265-284. ISSN 1358-2461

Read, Rupert (2015) Metaphysics is Metaphorics:Philosophical and Ecological Reflections from Wittgenstein and Lakoff on the Pros and Cons of Linguistic Creativity. In: Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 264-297. ISBN 978-1-349-58073-6

Greaves, Thomas and Read, Rupert (2015) Where value resides: Making ecological value possible. Environmental Ethics, 37 (3). pp. 321-340. ISSN 0163-4275

Read, Rupert (2015) The tale Parfit tells: Analytic metaphysics of personal identity vs. Wittgensteinian film and literature. Philosophy and Literature, 39 (1). pp. 128-153. ISSN 1086-329X

Read, R. (2015) Green economics versus growth economics:The case of Thomas Piketty. Radical Philosophy, 189. pp. 9-13. ISSN 0300-211X

Goodenough, Jeremy and Read, Rupert (2015) Review: Timothy Shanahan (2014), Philosophy and Blade Runner, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 240pp. Film-Philosophy, 19. ISSN 1466-4615

Norman, Joseph, Bar-Yam, Yaneer, Read, Rupert and Taleb, Nassim (2015) Anthropogenic climate change and precaution. Issues in Science and Technology, 31 (4). p. 1. ISSN 0748-5492

Read, Rupert (2015) An empirical refutation of Pareto-optimality? Capitalism Nature Socialism, 26 (4). pp. 236-244. ISSN 1045-5752

Read, Rupert (2015) В защиту будущих поколений. Logos, 25 (6). pp. 264-274. ISSN 0869-5377

Read, Rupert and Scott Cato, Molly (2014) "A price for everything?": The 'natural capital controversy'. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 5 (2). pp. 153-167. ISSN 1759-7196

Read, Rupert and Taleb, Nassim Nicholas (2014) Religion, heuristics and intergenerational risk-management. Econ Journal Watch, 11 (2). pp. 219-226. ISSN 1933-527X

Read, Rupert (2014) An allegory of a therapeutic reading: on Melancholia. Sequence, 1.2.

Read, Rupert (2014) Uncertainty. UNSPECIFIED.

Read, Rupert and Hutchinson, Phil (2014) Reframing health care: philosophy for medicine and human flourishing. In: Debates in Values-Based Practice (VBP). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 69-84. ISBN 978-1-107-03893-6

Read, Rupert and Hutchinson, Phil (2014) “Wittgenstein and Pragmatism”. In: Cambridge Companion to Pragmatism (Cambridge: CUP, 2013). UNSPECIFIED.

Taleb, Nassim, Bar-Yam, Yaneer, Douady, Raphael, Norman, Joseph and Read, Rupert (2014) The precautionary principle: Fragility and black swans from policy actions. NYU Extreme Risk Initiative Working Paper. pp. 1-24.

Read, R. and Sharrock, W. (2013) Kuhn's fundamental insight:Reflection on the "Social sciences", as a pedagogical and philosophical tool for thinking adequately about the natural sciences. In: Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited. Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science . UNSPECIFIED, pp. 64-88. ISBN 9781138910874

Read, Rupert (2012) A Wittgensteinian Way with Paradoxes. Lexington. ISBN 978-0739168967

Read, Rupert (2012) Wittgenstein among the Sciences Wittgensteinian Investigations into the 'Scientific Method'. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4094-3054-4

Read, Rupert (2012) Why there cannot be any such thing as “time travel". Philosophical Investigations, 35 (2). pp. 138-153. ISSN 0190-0536

Read, Rupert (2012) Iain McGilchrist, The master and his emissary: the divided brain and the making of the Western world (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2010). Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 11 (1). pp. 119-124. ISSN 1572-8676

Read, Rupert (2012) A strengthened ethical version of Moore's Paradox? Lived paradoxes of self-loathing in psychosis and neurosis. Philosophical Psychology, 25 (1). pp. 133-141. ISSN 0951-5089

Read, Rupert (2011) Beyond an ungreen-economics-based political philosophy::Three strikes against 'the difference principle'. International Journal of Green Economics, 5 (2). pp. 167-183. ISSN 1744-9928

Read, Rupert (2011) The possibility of a resolutely resolute reading of the Tractatus. In: Beyond The Tractatus Wars. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-87440-3

Read, Rupert (2011) The difference principle is not action-guiding. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 14 (4). pp. 487-503. ISSN 1743-8772

Read, Rupert (2011) Economist-kings? A critical notice on Caplan, The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies. European Review, 19 (1). pp. 119-129. ISSN 1474-0575

Read, Rupert (2011) Why the ecological crisis spells the end of liberalism: Rawls' "Difference Principle" is ecologically unsustainable, exploitative of persons, or empty. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 22 (3). pp. 80-94. ISSN 1045-5752

Read, Rupert (2011) There are no such things as ‘commodities’: a research note. Journal of Philosophical Economics, 4 (2). pp. 93-104. ISSN 1844-8208

Read, Rupert (2011) Religion as sedition: On liberalism's intolerance of real religion. Ars Disputandi, 11 (1). pp. 83-100. ISSN 1566-5399

Read, Rupert (2011) Care, love and our responsibility to the future. Arena (35/36). pp. 115-123.

Read, Rupert (2011) On future people. Think, 10 (29). pp. 43-47. ISSN 1477-1756

Read, Rupert and Hutchinson, Philip (2011) De-mystifying tacit knowing and clues: a comment on Henry et al. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 17. pp. 944-947. ISSN 1356-1294

Read, Rupert (2010) No surprise that the EU is not an "Ecological Union" – a response to Warleigh-Lack. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 23 (4). pp. 313-317. ISSN 1351-1610

Read, Rupert (2010) Avatar: A call to save the future. Radical Anthropology, 4. pp. 35-41. ISSN 1756-0896

Read, R. (2010) On Philosophy's (lack of) Progress:From Plato to Wittgenstein (and Rawls). Philosophy, 85 (03). pp. 341-367. ISSN 1469-817X

Hutchinson, Phil and Read, Rupert (2010) Therapy. In: Wittgenstein: Key Concepts. Acumen. ISBN 1844651894

Read, Rupert (2010) Ordinary/everyday language. In: Wittgenstein: Key Concepts. Acumen. ISBN 1844651894

Cook, Jon and Read, Rupert (2010) Wittgenstein and Literary Language. In: Companion to the Philosophy of Literature. Blackwell, pp. 467-91. ISBN 9781405141703

Read, Rupert (2010) The Carbon Credit Crunch. The Philosopher's Magazine, 51. pp. 46-49.

Read, Rupert (2010) Wittgenstein vs. Rawls. Proceedings of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium 2010.

Read, Rupert (2010) Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations as a war book. New Literary History, 41 (3). pp. 593-612. ISSN 0028-6087

Read, Rupert (2009) Wittgenstein and Zen Buddhism:One Practice, No Dogma. In: Pointing at the Moon. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9780195381559

Read, Rupert (2009) The case of John Rawls vs. The refuseniks. Practical Philosophy.

Hutchinson, Phil and Read, Rupert (2008) Toward a perspicuous presentation of "Perspicuous Presentation". Philosophical Investigations, 31 (2). pp. 141-160. ISSN 1467-9205

Read, Rupert (2008) The 'hard' problem of consciousness is continually reproduced and made harder by all attempts to solve it. Theory, Culture and Society, 25 (2). pp. 51-86. ISSN 0263-2764

Read, Rupert (2008) There is No Such Thing as a Social Science: In Defence of Peter Winch (Directions in Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis). Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 9780754647768

Read, Rupert (2007) Economics is philosophy, economics is not science. International Journal of Green Economics, 1 (3-4). pp. 307-325. ISSN 1744-9936

Read, Rupert (2007) The New Hume Debate. Routledge. ISBN 0415399750

Read, Rupert (2007) Philosophy for life. Continuum. ISBN 0826495605

Read, Rupert (2007) Applying Wittgenstein. Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd. ISBN 0826494501

Read, Rupert (2007) The first shall be last and the last shall be first"… A New Reading On Certainty 501. In: Readings of Wittgenstein on Certainty. Palgrave, pp. 302-321. ISBN 9780230535527

Read, Rupert (2007) Obituary: James Guetti, Philosophical Lettrist. Philosophy Now, 60. p. 18.

Hutchinson, Phil and Read, Rupert (2006) An elucidatory interpretation of Wittgenstein's tractatus:A critique of Daniel D. Hutto's and Marie McGinn's reading of tractatus 6.54. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 14 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 0967-2559

Hutchinson, Phil and Read, Rupert (2006) The elucidatory reading of Wittgenstein's Tractatus. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 14 (1). pp. 1-29. ISSN 1466-4542

Read, Rupert (2006) A no-theory? Against Hutto on Wittgenstein. Philosophical Investigations, 29 (1). pp. 73-81. ISSN 1467-9205

Read, Rupert (2005) Throwing away the 'bedrock'. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 105 (1). pp. 81-98. ISSN 1467-9264

Read, Rupert (2005) Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema after Wittgenstein and Cavell. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 140394900X

Read, Rupert (2005) 'Memento': a philosophical investigation. In: Film as Philosophy Essays in Cinema After Wittgenstein and Cavell. Palgrave Macmillan, p. 256. ISBN 1403997950

Read, Rupert (2004) Wittgenstein and Faulkner's Benjy: reflections on and of derangement. In: The literary Wittgenstein. Routledge, 0-00. ISBN 0415289734

Read, Rupert (2004) Book Review - The Road Since 'Structure'. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 55 (1). pp. 175-178. ISSN 0007-0882

Read, Rupert (2003) Time to stop trying to provide an account of Time. Philosophy, 78 (3). pp. 397-408. ISSN 1469-817X

Read, Rupert and Deans, Rob (2003) "Nothing is shown": A 'resolute' response to Mounce, Emiliani, Koethe and Vilhauer. Philosophical Investigations, 26 (3). pp. 239-268. ISSN 1467-9205

Read, Rupert (2003) Literature as philosophy of psychopathology: William Faulkner as Wittgensteinian. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 10 (2). pp. 115-124. ISSN 1086-3303

Read, Rupert (2003) Against 'time-slices'. Philosophical Investigations, 26 (1). pp. 24-43. ISSN 1467-9205

Read, Rupert (2003) Kuhn: le Wittgenstein des sciences? Archives de Philosophie, 66 (3). pp. 463-480.

Read, Rupert (2003) On delusions of sense: a response to Coetzee and Sass. Philosophy, Psychology, Psychiatry, 10 (2). pp. 135-142.

Read, Rupert (2003) Thomas Kuhn. International Studies in Philosophy, 35 (4). pp. 162-163.

Read, Rupert (2003) Kripke's Hume. Graduate Faculty Research Journal, 24 (1).

Sharrock, Wes and Read, Rupert (2003) Does Thomas Kuhn have a 'model of science'? Social Epistemology, 17 (2-3). pp. 293-296. ISSN 0269-1728

Read, Rupert (2002) Is 'What is time?' a good question to ask? Philosophy, 77 (2). pp. 193-209. ISSN 1469-817X

Read, Rupert and Sharrock, Wes (2002) Thomas Kuhn's misunderstood relation to Kripke-Putnam essentialism. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 33 (1). pp. 151-158. ISSN 0925-4560

Read, Rupert and Sharrock, Wes (2002) Thomas Kuhn's misunderstood relation to 'Kripke/Putnam essentialism'. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 33 (1). pp. 151-158. ISSN 1572-8587

Read, Rupert (2002) Nature, Culture, Ecosystem: or 'The priority of Environmental Ethics to epistemology and metaphysics. In: Feminist Readings of Wittgenstein. Penn State Press, pp. 408-431. ISBN 0271021985

Read, Rupert (2002) Wittgenstein and Marx on vampirism and parasitism. In: Wittgenstein and Marxism. Routledge, pp. 254-281. ISBN 0415247756

Read, Rupert and Sharrock, Wes (2002) Kuhn: Philosopher of Scientific Revolution (Key Contemporary Thinkers). Polity Press. ISBN 0745619290

Read, Rupert and Sharrock, Wes (2002) Kripke's Conjuring Trick. Journal of Thought, 37 (3). pp. 65-96.

Read, Rupert (2001) On approaching schizophrenia through Wittgenstein. Philosophical Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 449-475. ISSN 0951-5089

Read, Rupert (2001) What does 'signify' signify? Philosophical Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 499-514. ISSN 0951-5089

Read, Rupert (2001) On approaching schizophrenia via Wittgenstein. Philosophical Psychology, 14 (4). pp. 499-514. ISSN 1465-394X

Read, Rupert (2001) On wanting to say: "All we need is a paradigm". The Harvard Review of Philosophy, 9. pp. 88-105. ISSN 2153-9154

Read, Rupert and Cook, Jon (2001) Recent work: the Philosophy of Literature. Philosophical Books, 62 (2). pp. 118-131.

Read, Rupert (2001) What is Chomskyism? Or: Chomsky against Chomsky. The alternative Raven. pp. 33-51.

Read, Rupert and Willmer, Emma (2000) Psychotherapy: a form of prostitution? British Gestalt Journal, 9 (2). pp. 30-36.

Read, Rupert (2000) What 'There Can Be No Such Thing as Meaning Anything by Any Word' Could Possibly Mean. In: The New Wittgenstein. Routledge.

Read, Rupert (2000) Wittgenstein and Marx on ordinary and philosophical language. Essays in Philosophy, 1 (2). pp. 1-41. ISSN 1526-0569

Read, Rupert (2000) How I learned to love (and hate) Noam Chomsky. Philosophical Writings, 15/16. pp. 23-48.

Read, Rupert and Guetti, James (1999) Meaningful consequences. Philosophical Forum, 30 (4). pp. 289-315.

Read, Rupert (1998) Book Review - The Nature of Science: Problems and Perspectives. Teaching Philosophy, 21 (3). pp. 301-303.

Read, Rupert (1998) Princess Di: the last perfect republican. The Philosopher's Magazine, 4. pp. 14-15.

Guetti, James and Read, Rupert (1996) Acting from Rules. International Studies in Philosophy, 28 (2). pp. 43-62.

Read, Rupert (1996) Is Forgiveness Possible? The cases of Thoreau and Rushdie (on) (writing) the unforgiveable. Reason Papers, 21. pp. 15-35.

Read, Rupert (1995) The Unstability of Kripkean Scepticism. Philosophical Papers, 24 (1). pp. 67-74.

Read, Rupert (1995) The Real Philosophical Discovery: A Reply to Jolley's 'Philosophical Investigations 133: Wittgenstein and the End of Philosophy? Philosophical Investigations, 18 (4). pp. 362-369. ISSN 1467-9205

Read, Rupert (1990) Pain and Certainty. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A symposium. pp. 160-169.

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