Items where School is "School of History

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Number of items: 87.


Acton, Edward (2007) The Soviet Union: A Documentary History Volume 2 1939 -1991. Working Paper. University of Exeter Press.


Barnes, Gerry, Dallas, Patsy, Whyte, Nicola, Thompson, Heidi and Williamson, Tom (2007) Heathland and wood pasture in Norfolk: Ecology and landscape history. British Wildlife, 18 (6). pp. 395-403. ISSN 0958-0956

Barrau, Julie (2007) La conversio de Jean de Salisbury: la Bible au service de Thomas Becket. Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 50. pp. 229-244.

Barrau, Julie (2007) Ceci n’est pas un miroir, ou le Policraticus de Jean de Salisbury. In: Le Prince au miroir de la littérature politique de l’Antiquité aux Lumières. Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, Rouen, pp. 87-111.

Butler, Larry (2007) Business and British decolonization: Sir Ronald Prain, the mining industry and the Central African Federation. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 35 (3). pp. 459-484. ISSN 1743-9329

Butler, Larry (2007) Copper Empire: Mining and the Colonial State in Northern Rhodesia, c. 1930-1964. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0230555268


Carmichael, Cathie (2007) Heterodoxy, Ethnic Violence and Boundaries. In: Places of Encounter. In Memorium Borut Brumen. Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana, pp. 65-80.

Carmichael, Cathie (2007) Symbolism, violence and the destruction of religious communitites in the Russian and Ottoman Empires c.1870-1923. In: Can Faiths make Peace? Holy Wars & the Resolution of Religious Conflicts. I B Tauris, pp. 75-83. ISBN 1845112768

Carmichael, Cathie (2007) Was religion important in the destruction of ancient communities in the Balkans, Anatolia and Black Sea Regions, c. 1870–1923? Journal of South Eastern Europe and Black Sea Studies, 7 (3). pp. 357-371.

Casey, James (2007) Family and Community in Early Modern Spain: The Citizens of Granada 1570-1739. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521855891

Cherry, Steven (2007) "Keeping your hand in" and holding on: general practitioners and rural hosptials in 19th and 20th century East Anglia. In: The Impact of Hospitals 300-2000. Peter Lang Pub Inc, pp. 275-296. ISBN 3039110012

Church, Stephen (2007) Aspects of the English royal succession 1066-1199: the death of the king. Anglo Norman Studies, 29. pp. 17-34.

Church, Stephen (2007) Some aspects of the royal itinerary in twelfth-century England. Thirteenth Century England, 11. pp. 31-45. ISSN 0269-6967

Crooks, Peter (2007) The Background to the Arrest of the Fifth Earl of Kildare and Sir Christopher Preston in 1418: A Missing Membrane. Analecta Hibernica, 40. pp. 3-15.

Crooks, Peter (2007) Factions, feuds and noble power in late medieval Ireland, c. 1356-1496. Irish Historical Studies, 35 (140). pp. 425-454. ISSN 2056-4139

Cubitt, Catherine (2007) Bishops and councils in late Saxon England:The intersection of secular and ecclesiastical law. In: Recht und Gericht in Kirche und Welt. R. Oldenbourg, pp. 151-164. ISBN 978-3486581478


Davis, Colin (2007) Reassessing Radicalism in a traditional society: two questions. In: English Radicalism, 1550-1850. Cambridge University Press, pp. 338-373. ISBN 052180017X

Davis, Colin (2007) Living with the Living God. In: Religion in Revolutionary England. Manchester University Press, pp. 19-41. ISBN 0719064058

Docherty, Paddy (2007) The Khyber Pass:A History of Empire & Invasion. Faber & Faber, London. ISBN 978-0571219773

Durham, B., Ayers, B., Dinn, J., Hutcheson, Andrew, Jones, M., McNeil, R and Niblett, R (2007) Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers: UK Policy framework for urban places. UNSPECIFIED.


Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Nuns: A History of Convent Life, 1450-1750. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192804358

Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Ricche e povere: classi di monache in etá moderna. In: Bollettino della Societá Italiana di Demografia Storica, a cura di Margareth Lanzingher and Raffaella Sarti. Udine.

Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Voci da dentro: scrittrici mistiche e clausura monastica nell'Europa mediterranea tra Cinque e Seicento in Mediterranoesis. In: Vici dal Medioevo e Rinascimento a cura di Roberta Morosini e Cristina Perissinotto. Naples.


Farr, I. (2007) Farmers' cooperatives in Bavaria, 1880-1914: 'State-help' and 'self-help' in imperial Germany. Rural History, 18 (2). pp. 163-182. ISSN 0956-7933


Gaskill, Malcolm (2007) Witchcraft, politics and memory in seventeenth-century England. Historical Journal, 50 (2). pp. 289-308. ISSN 1469-5103

Gaskill, Malcolm (2007) Witchfinders: A Seventeenth-Century English Tragedy. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674025424

Gilks, David (2007) Riforma e Rinascimento, Protestantism and Catholicism in Antonio Gramsci's writings on Italian history, 1926–35. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 12 (3). ISSN 1354-571X

Griffin, Emma (2007) Blood Sport: Hunting in Britain Since 1066. Yale. ISBN 9780300116281


Harper-Bill, Christopher (2007) English Episcopal Acta 32: Norwich 1244-1266. Working Paper. Oxford University Press.

Harwood, Edward, Williamson, Tom, Leslie, Michael and Dixon Hunt, John (2007) Whither Garden History? Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 27 (2). pp. 91-112. ISSN 1460-1176

Hicks, Geoff (2007) An overlooked entente: Lord Malmesbury, Anglo-French relations and the Conservatives' recognition of the Second Empire, 1852. History, 92 (306). pp. 187-206. ISSN 1468-229X

Hicks, Geoff (2007) Peace, War and Party Politics: The Conservatives and Europe, 1846-1859. Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719075957

Hoggett, Richard Stuart (2007) Changing beliefs : the archaeology of the East Anglian conversion. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Howe, Anthony (2007) Free Trade and Global Order: the rise and fall of a Victorian vision. In: Victorian Visions of Global Order. Cambridge University Press, pp. 26-46. ISBN 0521882923

Howe, Anthony (2007) The Letters of Richard Cobden, 1815-1847: Volume 1. Working Paper. Oxford University Press.

Howe, Anthony (2007) Two Faces of British Power: Cobden versus Palmerston. In: Palmerston Studies II. University of Southampton,Hartley Institute, pp. 168-92. ISBN 0854328777


Jowitt, Claire (2007) ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’: The Politics of Pirates in the Old Arcadia, New Arcadia and Urania. Early Modern Literary Studies, 13 (2).


Kelly, Susan (2007) Charters of Bath and Wells. Anglo-Saxon Charters 13 . Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0197263976

Kelly, Susan (2007) King Æthelwulf’s Decimations. Anglo Saxon, 1. pp. 285-317.

Kemp-Welch, Anthony (2007) Solidarity and the Super-Powers, 1980-81. Intermarium Electronic Journal, 10 (1). p. 40.

Kemp-Welch, Anthony (2007) 1989: The Polish Paradigm. Polish Academy of Social Sciences. ISBN 9788360580080


Licence, Tom (2007) Evidence of recluses in eleventh-century England. Anglo-Saxon England, 36. pp. 221-234. ISSN 1474-0532

Licence, Tom (2007) Goscelin of Saint-Bertin and the hagiography of St Eadwold of Cerne. Journal of Medieval Latin, 16.

Licence, Tom (2007) The Norwich narrative and the East Anglian bishopric. Norfolk Archaeology, 45.

Liddiard, Robert (2007) Medieval Designed Landscapes: Problems and Possibilities. In: Landscape History after Hoskins, vol 2: Medieval. Windgather Press, pp. 201-214. ISBN 9781905119189

Liddiard, Robert (2007) The Medieval Park: New Perspectives. Windgather Press. ISBN 9781905119165


Maguire, Richard (2007) From the Guest Editor. The Nuclear Weapon and Genocide: The Beginning of a Discussion. Journal of Genocide Research, 9 (3). pp. 353-360. ISSN 1462-3528

Maguire, Richard (2007) Scientific dissent amid the United Kingdom government’s nuclear weapons programme. History Workshop Journal, 63 (1). 113–135. ISSN 1477-4569

Maguire, Richard (2007) The use of weapons: Mass killing and the United Kingdom government's nuclear weapons programme. Journal of Genocide Research, 9 (3). pp. 389-410. ISSN 1462-3528


Otte, Thomas (2007) A “German Paperchase”: The “Scrap of Paper” controversy and the problem of myth and memory in international history. Diplomacy and Statecraft, 18 (1). pp. 53-87. ISSN 1557-301X

Otte, Thomas (2007) The Boxer Uprising and British Foreign Policy: The End of Isolation. In: The Boxers, China and the World. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 157-178. ISBN 0742553957

Otte, Thomas (2007) The China Question: Great Power, Rivalry and British Isolation, 1894-1905. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199211098

Otte, Thomas (2007) Problems of Continuity: The 1906 General Election and Foreign Policy. Journal of Liberal History, 54. pp. 6-13.


Rawcliffe, Carole (2007) Creating the Medieval Leper: Myths of Segregation in the Middle Ages. In: Freedom of Movement in the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 2003 Harlaxton Symposium. Shaun Tyas, pp. 229-48. ISBN 1900289792

Rawcliffe, Carole (2007) A Word from our Sponsor: Advertising the Patron in the Medieval Hospital. In: The Impact of Hospitals in Europe 300-2000. Peter Lang, pp. 167-193. ISBN 3039110018


Sanderson, Michael (2007) Education and the Labour Market. In: Work and Pay in Twentieth-century Britain. Oxford University Press, pp. 264-300. ISBN 9780199280582

Sanderson, Michael (2007) Educational and economic history: The good neighbours. History of Education, 36 (4-5). pp. 429-445. ISSN 1464-5130

Sörlin, Sverker and Warde, Paul (2007) The problem of the problem of environmental history: A re-reading of the field and its purpose. Environmental History, 12 (1). pp. 107-130. ISSN 1930-8892


Taylor, Becky and Rogaly, Ben (2007) 'Mrs Fairly is a dirty, lazy type': unsatisfactory households and the problem of problem families, Norwich, 1942-1963. Twentieth Century British History, 18 (4). pp. 429-452. ISSN 0955-2359

Taylor, Becky and Rogaly, Ben (2007) Welcome to 'Monkey Island':Identity and Community in Three Norwich Estates. In: Identity, Ethnic Diversity and Community Cohesion. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781412946179

Taylor, Becky, Stewart, John and Powell, Martin (2007) Central and local government and the provision of municipal medicine, 1919-39. English Historical Review, 122 (496). pp. 397-426. ISSN 0013-8266


Vincent, Nicholas and Harper-Bill, Christopher (2007) Henry II: New Interpretations. Boydell and Brewer. ISBN 9781843833406

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) A Collection of Early Norman Charters in the British Library: The Case of Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen. In: Cahiers Lépold Deslisle Tome LIII, 2004. Société Parisienne d'histoire et d'archéologie Nor, pp. 21-45.

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) A Forgotten War: England and Navarre 1243-4. In: Thirteenth Century England XI Proceedings of the Gregynog Conference, 2005. Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer, pp. 109-46. ISBN 1843832852

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) Jean, comte de Mortain: le futur roi et ses domaines en Normandie 1183-1199. In: 1204, La Normandie entre Plantagenêts et Capétiens. Brepols, pp. 37-59. ISBN 2902685351

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) Léopold Deslisle, l'Angleterre et le Recueil des Actes de Henri II. In: Léopold Delisle: Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle. St- Lô, pp. 231-257.

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) The Magna Carta. sotheby's, New York.

Vincent, Nicholas (2007) Twelfth and Thirteenth-Century Kingship: An Essay in Anglo-French Misunderstanding. In: Les Idées passent-elles la Manche: savoirs, représentations, pratiques (France-Angleterre, Xe-XXe siècles). Pu Paris-Sorbonne, pp. 21-36. ISBN 2840504847


Waldron, Peter (2007) Governing Tsarist Russia. Palgrave. ISBN 9780333717189

Waldron, Peter (2007) The Soviet Union (International Library of Essays on Political History). Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 0754625931

Warde, Paul (2007) The origins and development of institutional welfare support in early modern Württemberg, c.1500–1700. Continuity and Change, 22 (3). pp. 459-487. ISSN 1469-218X

Warde, Paul (2007) Energy Consumption in England and Wales, 1560-2004. Working Paper. Naples: Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerche.

Williamson, Tom (2007) Heaths, woods and hedges: Some historical perspectives on Norfolk's "natural" landscapes. Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists Society, 40 (1). pp. 1-15.

Williamson, Tom (2007) Historic Landscape Characterisation: some queries. Landscapes, 8 (2). pp. 64-71.

Williamson, Tom and Harrison, Sarah (2007) The Supposed Saxon Earthworks at Rendlesham. The Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology & History, 41 (3). pp. 351-354.

Williamson, Thomas (2007) Archaeological perspectives on estate landscapes. In: Estate Landscapes. Boydell Press, Woodbridge, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-1-84383-370-3

Williamson, Thomas (2007) 'Floating' in context:meadows in the long term. In: Water Meadows. Windgather Press, Macclesfield, pp. 35-51. ISBN 10-1-905119-12-7

Williamson, Thomas and Cook, Hadrian (2007) Introducing water meadows. In: Water Meadows. Windgather Press, Macclesfield, pp. 1-7. ISBN 10-1905119-12-7

Williamson, Thomas and Cook, Hadrian (2007) The later history of water meadows. In: Water Meadows. Windgather Press, Macclesfield, pp. 52-69. ISBN 10-1-905119-12-7

Williamson, Thomas and Simms, Judy (2007) Nesfield at Taverham. Norfolk Gardens Trust Journal. pp. 13-24.

Williamson, Tom (2007) The Character of Hertfordshire's Parks and Gardens. In: Hertfordshire Garden History. Hertfordshire University Press, pp. 1-25. ISBN 1905313381

Williamson, Tom (2007) The Distribution of "Woodland" and "Champion" Landscapes in Medieval England. In: Medieval Landscapes: Landscape History after Hoskins. Windgather Press, pp. 89-104. ISBN 1905119202

Williamson, Tom (2007) The Landscape. In: Wymondham Abbey: a History of the monastery and parish church. Wymondham Abbey Book Committee, pp. 172-86. ISBN 0-9954-8990-3

Williamson, Tom (2007) Rabbits, Warrens and Archaeology. Tempus. ISBN 9780752441030

Wood, Andy (2007) The 1549 Rebellions and the Making of Early Modern England. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521832069

Wood, Andy (2007) Collective Violence, Social Drama and Rituals of Rebellion in Late Medieval and Early Modern England. In: Cultures of Violence. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-116. ISBN 0230019455

Wood, Andy (2007) The Queen is "a goggyll eyed hoore": gender and seditious speech in early modern England. In: The English Revolution, c.1590-1720: Politics, Religion and Communities. Manchester University Press, pp. 81-94. ISBN 0719077079

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