Items where School is "Allied Health Professions (former - to 2013)

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Status | No Grouping
Number of items: 54.


Bhalla, A., Tallis, R. C. and Pomeroy, V. M. (2005) The effects of positioning after stroke on physiological homeostasis: a review. Age and Ageing, 34 (4). pp. 401-406. ISSN 1468-2834

Chia, SH (2005) Let us not become institutionalized. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (2). p. 53.

Chia, SH (2005) Part five: How to create a reminiscence room. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (5). pp. 223-225.

Chia, SH, Heathcote, J, Quinn, P and Plummer, M (2005) Part one: the value of reminiscence. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (1). pp. 27-29.

Chia, Swee Hong (2005) Assessment for and provision of positioning equipment for children with motor impairments. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12 (3). pp. 126-131. ISSN 1759-779X

Chia, Swee Hong, Wheble, Jane and Jarvis, Sue (2005) Bathing and showering equipment for children: A guide. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12 (10). pp. 1741-1745. ISSN 1759-779X

Copping, Jon and O'Driscoll, Marie-Lucie (2005) Application of tape at the shoulder joint: An effective therapeutic modality for the treatment of impingement syndrome? Physical Therapy Reviews, 10 (4). pp. 231-236.

Harrison, DJ (2005) Context of change in community mental health occupational therapy: Part 1. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12 (9). pp. 396-399. ISSN 1759-779X

Harrison, DJ (2005) Context of change in community mental health occupational therapy: Part 2. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12 (10). pp. 444-448. ISSN 1759-779X

Hartley, S, Ojwang, P, Baguwemu, A, Ddamulira, M and Chavuta, A (2005) How do carers of disabled children cope? The Ugandan perspective. Child: Care, Health and Development, 31 (2). pp. 167-180. ISSN 0305-1862

Heathcote, J, Chia, SH, Quinn, P and Plummer, M (2005) Part two: Choosing an individual reminiscence approach. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (2). pp. 78-80.

Hibberd, JM (2005) Safety around the bathroom. Therapy Weekly, 32 (17). pp. 6-8.

Housden, Sarah, Heathcote, Julie, Plummer, Margaret, Chia, Swee Hong and Quinn, Patricia (2005) Part four: Using reminiscence in residential homes. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (4). pp. 174-176.

Jepson, J. E. (2005) A practical guide to using mobile hoists. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (5). pp. 207-209.

Jerosch-Herold, Christina (2005) Assessment of sensibility after nerve injury and repair: A systematic review of evidence for validity, reliability and responsiveness of tests. Journal of Hand Surgery-British, 30 (3). pp. 252-264.

Jerosch-Herold, Christina (2005) An evidence-based approach to choosing outcome measures an checklist for the critical appraisal of validity, reliability and responsiveness studies. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68 (8). pp. 347-353. ISSN 1477-6006

Kendrick, D, Illingworth, R, Woods, A, Watts, K, Collier, Jacqueline, Dewey, M, Hapgood, R and Chen, C-M (2005) Cluster randomised controlled trial of an educational package to reduce baby walker possession and use in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 55. pp. 582-588. ISSN 1478-5242

Law, J., Bunning, K., Byng, S., Heyman, B. and Bryars, R. (2005) Making sense in primary care: Levelling the playing field for people with a communication disorder. Disability & Society, 20 (2). pp. 169-184. ISSN 1360-0508

MIllward, H., Ojwang, V. P., Carter, J. A. and Hartley, S. (2005) International guidelines and the inclusion of disabled people: The Ugandan story. Disability & Society, 20 (2). pp. 153-167. ISSN 1360-0508

McAllister, Jan and Kingston, Mary (2005) Final part-word repetitions in school-age children: Two case studies. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 30 (3). pp. 255-267. ISSN 1873-801X

McIntyre, John, Robertson, Sue, Norris, Elizabeth, Appleton, Richard, Whitehouse, William P., Phillips, Barbara, Martland, Tim, Berry, Kathleen, Collier, Jacqueline, Smith, Stephanie and Choonara, Imti (2005) Safety and efficacy of buccal midazolam versus rectal diazepam for emergency treatment of seizures in children: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 366 (9841). pp. 205-210. ISSN 1474-547X

Pomeroy, V. M., Cooke, E., Hamilton, S., Whittet, A. and Tallis, R. C. (2005) Development of a schedule of current physiotherapy treatment used to improve movement control and functional use of the lower limb after stroke: a precursor to a clinical trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 19 (4). pp. 350-359.

Pomeroy, Valerie M., Clark, Christopher A., Miller, J. Simon G., Baron, Jean-Claude, Markus, Hugh S. and Tallis, Raymond C. (2005) The potential for utilising the "mirror neurone system" to enhance recovery of the severely affected upper limb early after stroke. A review and hypothesis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 19 (1). pp. 4-13.

Quinn, Patricia, Heathcote, Julie, Chia, SH and Hong, Chia Swee (2005) Part three: Introduction to the Pabulum Wroxy Music group. Nursing and Residential Care, 7 (3). pp. 125-127.

Richardson, Barbara, O'Driscoll, Lucy, Poland, Fiona and McCullagh, Michael (2005) An investigation of an orthopaedic referral system - implications for clinical governance. Quality in Primary Care, 13 (4). pp. 205-212.

Smith, Toby O (2005) Physiotherapy in the management of TMD? A review of the literature. Part 11. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 12 (1). pp. 30-37. ISSN 1759-779X

Zwierska, Irena, Walker, Richard D., Choksy, Sohail A., Male, Jonathan S., Pockley, A. Graham and Saxton, John M. (2005) Upper- versus lower-limb aerobic exercise rehabilitation in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial disease: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 42 (6). pp. 1122-1130. ISSN 1097-6809

Book Section

Law, J, Bunning, K and Morris, M (2005) Speech and language therapists: Their role in Health promotion. In: Health Promoting Practices: The Contribution of Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. Palgrave. ISBN 1403934118

Pearce, S, Watts, AF and Watkin, A (2005) Team performance, communication and patient safety. In: Patient safety: research into practice. Open University Press. ISBN 0335218547

Van de Gaag, A, Anderson, C and Bunning, K (2005) Learning to be common in therapy: Crossing the client group divide. In: New Directions in Speech and Language. Whurr Publishers Ltd.

Walker, LG, Green, V, Greenman, J, Walker, AA and Sharp, DM (2005) PNI and Chronic Malignant Disease: Cancer. In: Human Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Conference or Workshop Item

Harrison, DJ and Fletcher, S (2005) Interprofessional learning in Women's Health. Enhancing Competencies in Physiotherapy Education. In: European Network of Physiotherapists in Higher Education, Helsinki, Finland, 2005-01-01.

Hartley, SD (2005) Community-based Rehabilitation Network (CAN). In: Kyambogo University, Kampala, Uganda, 2005-01-01.

Hartley, SD (2005) The Disability Challenge: lessons from less developed countries. In: The International Child Health Group, Bristol, UK, 2005-01-01.

Jepson, JE and Wells, CA (2005) Development of a Distance Supervision Protocol. In: International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy, 2005-01-01.

Killett, AM (2005) Fragmenting experiences: The challenge of engaging with the whole. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference, 2005-01-01, University of York.

Killett, AM (2005) In pursuit of a participative approach - illusion or illumination? In: 1st International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 2005-05-05 - 2005-05-07, University of Illinois.

Killett, AM (2005) Researching with service users - can we make the changes? In: CRIPACC International Conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK, 2005-01-01.

Lambert, RA (2005) A pragmatic unblinded randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of an occupational therapy-led lifestyle approach and routine GP care of the treatment of Panic Disorder presenting in primary care. In: 33rd North American Primary Care Research Group meeting, 2005-01-01.

Lambert, RA (2005) Complex problems … Simple solutions?: Panic Disorder as an example. In: Centre for Complexity Research, University of Liverpool, 2005-01-01.

Lambert, RA (2005) Panic, primary care and complexity. In: Complexity Science and Society' International conference, University of Liverpool, 2005-01-01.

McAllister, J and Kingston, M (2005) Characteristics of Final Part-Word Repetitions. In: Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS), 2005-09-10 - 2005-09-12.

McArthur, MA (2005) Oh I wish I could go to work. In: National Association of Rheumatology Occupational Therapists Conference, Tavistock Institute, London, 2005-01-01.

McArthur, MA, Van Staveren, WA and Riboli, E (2005) Sensory integration and the treatment of people with attachment disorder. In: Association of Occupational Therapists in Mental Health Conference, 2005-01-01.

Raschka, C (2005) Play on! Playing about with games in language teaching. In: BAAL/CUP Seminar: Leanguage Learning/ Teaching as Social (Inter)action. University of Newcastle upon Tyne., 2005-01-01.

Richardson, B (2005) The added value of physiotherapy in occupational health. In: NHS Plus Conference, 2005-01-01, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Watkin, A, Black, J, Watts, AF and Pearce, S (2005) Forging Partnerships in Interprofessional Education'. Working in Partnership to deliver an Interprofessional Learning Programme for Cross-agency Child Protection Teams. In: Oral presentation at Loughborough, (East Midland Universities Association),, 2005-01-01.

Watkin, A, Black, J, Watts, AF and Pearce, S (2005) Interprofessional Education: Evaluation of a Programme for Inter-Agency Child Protection Teams. In: Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association Annual Professional Conference, Bournemouth, 2005-01-01.

Watkin, A, Black, J, Watts, AF and Pearce, S (2005) Working in partnership to deliver an interprofessional learning programme for cross-agency child protection teams. In: Forging partnerships in interprofessional education, Loughborough (East Midland Universities Association, 2005-01-01.

Watkin, A, Watts, AF, Duncan, A, Pearce, S and Black, J (2005) Grounding Action in Theory: Safeguarding Children: Can an Interprofessional Programme with Cross-Agency Teams Improve Team Effectiveness and Ultimately Service Delivery? In: Oral presentation at the North American Interprofessional Education Conference, University of Toronto, 2005-01-01.

Watkin, A, Watts, AF, Duncan, A, Pearce, S and Black, J (2005) Safeguarding children: can an interprofessional programme with cross-agency teams improve team effectiveness and ultimately service delivery? In: North American Interprofessional Education Conference: Grounding Action in Theory, University of Toronto, 2005-01-01.

Watts, AF, Watkin, A, Duncan, A and Pearce, S (2005) Can improving interprofessional team-working and creating changes in practice lead to improvements in patient safety? In: North American Interprofessional Education Conference: Grounding Action in Theory, University of Toronto, 2005-01-01.


Hartley, S, Murira, G, Mwangoma, M and Carter, J (2005) Women in action: improving the quality of disabled children's lives. University College London / Centre for International Child Health. ISBN 0953226522


Broad, Mary-Ann, Harden, Beverley, Cross, Jane L., Ritson, Paul and Thomas, Sandy (2005) On Course for On-Call. UNSPECIFIED.

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