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Bateman, I. J., Turner, R. K., Adger, W. N., Boar, R., Brouwer, R., Crooks, S., Dockerty, T., Georgiou, S., Jones, A., Langford, I. H., Ledoux, L., Nishikawa, N., Powe, N., Wright, J. and Wright, S. D. (2001) Management of a Multi-Purpose Coastal Wetland:The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads, England. In: Economics of Coastal and Water Resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 159-214. ISBN 978-0-7923-6504-4
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Harremoës, P. and Turner, R. K. (2001) Methods for integrated assessment. Regional Environmental Change, 2 (2). pp. 57-65.
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O'Neill, John, Turner, R. Kerry and Bateman, Ian (2001) Environmental Ethics and Philosophy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 978 1 84064 221 6
Park, S. E., Benjamin, L. R., Aikman, D. P. and Watkinson, A. R. (2001) Predicting the growth interactions between plants in mixed species stands using a simple mechanistic model. Annals of Botany, 87 (4). pp. 523-536. ISSN 0305-7364
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Timmerman, JG and Turner, RK (2001) International Workshop on Information for Sustainable Water Management Proceedings. Riza, Netherlands.
Turner, Kerry and Bateman, Ian (2001) Water Resources and Coastal Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 1-84068-222-X
Turner, R. K., Powell, J. C., Adger, W. N. and Crooks, S. (2001) Waste Assimilation and Management in the North Sea. In: The Economics of Water and Coastal Resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 235-279.
Turner, R. Kerry, Georgiou, Stavros, Gren, Ing-Marie, Wulff, Fredric, Barrett, Scott, Söderqvist, Tore, Bateman, Ian J., Folke, Carl, Langaas, Sindre, Żylicz, Tomasz, Mäler, Karl-Göran and Markowska, Agnieszka (2001) Managing nutrient fluxes and pollution in the Baltic: An interdisciplinary simulation study. In: Water Resources and Coastal Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 422-441.
Turner, RK, Adger, N, Crooks, S, Lorenzoni, I and Ledoux, L (2001) Sustainable coastal resources management: Principles and Practice. In: Water Resources and Coastal Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Turner, RK, Bateman, I and Adger, WN (2001) Ecological economics and coastal zone ecosystems’ values: an overview. In: The Economics of Water and Coastal Resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 1-43.
Turner, RK and Bateman, IJ (2001) Towards integrated coastal management. In: Water Resources and Coastal Management. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, xii-xxv.
Turner, RK and Fairbrass, Jenny (2001) Sustainable development policy in the United Kingdom. Journal of Environmental Sciences Planning for Sustainable Development, 16 (3). pp. 107-123.
Turner, RK, Georgiou, S and Bateman, IJ (2001) Valuation and management of nutrient pollution in the Baltic drainage basin. In: Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 215-234.
Turner, RK (2001) Role of Socio-Economics in Bridging the Gap between Managers and Natural Scientists. In: Proceedings of the EurOcean 2000 Conference. EC, Brussels, pp. 29-36.
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