Acheson, Cat, Hargreaves, Tom, Pallett, Helen and Seyfang, Gill (2024) Exploring intersectional approaches to waste through grassroots innovations in the U.K. Local Environment, 29 (10). pp. 1287-1306. ISSN 1354-9839
Chilvers, Jason (2024) Remaking public engagement with climate change. Dialogues on Climate Change, 1 (1). pp. 49-55. ISSN 2976-8659
Cotton, Isabel, Forster, Johanna, Lorenzoni, Irene and Tolhurst, Trevor J. (2024) Challenges to anticipatory coastal adaptation for transformative nature-based solutions. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 88. ISSN 0959-3780
Dixon, Maximilian, Grilli, Gaetano, Stewart, Bryce D., Bark, Rosalind H. and Ferrini, Silvia (2024) The importance of rebuilding trust in fisheries governance in post-Brexit England. Marine Policy, 161. ISSN 0308-597X
Geese, Lucas, Sullivan-Thomsett, Chantal, J. Jordan, Andrew, Kenny, John and Lorenzoni, Irene (2024) Measuring climate mitigation policy content in text-as-data: navigating the conceptual challenges. Political Research Exchange, 6 (1). ISSN 2474-736X
Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot, Mahony, Martin and Chilvers, Jason (2024) Ecologies of co-production in the Anthropocene. Progress in Environmental Geography, 3 (2). pp. 115-136. ISSN 2753-9687
Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot, Stephanides, Phedeas, Hoerbst, Franziska, Longhurst, Noel, Maguire, Duncan and Hoechner, Hannah (2024) Let's 'do different': Planetary Citizen Education Proposal.
Juliani Pereira, Vinicius (2024) Threshold: how smart homes change us inside and out:by Heather Suzanne Woods. Tuscaloosa, Alabama, The University of Alabama Press, 2024, 226 pp., $34.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8173-6143-3; $110.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-8173-2194-9; $34.95 (eBook), ISBN 978-0-8173-9497-4. Social & Cultural Geography. ISSN 1464-9365
Juliani Pereira, Vinicius and Hargreaves, Tom (2024) Are you thinking what I’m thinking? The role of professionals’ imaginaries in the development of smart home technologies. Futures, 163. ISSN 0016-3287
Kenny, John, Geese, Lucas, Jordan, Andrew and Lorenzoni, Irene (2024) A framework for classifying climate change questions used in public opinion surveys. Environmental Politics. ISSN 0964-4016
King, Phoebe and Bark, Rosalind H. (2024) From local solutions to catchment-wide management: An investigation of upstream-downstream trade-offs when scaling out nature-based flood risk management. Ecosystems and People, 20 (1). ISSN 2639-5908
Laing Ebbensgaard, Casper (2024) Architectures of disavowal and enduring acts of refusal. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 42 (5-6). pp. 824-843. ISSN 0263-7758
Laing Ebbensgaard, Casper (2024) Light violence at the threshold of acceptability. Urban Studies, 61 (4). pp. 669-686. ISSN 0042-0980
Laing Ebbensgaard, Casper, Murawski, Michał, Woodcraft, Saffron and Zubovich, Katherine (2024) Introduction: Verticality, radicalism, resistance. Urban Studies, 61 (4). pp. 619-635. ISSN 0042-0980
Lorenzoni, Irene, Day, Sophie A., Mahony, Martin, Tolhurst, Trevor J. and Bark, Rosalind H. (2024) Innovation in coastal governance: management and expectations of the UK’s first sandscaping scheme. Regional Environmental Change, 24 (3). ISSN 1436-3798
McLaren, Duncan P., Anderson, Christine, Barry, John, Castán Broto, Vanesa, de Cheveigné, Suzanne, Chilvers, Jason, Crowther, Alison, Hupé, Jean-Michel, Kalaugher, Liz, Labussiere, Olivier, Rothery, Tina L., Nadai, Alain, Ortar, Nathalie, Raine, Jordan, Smith, Graham, Wallenborn, Grégoire and Walker, Gordon (2024) Developing a minifesta for effective academic-activist collaboration in the context of the climate emergency. Frontiers in Education, 9. ISSN 2504-284X
Pallett, Helen, Price, Catherine, Chilvers, Jason and Burall, Simon (2024) Just public algorithms: Mapping public engagement with the use of algorithms in UK public services. Big Data & Society, 11 (1). ISSN 2053-9517
Quealy, Harry M. and Paranage, Kavindra (2024) The living legacies of mega water-development projects: Power, politics, and the afterlives of Sri Lanka's Mahaweli Development Project. Geoforum, 157. ISSN 0016-7185
Stephanides, Phedeas, Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot, Thompson, Olivia, Vadakkumpurath Raveendran, Reethu, Nicolaidou, Marina, Irving, Sean, Chilvers, Jason and Pallett, Helen (2024) Making UEA fit for a climate changed future? Four visions of where we should be heading.
Thomy, Buyani, Morrison, Mark, Duncan, Roderick, Bark, Rosalind H., Boyle, Kevin J. and Birtles, Phillip J. (2024) Investigating revealed preferences for urban waterway conditions: A hedonic property valuation study. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68 (2). pp. 253-269. ISSN 1364-985X
Turnpenny, John and Alexander, Meghan (2024) Addressing risks to mental health from climate change: A policy capacity analysis of England. Climate Policy, 24 (9). pp. 1211-1224. ISSN 1469-3062
Beck, Silke, Forsyth, Tim and Mahony, Martin (2024) Climate Change and STS. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar, pp. 451-459. ISBN 9781800377981
Kearnes, Matthew and Chilvers, Jason (2024) Public engagement and participation revisited. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 194-204. ISBN 9781800377981
McLaughlin, Dave (2024) The Nineteenth Century. In: The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies. Routledge Literary Handbooks . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 198-207. ISBN 978-0-367-56433-9
Henderson, Niklas, Pallett, Helen, van der Linden, Sander, Montanarini, Jake and Buckley, Oliver (2024) The disPHISHinformation Game: Creating a Serious Game to Fight Phishing Using Blended Design Approaches. In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2024-07-24 - 2024-07-27, Université Côte d'Azur.
Chilvers, Jason, Hinds, Paul, Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot and Lawson, Chloe (2024) A Public Engagement Laboratory for Nature and Society. Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group, Norwich.
Chilvers, Jason, Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot, Hinds, Paul and Pallett, Helen (2024) Mapping Diverse Public Engagements with Nature and Biodiversity. Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group, Norwich.
Honeybun-Arnolda, Elliot, Pallett, Helen and Chilvers, Jason (2024) Public engagement with sustainable wastewater management and hydrogen technologies:Triple Carbon Reduction project report. UNSPECIFIED, Norwich, UK.
McLaughlin, Dave (2024) Making the Literary-Geographical World of Sherlock Holmes:The Game is Afoot. Literary Geography: Theory and Practice . University of Wales Press, Cardiff. ISBN 978-1-83772-165-8
Sullivan-Thomsett, Chantal, Jordan, Andy, Lorenzoni, Irene and Geese, Lucas (2024) How not to transform: Learning from the backlash against low-carbon heating policy in Germany. CAST Briefing . UNSPECIFIED.
Thompson, Olivia, Barber, Jake and Rohse, Melanie (2024) The Implications of A Net Zero Transformation of Society for Product Safety Within the Home. Science, Society and Sustainability (3S) Research Group.
Thompson, Olivia, Rohse, Melanie and Barber, Jake (2024) Social Science Approaches to Understanding the Implications of a Net Zero Transformation of Society. Energy SHINES (Energy Social sciences and Humanities Insights for Non-Energy Sectors) . UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC).
Sharma, Nickhil (2024) Smart, fair and flexible: lessons from the smart meter rollouts in Great Britain. Heinrich Böll Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation European Union.