Baines, Roger ORCID:
The Journalist, the Translator, the Player and his Agent: games of (mis)representation and (mis)translation in British media reports about non-anglophone football players.
Words, Images and Performances in Translation.
Continuum, pp. 100-111.
ISBN 9781441165961
Baines, Roger ORCID:, Marinetti, C and Perteghella, M
Staging Translation: Text and Theatre Practice.
ISBN 9780230228191
Daalder, Saskia and Musolff, Andreas (2011) Foundations of pragmatics in functional linguistics. In: Foundations of Pragmatics. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, pp. 229-260.
De Pablos-Ortega, Carlos (2011) Las actitudes de los hombres y de las mujeres anglohablantes ante el agradecimiento en español: estudio contrastivo. Revista Nebrija de Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de las Lenguas, 10 (5). pp. 2-21. ISSN 1699-6569
Drugan, Joanna (2011) The Rise of Translation. In: French Studies in and for the Twenty First Century. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781846316562
Drugan, Joanna (2011) Translation Ethics wikified: How far do professional codes of ethics and practice apply to non-professionally produced translation. Linguistica Antverpiensia New Series - Themes in Translation Studies, 10 (Community Translation 2.0). pp. 111-131.
Drugan, Joanna and Megone, Chris (2011) Bringing ethics into translator training: An integrated, inter-disciplinary approach. Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 5 (1). pp. 189-211. ISSN 1750-399X
Filipovic, Luna (2011) Speaking and remembering in one or two languages: Bilingual vs. monolingual lexicalization and memory for motion events. International Journal of Bilingualism, 15 (4). pp. 466-485. ISSN 1756-6878
Guillot, Marie-Noelle ORCID:
Interruption in advanced learner French: issues of pragmatic discrimination (repr from Languages in Contrast 9.1, 98-123).
Contrastive Pragmatics.
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 97-121.
Hijazo-Gascon, Alberto ORCID:
Las metáforas conceptuales como estrategias comunicativas y de aprendizaje. Una aplicación didáctica de la lingüística cognitiva.
Hispania - A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portugese, 94 (1).
pp. 142-154.
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, I and Hijazo-Gascon, Alberto ORCID:
Variación intratipológica y diatópica en los eventos de movimiento.
La expresión de tiempo y espacio y las relaciones espacio-temporales en el español norteño.
Editorial Cilengua, San Millán de la Cogolla, pp. 135-159.
Marsh, Hazel ORCID:
Música Norteña: Mexican Migrants Creating a Nation between Nations. Cathy Ragland. Temple University Press.
Popular Music, 30 (1).
ISSN 1474-0095
Musolff, Andreas (2011) German nationalist and colonial discourse: an introduction. Patterns of Prejudice, 45 (5). pp. 377-379. ISSN 0031-322X
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Health and Illness of the Leviathan. Hobbes’s Use of the Commonplace Metaphor of the Body Politic. In: Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period, vol. 2: Consolidation of God-given power. Peeters, Leuven.
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Hitler's Children revisited: West German terrorism and the problem of coming to terms with the Nazi past. Terrorism and Political Violence, 23 (1). pp. 60-71. ISSN 1556-1836
Musolff, Andreas (2011) How (not) to resurrect the body politic: the racist bias in Carl Schmitt's theory of sovereignty. Patterns of Prejudice, 45 (5). pp. 453-468. ISSN 0031-322X
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Metaphor in political dialogue. Language and Dialogue, 1 (2). pp. 191-206. ISSN 2210-4127
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Metaphorische Parasiten und „parasitäre“ Metaphern: Semantische Wechselwirkungen zwischen politischem und naturwissenschaftlichem Vokabular. In: Metaphern und Gesellschaft. Die Bedeutung der Orientierung durch Metaphern. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Migration, media and "deliberate" metaphors., 21. pp. 7-19.
Musolff, Andreas (2011) Politische Sprachkritik und kognitive Metapherntheorie. Neuere Analysen nationalsozialistischer Rhetorik. In: Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur. Konzepte und Impulse für Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit. Hempen Verlag, Bremen.
Musolff, Andreas and al-Zuweiri, A (2011) The milestone metaphor: CNN and al-Jazeera Discourse on the Iraq War. In: The New Arab Media. Technology, Image and Perception. Ithaca Press, Reading.
Pounds, Gabrina (2011) Empathy as "appraisal": Developing a new language-based approach to the exploration of clinical empathy. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 7 (2). 145–168. ISSN 2040-3666
Pounds, Gabrina (2011) 'Foreignising' or 'domesticating' the ideology of parental control in translating stories for children: Insights from contrastive discourse analysis. Applied Linguistics, 32 (3). 277–298. ISSN 1477-450X
Pounds, Gabrina (2011) "This property offers much character and charm": Evaluation in the discourse of online property advertising. Text and Talk, 31 (2). pp. 195-220. ISSN 1860-7349
Ridealgh, Kim ORCID:
Yes Dear! Spousal Dynamics in the Late Ramesside Letters.
Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Symposium.
Current Research in Egyptology
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 124-130.
ISBN 9781842174982
Sato-Rossberg, Nana (2011) Translating Culture – Creative Translations of Ainu Chanted-Myths by Mashiho Chiri. Sapporodo, Sapporo.
Sato-Rossberg, Nana (2011) Translating Culture – From Ainu oral narrative into Japanese. In: Translation Studies. Misuzu, Tokyo.
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Wolf, Alain (2011) Translation, adaptation, inscription: displacing God in Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. META, 56 (4). pp. 861-877. ISSN 1492-1421
de Pablos-Ortega, Carlos (2011) The pragmatics of thanking reflected in the textbooks for teaching Spanish as a foreign language. Journal of Pragmatics, 43 (9). pp. 2411-2433. ISSN 0378-2166