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Jancovich, Mark and Manning, Robert (2016) 'A Poisonous Picture':The Big Sleep, The Hollywood Left and the Postwar Thriller. In: Howard Hawks. British Film Institute Publishing, pp. 82-93. ISBN 97818844575411
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Kramer, Peter (2016) The General (BFI Film Classics). British Film Institute, London. ISBN 9781844579150
Kramer, Peter (2016) ’I’ll be right here!’ Dealing with Emotional Trauma in and through E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. In: Children in the Films of Steven Spielberg. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 91-121. ISBN 9781498518840
Kramer, Peter (2016) The Legacy of Dr. Strangelove: Stanley Kubrick, Science Fiction, and the Future of Humanity. In: The Apocalypse in Film: Dystopia, Disasters, and other Visions about the End of the World. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9781442260276
Kramer, Peter (2016) The Movie Audience in the Archive. In: Reflections on Archives Museum and Special Collections. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 60-61. ISBN 9781906908423
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McKay, George (2016) Gee Vaucher's punk painting as record sleeves. In: Gee Vaucher: Introspective. Firstsite, Colchester, pp. 64-74. ISBN 978-1-57027-315-5
McKay, George and Webster, Emma (2016) From Glyndebourne to Glastonbury:The Impact of British Music Festivals. AHRC/UEA.
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Mills, Brett (2016) ‘If this was a human…’: Pets, vets and medicine. Critical Studies in Television, 11 (2). pp. 244-256. ISSN 1749-6020
Mills, Brett (2016) Make Me Laugh: Creativity in the British television comedy industry. Humor, 29 (2). 157–174. ISSN 1613-3722
Mills, Brett (2016) Old Jokes:One Foot in the Grave, Comedy and the Elderly. In: British TV Comedies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 265-277. ISBN 978-1-137-55294-5
Mills, Brett (2016) "Out There, In the World":Representations of the Zoo and Other Spaces in the Madagascar Trilogy. In: The Zoo and Screen Media. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 137-152. ISBN 978-1-137-54342-4
Mills, Brett (2016) A Special Freedom:Regulating Comedy Offence. In: Taboo Comedy. Palgrave Studies in Comedy . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 209-226. ISBN 978-1-137-59337-5
Mills, Brett and Horton, Erica (2016) Creativity in the British Television Comedy Industry. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138807211
Phillips, Tom (2016) Discussions with Developers: F2P and the Changing Landscape of Games Business Development. In: Social, Casual and Mobile Games. Bloomsbury, pp. 61-73. ISBN 9781501310584
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Tasker, Yvonne (2016) Contested masculinities:The action film, the war film, and the western. In: The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Gender. Taylor and Francis, pp. 111-120. ISBN 9781138924956
Tasker, Yvonne (2016) Sensation/investigation: Crime television and the action aesthetic. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 14 (3). pp. 304-323. ISSN 1740-0309
Tasker, Yvonne and Steenberg, Lindsay (2016) Women Warriors from Chivalry to Vengeance. In: Women of Ice and Fire. Bloomsbury, pp. 171-192. ISBN 978-1-5013-0290-9
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Williams, Melanie (2016) The girl you don’t see: Julie Harris and the costume designer in British cinema. Feminist Media Histories, 2 (2). pp. 71-106. ISSN 2373-7492
Winch, Alison (2016) ‘I just think it’s dirty and lazy’: Fat surveillance and erotic capital. Sexualities, 19 (8). pp. 898-913. ISSN 1461-7382
Winch, Alison (2016) Trouble. The Emma Press. ISBN 9781910139394
Winch, Alison and Hakim, Jamie (2016) “I’m selling the dream really aren’t I?”: Sharing Fit Male Bodies on Social Networking Sites. In: Digital Leisure Cultures: Critical Perspectives. Routledge. ISBN 9781138955073
Winch, Alison, Littler, Jo and Keller, Jessalynn (2016) Why 'intergenerational feminist media studies'? Feminist Media Studies, 16 (4). pp. 557-572. ISSN 1468-0777