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Dimitrakopoulous, Dionyssis G. and Kassim, Hussein ORCID: (2004) Preference Formation and EU Treaty Reform: Part One (Special Issue). Comparative European Politics, 2 (3). ISSN 1472-4790
Dowding, Keith, Finlayson, Alan ORCID:, Hay, Colin and Rhodes, Rod (2004) Interpretive Methodology and Political Science: A Roundtable. British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 6 (2). pp. 129-164. ISSN 1467-856X
Finlayson, Alan ORCID: (2004) Political science, political ideas and rhetoric. Economy and Society, 33 (4). pp. 528-549. ISSN 0308-5147
Finlayson, Alan ORCID: and Taylor, Richard (2004) Reading Titanic Politically. In: The Titanic in Myth and Memory. I B Tauris. ISBN 9781850434320
Fischer, Eugen ORCID: (2004) A Cognitive Self Therapy - Philosophical Investigations. In: Wittgenstein at Work Method in the Philosophical Investigations. Routledge, pp. 86-126. ISBN 0415316057
Fischer, Eugen ORCID: (2004) Dream Scepticism: From an Illusory Solution to the Outline of a Dissolution (in German: Traumskepsis: Von der Illusion einer Lösung zum Ansatz einer Auflösung). Philosophy and/as Science. Selected Papers Contributed to the 5th International Congress of the Society for Analytic Philosophy. pp. 182-92.
Fischer, Eugen ORCID: (2004) Imaginary Experiences: Wittgenstein's Analysis of a Philosophical 'Urge' (in German: Eingebildete Empfindungen: Wittgensteins Analyse eines philosophischen 'Triebes'). Experience and Analysis. Pre-proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 12.
Fischer, Eugen ORCID: and Ammereller, Erich (2004) Aims and Method in the "Investigations". In: Wittgenstein at Work Method in the Philosophical Investigations. Routledge, p. 256. ISBN 0415316057
Kassim, Hussein ORCID: (2004) The Kinnock reforms in perspective: Why reforming the Commission is an heroic, but thankless task. Public Policy and Administration, 19 (3). pp. 25-41. ISSN 1749-4192
Kassim, Hussein ORCID: (2004) The Secretariat General of the European Commission, 1958-2003: a singular institution. In: Politics and the European Commission. Routledge, pp. 47-66. ISBN 0415429722
Kassim, Hussein ORCID: (2004) The United Kingdom and the future of Europe: Winning the battle, losing the war. Comparative European Politics, 2 (2). pp. 261-281. ISSN 1740-388X
Kassim, Hussein ORCID: (2004) An historic achievement. Administrative reform under the Prodi Commission. In: The Changing European Commission. Manchester University Press, pp. 33-62. ISBN 0719067774
Kassim, Hussein ORCID: and Menon, A. (2004) Les états membres de l'ue et la commission prodi. In: The Changing European Commission. Manchester University Press, pp. 89-104. ISBN 0719067774
Koutrakou, V (2004) Contemporary Issues and Debates in EU Policy: The European Union and International Relations. Manchester University Press. ISBN 07190 6419 8
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