Items where School is "School of Mathematics (former - to 2024)

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Number of items: 65.


Archibald, Rick, Gelb, Anne, Gottlieb, Sigal and Ryan, Jennifer (2006) One-sided post-processing for the discontinuous Galerkin method using ENO type stencil choosing and the local edge detection method. Journal of Scientific Computing, 28 (2-3). pp. 167-190. ISSN 1573-7691

Aspero, David (2006) Generic absoluteness for \(\Sigma_1\) formulas and the continuum problem. In: Logic Colloquium '02. Association for Symbolic Logic, pp. 1-27. ISBN 1568813007

Asperó, D. (2006) Coding by club-sequences. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 142 (1-3). pp. 98-114. ISSN 0168-0072


Baier, Stephan (2006) Almost-all results on the p^\lambda problem II. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 113. pp. 39-49. ISSN 1588-2632

Baier, Stephan (2006) On the large sieve with sparse sets of moduli. Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 21 (3). pp. 279-295.

Baier, Stephan (2006) The large sieve with quadratic amplitude. Functiones Et Approximatio, 36. pp. 33-43.

Baier, Stephan and Zhao, Liangyi (2006) Bombieri-Vinogradov type theorems for sparse sets of moduli. Acta Arithmetica, 125 (2). pp. 187-201. ISSN 0065-1036

Baier, Stephan (2006) New results on the p^\lambda problem. In: Elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie. Verlag Stuttgart, Stuttgart, pp. 15-26.

Baier, Stephan (2006) On the least n with \chi(n)\not=1. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 57. pp. 279-283. ISSN 1464-3847

Baier, Stephan (2006) A remark on the least n with \chi(n)\not=1. The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 86. pp. 67-72. ISSN 1464-3847

Barclay, Jenni, Johnstone, Jade E. and Matthews, Adrian J. (2006) Meteorological monitoring of an active volcano: Implications for eruption prediction. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 150 (4). pp. 339-358.

Bills, Liz, Cooker, Mark, Huggins, Robin, Iannone, Paola and Nardi, Elena (2006) Promoting mathematics as a field of study: events and activities for the sixth-form pupils visiting UEAs Further Mathematics Centre (A UEA Teaching Fellowship Report). Working Paper. University of East Anglia.

Blyth, M.G., Luo, H and Pozrikidis, C. (2006) Stability of axisymmetric core–annular flow in the presence of an insoluble surfactant. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 548 (1). pp. 207-235. ISSN 0022-1120

Blyth, M.G. and Pozrikidis, C. (2006) Film flow down an inclined plane over a three-dimensional obstacle. Physics of Fluids, 18 (5).


Džamonja, M (2006) Universality of uniform Eberlein compacta. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 134 (8). pp. 2427-2435.

Džamonja, Mirna (2006) Measure Recognition Problem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 364 (1849). pp. 3171-3182. ISSN 1471-2962

Džamonja, Mirna and Hamkins, Joel David (2006) Diamond (on the regulars) can fail at any strongly unfoldable cardinal. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 144 (1-3). pp. 83-95.

Džamonja, Mirna and Shelah, Saharon (2006) On properties of theories which preclude the existence of universal models. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 139 (1-3). pp. 280-302.

Džamonja, Mirna and Thompson, Katherine (2006) A poset hierarchy. Central European Journal of Mathematics, 4 (2). pp. 225-241. ISSN 1644-3616


Evans, David M. and Hewitt, Paul R. (2006) Continuous cohomology of permutation groups on profinite modules. Communications in Algebra, 34 (4). pp. 1251-1264. ISSN 0092-7872

Everest, Graham, McLaren, Gerard and Ward, Thomas (2006) Primitive divisors of elliptic divisibility sequences. Journal of Number Theory, 118 (1). pp. 71-89.


Fayers, Matthew, Lyle, Sinéad and Martin, Stuart (2006) p-restriction of partitions and homomorphisms between Specht modules. Journal of Algebra, 306 (1). pp. 175-190.


Handoh, Itsuki C., Bigg, Grant R., Matthews, Adrian J. and Stevens, David P. (2006) Interannual variability of the Tropical Atlantic independent of and associated with ENSO: Part II. The South Tropical Atlantic. International Journal of Climatology, 26 (14). pp. 1957-1976. ISSN 1097-0088

Handoh, Itsuki C., Matthews, Adrian J., Bigg, Grant R. and Stevens, David P. (2006) Interannual variability of the tropical Atlantic independent of and associated with ENSO: Part I. The North Tropical Atlantic. International Journal of Climatology, 26 (14). pp. 1937-1956. ISSN 1097-0088

Hui, K. S. and Chao, C. Y. H. (2006) Effects of step-change of synthesis temperature on synthesis of zeolite 4A from coal fly ash. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 88 (1-3). pp. 145-151. ISSN 1387-1811

Hui, K. S. and Chao, C. Y. H. (2006) Pure, single phase, high crystalline, chamfered-edge zeolite 4A synthesized from coal fly ash for use as a builder in detergents. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137 (1). pp. 401-409. ISSN 0304-3894

Hui, K. S. and Chao, C. Y. H. (2006) Synthesis of MCM-41 from coal fly ash by a green approach:Influence of synthesis pH. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137 (2). pp. 1135-1148. ISSN 0304-3894


James, Gordon, Lyle, Sinéad and Mathas, Andrew (2006) Rouquier blocks. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 252 (3). pp. 511-531. ISSN 0025-5874

Jung, Jong-Jin, Korobkin, Alexander A., Shin, Hyun-Soo and Lee, Woo-Seob (2006) Coupled dynamic analysis of vessel/risers system including VIV. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Kaplanis, Socrates and Kaplani, Eleni (2006) Incorporation of statistical analysis of solar radiation in PV-sizing. In: Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC IX). UNSPECIFIED, ITA.

Kaplanis, Socrates and Kaplani, Eleni (2006) A comparison of a new PV-sizing approach for stand- alone systems with conventional methodologies. In: Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on European Power and Energy Systems (EuroPES 2006). UNSPECIFIED, GRC, pp. 332-337.

Kaplanis, Socrates and Kaplani, Eleni (2006) A cost-effective PV-sizing approach based on the solar radiation statistical fluctuations. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Teaching in Photovoltaics (IWTPV'06). UNSPECIFIED, CZE.

Kirby, Jonathan and Zilber, Boris (2006) The Uniform Schanuel Conjecture Over the Real Numbers. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 38 (04). pp. 568-570. ISSN 0024-6093

Kirby, J (2006) The Theory of Exponential Differential Equations. Doctoral thesis, Magdalen College, University of Oxford.

Korobkin, A. A. (2006) Two-dimensional problem of the impact of a vertical wall on a layer of a partially aerated liquid. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 47 (5). pp. 643-653. ISSN 0021-8944

Korobkin, A. A., Guéret, R. and Malenica, Š. (2006) Hydroelastic coupling of beam finite element model with Wagner theory of water impact. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 22 (4). pp. 493-504.

Korobkin, A. A. and Khabakhpasheva, T. I. (2006) Impact on the boundary of a compressible two-layer fluid. Fluid Dynamics, 41 (2). pp. 263-277. ISSN 0015-4628

Korobkin, A. A. and Khabakhpasheva, T. I. (2006) Regular wave impact onto an elastic plate. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 55 (1-4). pp. 127-150. ISSN 0022-0833

Korobkin, A.A. (2006) A taste of engineering mathematics from present-day Russia. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 55 (1-4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0022-0833

Korobkin, A.A., Gazzola, T. and Malenica, S. (2006) Hydro-elastic Wagner impact using variational inequalities. In: 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 2006-04-02 - 2006-04-05.

Korobkin, A.A. and Iafrati, A. (2006) Breaking wave impact onto elastic wall. In: Proc. 4th Intern. Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, 2006-01-01.

Korobkin, A.A. and Iafrati, A. (2006) Hydrodynamic loads on flat plate entering water. In: 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 2006-04-02 - 2006-04-05.

Korobkin, A.A., Khabakhpasheva, T.I. and Wu, G.X. (2006) Compressible jet impact onto elastic panels. In: Proc. 4th Intern. Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, 2006-01-01.

Korobkin, A.A., Malenica, S., Scolan, Y.M., Gueret, R., Delafosse, V., Gazzola, T., Mravak, Z., Chen, X.B. and Zalar, M. (2006) Hydroelastic impacts in the tanks of LNG carriers. In: Proc. 4th Intern. Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, 2006-01-01.

Korobkin, A.A. and Scolan, Y.-M. (2006) Three-dimensional theory of water impact. Part 2. Linearized Wagner problem. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 549. pp. 343-373. ISSN 0022-1120

Korobkin, Alexander A. and Iafrati, Alessandro (2006) Numerical study of jet flow generated by impact on weakly compressible liquid. Physics of Fluids, 18 (3). 032108/1-032108/12.


Lyle, Sinéad (2006) Some results obtained by application of the LLT algorithm. Communications in Algebra, 24 (5). pp. 1723-1752. ISSN 0092-7872


Miles, Richard and Ward, Thomas (2006) Periodic point data detects subdynamics in entropy rank one. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26 (06). pp. 1913-1930. ISSN 0143-3857

Miles, Richard and Ward, Tom (2006) Mixing actions of the rationals. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26 (06). 1905–1911. ISSN 0143-3857

Morland, Leslie W. and Staroszczyk, Ryszard (2006) Steady radial ice-sheet flow with fabric evolution. Journal of Glaciology, 52 (177). pp. 267-280. ISSN 0022-1430


Parau, E., Decent, S. P., King, A. C., Simmons, M. J. H. and Wong, D. C. (2006) Nonlinear travelling waves on a spiralling liquid jet. Wave Motion, 43 (7). pp. 599-618. ISSN 0165-2125

Purvis, R., Johnson, E. R. and Smith, F. T. (2006) Underbody and ground effects on rotating disc flow: a global inviscid study. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 25 (6). pp. 923-938. ISSN 0997-7546

Pǎrǎu, E., Vanden-Broeck, J.-M. and Cooker, M.J. (2006) Three-dimensional waves in a two-fluid system generated by a moving pressure. In: 21st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, 2006-04-02 - 2006-04-05.


Quero, Manuel, Hammond, David W., Purvis, Richard and Smith, Frank T. (2006) Analysis of super-cooled water droplet impact on a thin water layer and ice growth. In: Paper AIAA-2006-466 of 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit 9-12 January 2006, 2006-01-09 - 2006-01-12.


Salman, H., Kuznetsov, L., Jones, C. K. R. T. and Ide, K. (2006) A method for assimilating Lagrangian data into a shallow-water-equation ocean model. Monthly Weather Review, 134 (4). pp. 1081-1101. ISSN 0027-0644

Salman, H., McGuirk, J J and Page, G J (2006) Prediction of a non-isothermal three-dimensional mixing layer created by a scarfed lobed mixer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 220 (5). pp. 399-419. ISSN 0954-4100

Salnikov, Valeriy and Scott, Nigel (2006) Asymptotic and numerical analysis of thermoelastic waves in an isotropic plate. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 71 (3). pp. 409-433. ISSN 0272-4960

Salnikov, Valeriy and Scott, Nigel (2006) Thermoelastic waves in a constrained isotropic plate: Incompressibility at uniform temperature. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 59 (3). pp. 359-375. ISSN 0033-5614

Sime, Louise C., Stevens, David P., Heywood, Karen J. and Oliver, Kevin I. C. (2006) A decomposition of the Atlantic meridional overturning. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 36 (12). pp. 2252-2269. ISSN 0022-3670


Turner, M. R. and Hammerton, P. W. (2006) Asymptotic receptivity analysis and the parabolized stability equation: a combined approach to boundary layer transition. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 562. pp. 355-381. ISSN 0022-1120


Vella, Dominic, Metcalfe, Paul D. and Whittaker, Robert J. (2006) Equilibrium conditions for the floating of multiple interfacial objects. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 549. pp. 215-224. ISSN 0022-1120


Ward, Thomas (2006) Mixing and tight polyhedra. IMS Lecture Notes - Monograph Series, 48. pp. 169-175.

Whittaker, Robert and Bailey, Clare (2006) Optimisation of Fluid Distribution Inside a Porous Construct. UK Mathematics in Medicine Study Group, Nottingham 2006.

Whittaker, Robert J. and Lister, John R. (2006) Steady axisymmetric creeping plumes above a planar boundary. Part 1. A point source. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 567. pp. 361-378. ISSN 0022-1120

Whittaker, Robert J. and Lister, John R. (2006) Steady axisymmetric creeping plumes above a planar boundary. Part 2. A distributed source. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 567. pp. 379-397. ISSN 0022-1120

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