Items where School is "School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing

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(2011) Food (Special Issue). Critical Quarterly, 53 (3). ISSN 0011-1562

Bucknor, Michael A. and Donnell, Alison, eds. (2011) The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean Literature. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415485777

Donnell, Alison, ed. (2011) Una Marson: selected poems. Caribbean Modern Classics . Peepal Tree Press, Leeds, UK. ISBN 9781845231682

Atkinson, Tiffany ORCID: (2011) Catulla et al. Bloodaxe Books Ltd. ISBN 9781852248888

Benson, Stephen ORCID: (2011) Contemporary fiction and narratorial acoustics: Graham Swift's Tomorrow. Textual Practice, 25 (3). pp. 585-601. ISSN 0950-236X

Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID: (2011) A Critical Introduction to Translation Studies. Continuum. ISBN 9781441189127

Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID: (2011) Stylistics and Translation. In: The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 71-82. ISBN 9780199239306

Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID: (2011) Stylistics and Translation. In: The Handbook of Translation Studies. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Boase-Beier, Jean ORCID: (2011) Translating Celan's Poetics of Silence. Target, 23 (2). pp. 165-177. ISSN 1569-9986

Carson, James Robert (2011) High School Music by Peter Barscocchini. [Performance]

Carson, James Robert, Williams, Gareth and Brock, David (2011) The Sloans Project. [Performance]

Catling, Jo ORCID: and Hibbitt, Richard (2011) Saturn's Moons: a W. G. Sebald Handbook. Legenda. ISBN 978-1906540029

Chaudhuri, A. (2011) No work, and yet I work:Secrets of the Bhagavad Gita for Hamlet, Robert Oppenheimer, Gandhi - and Hegel. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement (5654). pp. 13-15. ISSN 0307-661X

Connors, Clare (2011) Derrida and the Friendship of Rhyme. Oxford Literary Review, 33 (2). pp. 139-149. ISSN 0305-1498

Connors, Clare (2011) 'Preference and Force', 'Dynamis and Energeia', 'Articulation, accent and rhyme', 'Presque'. In: Reading Derrida's Of Grammatology. Continuum, London, 131-3, 134-6, 149-50, 160-1. ISBN 9781441152756

Cowan, Andrew ORCID: (2011) The Art of Writing Fiction. Pearson Longman. ISBN 1408248344

Cowan, Andrew ORCID: (2011) Blind Spots: What Creative Writing Doesn't Know. TEXT, 15 (1).

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) Anna In-Between: Caribbean and not Caribbean: attachment, loss and strange Longing: a conversation with Elizabeth Nunez. The Caribbean Writer, 25. pp. 262-276.

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) Heard but not Seen:Women’s Short Stories and the BBC’s Caribbean Voices Programme. In: The Caribbean Short Story. Peepal Tree Press, Leeds, UK, pp. 29-43. ISBN 9781845231262

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) Living and loving: emancipating the Caribbean queer citizen in Shani Mootoo's Cereus Blooms at Night. In: Sex and the Citizen. New World Studies . University of Virginia Press, USA, pp. 168-180. ISBN 9780813931128

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) The Questioning Generation:Rights, Representations and Cultural Fractions in the 1980s and 90s. In: The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean literature. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 124-135. ISBN 9780415485777

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) Una Marson and the fractured subjects of modernity: Writing across the black Atlantic. Women: A Cultural Review, 22 (4). pp. 345-369. ISSN 0957-4042

Donnell, Alison ORCID: (2011) The lives of others:Happenings, histories and literary healing. In: The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean literature. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 421-430. ISBN 9780415485777

Epstein, B.J. (2011) Dancing and Playing and Mattering: How Gay Teenagers are Portrayed in Young Adult Literature. IBBYLink, Spring 2011. pp. 18-19.

Epstein, BJ (2011) Girl with the Dragon Translation: Translating Thrillers and Thrilling Translations. FIT XIX Congress Proceedings.

Epstein, BJ (2011) Not as Queer as Folk: Issues of Representations in LGBTQ Young Adult Literature. Inis, 36. pp. 44-49.

Epstein, Bj (2011) Life is Just an Allusion. In: Crossing Textual Boundaries in International Children’s Literature. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, pp. 2-24.

Epstein, Bj (2011) Paint it black? Mark Twain’s dialects as translated to Scandinavian languages. Germanic Notes and Reviews. pp. 23-40.

Epstein, Bj (2011) Short story "Ruins" reprinted in Boomtown (pp 209-18). Press 53, Winston-Salem, NC.

Foden, Giles (2011) Body of Work: 40 Years of Creative Writing at UEA. Full Circle.

Foden, Giles (2011) Introduction. In: Brazilian Adventure: A Quest into the Heart of the Amazon. I B Tauris.

Foden, Giles (2011) Foreword. In: A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali. Canongate.

Foden, Giles (2011) Introduction. In: No Cloak, No Dagger: Allied Spycraft in Occupied France. Folio Society.

Goldsworthy, Vesna (2011) The Angel of Salonika. Salt Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 9781844718788

Gooding, Paul (2011) The Myth of the New: Mass Digitization, Distant Reading and the Future of the Book. In: The Future Perfect of the Book, 2011-11-25, Senate House.

Greenlaw, Lavinia (2011) Audio Obscura (with photos by Julian Abrams). Full Circle Editions.

Greenlaw, Lavinia (2011) The Casual Perfect. Faber & Faber.

Greenlaw, Lavinia (2011) Questions of Travel: William Morris in Iceland. Notting Hill Editions.

Greenlaw, Lavinia (2011) Radio drama "The Chess Factory". Radio 4 Afternoon Play.

Gregory, Johann (2011) The "author's drift" in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida:A Poetics of Reflection. In: Medieval and Early Modern Authorship. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 93-106. ISBN 978-3823366676

Heal, Olivia (2011) Sheepskin. In: The White Review. UNSPECIFIED.

Henitiuk, Valerie (2011) Prefacing Gender: Framing Sei Shônagon for a Western Audience 1875-2006. In: Translating Women. University of Ottawa Press, pp. 239-61. ISBN 9780776607276

Henitiuk, Valerie (2011) Shônagon, Sei: Pillow Book. The Literary Encyclopedia.

Henitiuk, Valerie (2011) "Ue—ri— to tomo ni nedokoro e." Trans. by M. Midorikawa into Japanese of "Going to Bed with Waley" [originally published in Comparative Literature Studies 45.1]. In: Heian Literature, Old Commentaries and Reception. Musashino shoin, Tokyo, pp. 119-46.

Jaillant, Lise (2011) Sapper, Hodder & Stoughton, and the popular literature of the Great War. Book History, 14. pp. 137-166. ISSN 1529-1499

Jowitt, Claire ORCID: (2011) Pirates and Politics in John Barclay's Argenis (1621). The Yearbook of English Studies (YES), 41 (1). pp. 156-172. ISSN 0306-2473

Joyce, Laura (2011) Painful Hard Ectoplasm (Short Story). In: Murmurations. Two Ravens Press, Isle of Lewis, pp. 196-210. ISBN 978-1906120597

Karshan, Thomas (2011) Nabokov in Bed. Time Literary Supplement.

Karshan, Thomas (2011) Notes on the Image of the Undelivered Letter. Critical Quarterly, 53 (2). pp. 12-29. ISSN 1467-8705

Karshan, Thomas (2011) Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Play. Oxford University Press.

Karshan, Thomas (2011) Vladimir Nabokov: Poetry and the lyric voice:Review-essay of book on Nabokov's poetry. TLS - The Times Literary Supplement (5627). pp. 3-4. ISSN 0307-661X

Kitson, Peter ORCID: (2011) Mapping the Current Critical Landscape. In: The Romanticism Handbook. Continuum, New York. ISBN 9781441190024

Kitson, Peter ORCID: (2011) The Strange Case of Dr White and Mr De Quincey: Manchester, medicine and Romantic theories of biological racism. Romanticism, 17 (3). pp. 278-287. ISSN 1354-991X

Kitson, Peter J. ORCID: (2011) Robert Southey and the Romantic Failure of China. The Wordsworth Circle, 42 (iv). pp. 77-85.

Large, Duncan ORCID: (2011) 'Der Abgott aller Unklarheiten unsrer Zeit':Gutzkow’s Anti-Wagnerism in its Contemporary Context. In: Karl Gutzkow and His Contemporaries. Aisthesis, Bielefeld, pp. 241-249. ISBN 978-3-89528-836-4

Large, Duncan ORCID: (2011) Kofman’s Nietzsche. In: Interpreting Nietzsche. Continuum, London and New York, pp. 116-130. ISBN 978-1441152411

Large, Duncan ORCID: (2011) Nietzsche as Poet, Nietzsche and Literature. Nietzsche-Studien, 40. pp. 420-438. ISSN 0342-1422

Maples, Holly (2011) Culture War: Commemoration, Controversy and the Contemporary Abbey Theatre. Working Paper. Peter Lang, Ireland.

Narain, Denise deCaires, Donnell, Alison ORCID: and O'Callaghan, Evelyn (2011) Shani Mootoo: Writing, Difference and the Caribbean. Journal of West Indian Literature, 19 (2). pp. 1-8.

Naylor, Molly (2011) Malachi: When You Left I Thought I'd Die But Now I'm Fine. In: Sixty-Six Books: 21st-century writers speak to the King James Bible. Oberon. ISBN 9781849432276

Naylor, Molly (2011) Whenever I Get Blown Up I Think Of You. [Performance]

Noel-Tod, Jeremy ORCID: (2011) Remembering R.F.Langley. Cambridge Literary Review, 1 (5). pp. 71-78.

Noel-Tod, Jeremy ORCID: (2011) The Scientific Anglian. In: Body of Work: 40 Years of Creative Writing at UEA. Full Circle Editions, Framlingham, pp. 118-123. ISBN 978-0-9561869-8-0

Nowell Smith, David ORCID: (2011) Introduction: Thinking Verse. Thinking Verse. pp. 1-16.

Nowell Smith, David ORCID: (2011) Of Gods and Humanitarians. Film Quarterly, 64 (1). pp. 59-61. ISSN 1533-8630

Nowell Smith, David ORCID: (2011) “These words take place”: W. S. Graham’s “The Nightfishing”. Essays in Modern British and Irish Poetry 5. pp. 229-244.

Nowell Smith, David ORCID: (2011) The poetry-verse distinction reconsidered. Thinking Verse, II. pp. 137-160.

Olasope, Olakunbi and Adeyemi, Sola ORCID: (2011) Fracturing the insularity of the global state: War and conflict in Moira Buffini's Welcome to Thebes. Lagos Notes and Records, 17. pp. 99-110. ISSN 0075-7640

Potter, Rachel ORCID: (2011) Censorship. In: T.S. Eliot in Context. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Reckin, Anna (2011) Three Reds. Shearsman Books.

Scott, C. (2011) The translation of reading:A phenomenological approach. Translation Studies, 4 (2). pp. 213-229. ISSN 1478-1700

Scott, Clive (2011) From the intermedial to the synaesthetic: Literary translation as centrifugal practice. Comparative Critical Studies, 8 (1). pp. 39-59. ISSN 1750-0109

Scott, Clive (2011) Free Verse and the Translation of Rhythm. Thinking Verse, 1. pp. 67-101.

Scott, Clive (2011) Sebald’s Photographic Annotations. In: Saturn’s Moons. Legenda, London, pp. 217-245. ISBN 978-1-906540-02-9

Smith, Helen ORCID: (2011) Edward Garnett: Interpreting the Russians. Translation and Literature, 20 (3). pp. 301-313. ISSN 0968-1361

Smyth, Karen ORCID: (2011) Imaginings of Time in Lydgate and Hoccleve's Verse. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 9781409406310

Smyth, Karen ORCID: (2011) Time Machines - Oxford's History of Science Museum:Advisor for the exhibition's narrator-guide character. [Show/Exhibition]

Stonebridge, Lyndsey (2011) The Judicial Imagination:Writing after Nuremburg. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748642359

Stonebridge, Lyndsey (2011) Refugee style: Hannah Arendt and the perplexities of rights. Textual Practice, 25 (1). pp. 71-85. ISSN 1470-1308

Stott, Rebecca (2011) Dust, Like Pollen. In: Body of Work: Forty Years of Creative Writing at UEA. Full Circle Press. ISBN 978-0-9561869-8-0

Stott, Rebecca (2011) "The Wet-Footed Understory": Darwinian Immersions. In: The Joy of Secularism: Eleven Essays for How We Live Now. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691149100

Sutton, Henry ORCID: (2011) First Frost (published under the pseudonym James Henry). Corgi. ISBN 978-0552161763

Szirtes, G. (2011) Looping the Loop:Terza Rima. In: A Companion to Poetic Genre. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 188-205. ISBN 9781444336733

Taunton, Matthew ORCID: (2011) Cottage economy or collective farm? English socialism and agriculture between Merrie England and the Five-Year Plan. Critical Quarterly, 53 (3). pp. 1-23. ISSN 0011-1562

Taunton, Matthew ORCID: (2011) The Flâneur and the Freeholder: Paris and the London Suburbs in Julian Barnes's Metroland. In: Julian Barnes: Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Continuum, London; New York. ISBN 9781441152220

Thieme, John (2011) Earl Lovelace: The Poetics and Politics of His Fiction. In: The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Carribean Literature. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 57-62.

Thieme, John (2011) "Making Chalk Marks on Water": Time and the Sea in Janet Frame's Faces In The Water and "The Lagoon". Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 33 (2). pp. 78-86.

Thieme, John (2011) "Not Equatorial black, not Mediterranean white": Denis William' Other Leopards. In: African Athena: New Agendas. Open University Press, Oxford and New York, pp. 311-25.

Thieme, John (2011) Rewriting the People's Newspaper: Trinidadian Calypso after 1956. In: A Companion to Poetic Genres. Wiley, Oxford and Malden, MA, pp. 446-58.

Thieme, John (2011) "Spheres of Possibility": Transforming Postcolonial Linguistic Spaces. In: Postcolonialism/Postcommunism: Intersections and Overlaps. University of Bucharest Press, Bucharest.

Thomson, Ian (2011) 'Assault on Via Salaria':Near Death Experience in Rome: Memoir. London Review of Books. pp. 38-39.

Thomson, Ian (2011) 'Scotland yard':History of the Scots in Jamaica. The Nation. pp. 30-35.

Waters, Steve ORCID: (2011) Little Platoons. [Performance]

Waters, Steve ORCID: (2011) Political playwriting: The art of thinking in public. Topoi, 30 (2). pp. 137-144. ISSN 0167-7411

Wilson, Ross (2011) Clare's Indistinct Array. Romanticism, 17 (2). pp. 148-159. ISSN 1354-991X

Wilson, Ross (2011) New Critical Theory. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory. Blackwell. ISBN 9781405183123

Womack, Peter ORCID: (2011) Dialogue (The New Critical Idiom). Routledge, London. ISBN 0415329221

Wood, Naomi ORCID: (2011) The Godless Boys. Picador, London. ISBN 9781447293132

Woodcock, Matthew (2011) '1603'. In: The Oxford History of Popular Print Culture, Volume 1: Britain and Ireland to 1660. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 579-89.

Woodcock, Matthew (2011) "Their eyes more attentive to the show": Spectacle, tragedy, and the structure of All is True (Henry VIII). Shakespeare, 7 (1). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1745-0918

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