Items where School is "School of Law

Group by: Creators | Item Type | Status | No Grouping
Number of items: 52.


Banakas, Stathis (2008) Harmonisation of European Contract Law and general principles of contracts: a common lawyer's look into the future. In: Il diritto europeo dei contratti. Universita de Pisa.

Banakas, Stathis (2008) Unde Venis et Quo Vadis? European Tort law revisited. Schweizerisches Zeitschrift fuer Internationales und Europaeisches Recht, 18 (4). pp. 295-320.

Black, Bernard, Cheffins, Brian, Gelter, Martin, Kim, Hwa-Jin, Nolan, Richard and Siems, Mathias M. (2008) Legal liability of directors and company officials part 2: court procedures, indemnification and insurance, and administrative and criminal liability. Columbia Business Law Review. pp. 1-171.

Busnelli, Francesco D (2008) European Tort Law in the new millennium: Reflections on Dover Beach. In: Liber Amicorum. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 271-291.

Clark, Brigitte and Richards, Claudina (2008) The prevention and prohibition of forced marriages - a comparative approach. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (03). pp. 501-528. ISSN 0020-5893

Edwards, Ian (2008) The Place of Shame in Responses to Anti-Social Behaviour. British Journal of Community Justice, 6 (3). pp. 50-66.

Farah, Youseph (2008) Allocation of jurisdiction and the internet in EU law. European Law Review, 33 (2). pp. 257-270. ISSN 0307-5400

Garrod, Luke, Hviid, Morten, Loomes, G and Waddams Price, Catherine (2008) Assessing the effectiveness of potential remedies in consumer markets. Working Paper. Office of Fair Trading.

Gazzini, Tarcisio (2008) Can authoritative interpretation under article IX:2 of the agreement establishing the WTO modify the rights and obligations of members? International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 57 (1). pp. 169-181. ISSN 0020-5893

Gazzini, Tarcisio (2008) A response to Amos Guiora: Pre-emptive self-defence against non-state actors? Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 13 (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 1467-7954

Harker, Michael, Akman, Pinar, Gormsen, Liza, Mehta, Judith and Waddams Price, Catherine (2008) Benchmarking the Performance of the UK Framework Supporting Consumer Empowerment through Comparison against Relevant International Comparator Countries. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED.

Harker, Michael and Mehta, Judith (2008) Identifying and Evaluating the Level of Consumer Empowerment. CCP Newsletter, 15.

Heywood, Rob (2008) Mature teenagers and medical intervention revisited: a right to consent, a wrong to refuse. Common Law World Review, 37 (2). pp. 191-203. ISSN 1473-7795

Heywood, Rob, Williams, K and Macaskill, A (2008) Patient Perceptions of the Consent Process: Qualitative Inquiry and Legal Reflection. Journal of Professional Negligence, 24 (2). pp. 104-121.

Hviid, Morten and Harker, Michael (2008) Competition Law Enforcement and Incentives for Revelation of Private Information. World Competition, 31 (2). pp. 279-298.

Kazimova, Rasmiya, Leader, Sheldon and Farah, Youseph (2008) Analysis of the Amended and Restated Concession Agreement Between the Republic of Liberia and Firestone Liberia, Inc., of 2008. Global Witness.

Laidlaw, Emily B. (2008) Private power, public interest: An examination of search engine accountability. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 17 (1). pp. 113-145. ISSN 1464-3693

Mac Sithigh, Daithi (2008) The mass age of internet law. Information & Communications Technology Law, 17 (2). pp. 79-94. ISSN 1360-0834

Mac Sithigh, Daithi (2008) The right to communicate. Publius Papers.

Mac Sithigh, Daithi (2008) Usurping Press Freedom? The Mahon Tribunal and the Irish Media. In: Freedom of Expression. Ashgate Publishing. ISBN 978 0754644422

Marsden, Philip and Whelan, Peter (2008) Intervention and the internal market: Contemporary European competition initiatives concerning distribution in the market for new cars. European Competition Journal, 4 (2). pp. 485-540. ISSN 1757-8396

Mc Cullagh, Karen (2008) Blogging: self presentation and privacy. Information & Communications Technology Law, 17 (1). pp. 3-23. ISSN 1469-8404

McConnachie, Kirsten and Morison, John (2008) Constitution-making, Transition and the Reconstitution of Society. In: Transitional Justice from Below. Hart Publishing, pp. 75-99.

Mead, David (2008) Judicial Misbehavin: A Defence of Process-Based Review of Public Authority Decisions under the HRA. NLSWP, 02.

Mullis, Alastair (2008) Torts. In: All England Annual Review 2007. Butterworths. ISBN 9781405728287

Naldi, Gino (2008) Organisation of African Unity (OAU). In: International Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences. Macmillan, Detroit, pp. 62-64.

Pattenden, Rosemary (2008) Authenticating ‘things’ in English law: principles for adducing tangible evidence in common law jury trials. International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 12 (4). pp. 273-302. ISSN 1365-7127

Pattenden, Rosemary (2008) Pre-verdict judicial fact-finding in criminal trials with juries. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 29 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 0143-6503

Sheehan, Duncan (2008) Unjust factors or restitution of transfers Sine Causa. Oxford University Comparative Law Forum 1.

Sheehan, Duncan (2008) The origins of the mistake of law bar in English law. Working Paper. Norwich Law School Working Papers, Norwich.

Sheehan, Duncan (2008) Disentangling equitable personal liability for receipt and assistance. Restitution Law Review. pp. 41-62.

Sheehan, Duncan (2008) Subtractive and Wrongful Enrichment: Identifying Gain in the Law of Restitution. In: Justifying Private Law Remedies. Hart, pp. 330-362.

Siems, Mathias (2008) Legal Originality. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 28 (1). 147–164. ISSN 0143-6503

Siems, Mathias (2008) The EU Market Abuse Directive: a case-based analysis. Law and Financial Markets Review, 2. pp. 39-49.

Siems, Mathias (2008) Shareholder protection around the world ("Leximetric II"). Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 33. pp. 111-147.

Siems, Mathias (2008) What does not work in comparing securities laws: a critique of Porta et al's methodology. In: Derecho Bursatil Contemparaneo: Temos Selectos. Porrua, pp. 329-343.

Skoutaris, Nikos (2008) The application of the acquis communautaire in the areas not under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus: The Green Line Regulation. Common Market Law Review, 45 (3). pp. 727-755.

Stephan, Andreas (2008) Survey of public attitudes to price-fixing and cartel enforcement in Britain. Competition Law Review, 5 (1). pp. 123-145. ISSN 1745-638X

Stone, N. (2008) Legal Commentary: Accommodation, Services and Support:Local Authority Responsibilities under the Children Act 1989. Youth Justice, 8 (1). pp. 75-82. ISSN 1473-2254

Wadlow, Christopher (2008) Bugs, spies and paparazzi: jurisdiction over actions for breach of confidence in private international law. European Intellectual Property Review, 30. pp. 269-279. ISSN 0142-0461

Wadlow, Christopher (2008) Regulatory data protection under TRIPs Article 39(3) and Article 10bis of the Paris Convention: Is there a doctor in the house? Intellectual Property Quarterly. pp. 355-415. ISSN 1364-906X

Wadlow, Christopher (2008) Trade secrets and the Rome II Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations. European Intellectual Property Review, 30. pp. 309-319. ISSN 0142-0461

Whelan, Peter (2008) Book Review: Global Competition Law and Economics (Elhauge and Geradin). The Cambridge Law Journal, 6 (1). p. 211. ISSN 1469-2139

Whelan, Peter (2008) Contemplating the future: Personal criminal sanctions for infringements of EC competition law. King's Law Journal, 19 (2). pp. 364-376. ISSN 1757-8442

Whelan, Peter (2008) Something of a burden: Is the passing-on defence appropriate? Competition Law Insight, 7 (9). p. 5.

Whelan, Peter (2008) Book Review: Butterworths Competition Law Handbook (Lindrup (ed)). Cambridge Student Law Review, 4 (1). p. 141.

Whelan, Peter (2008) Book Review: The Antitrust Religion (Rockefeller). European Competition Journal, 4 (1). p. 397. ISSN 1757-8396

Whelan, Peter (2008) Book Review: What About Law? (Barnard, O'Sullivan and Virgo (eds)). Cambridge Student Law Review, 4 (2). p. 337.

Whelan, Peter (2008) The Degussa Case. Competition Law Insight, 7 (8). p. 13.

Wright, Kathryn (2008) Binding the judicial with the administrative: Some aspects of the European Commission's white paper on damages actions for breach of EC antitrust rules. European Current Law. xi-xv.

Xu, Lu (2008) Problems in the law of the tenement. Juridicial Review, 2008 (2). pp. 131-141. ISSN 0022-6785


Gajdosová, Jana (2008) Article 8 ECHR and its impact on English law. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

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