Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems Around the Globe

Pappenberger, Florian, Pagano, Thomas C., Brown, J. D., Alfieri, Lorenzo, Lavers, D. A., Berthet, L., Bressand, F., Cloke, Hannah L., Cranston, M., Danhelka, J., Demargne, J., Demuth, N., de Saint-Aubin, C., Feikema, P. M., Fresch, M. A., Garçon, R., Gelfan, A., He, Y., Hu, Y.-Z., Janet, B., Jurdy, N., Javelle, P., Kuchment, L., Laborda, Y., Langsholt, E., Le Lay, M., Li, Z. J., Mannessiez, F., Marchandise, A., Marty, R., Meißner, D., Manful, D., Organde, D., Pourret, V., Rademacher, Silke, Ramos, Maria-Helena, Reinbold, D., Tibaldi, S., Silvano, P., Salamon, Peter, Shin, D., Sorbet, C., Sprokkereef, Eric, Thiemig, V., Tuteja, Narendra Kumar, Van Andel, S. J., Verkade, Jan S., Vehviläinen, B., Vogelbacher, A., Wetterhall, Fredrik, Zappa, Massimiliano, Van der Zwan, R. E. and Thielen-del Pozo, Jutta (2019) Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems Around the Globe. In: Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 1187-1221. ISBN 978-3-642-39924-4

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A large number of hydrological forecasting systems exist across the globe. Recent advances have pushed the limits of predictability of discharge and other hydrological variables from a few hours to several days or even months. In this chapter, we aim to give an overview of Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems across the globe. It provides brief descriptions of existing or preoperational systems as background, and discusses the challenges ahead. This overview shows that there is at least one system per continent, though their geographic domain varies considerably among very small catchments, countries national and interregional basins, transnational basins, continents, or even the entire globe. It highlights common challenges and differences.

Item Type: Book Section
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Science > School of Environmental Sciences
UEA Research Groups: University of East Anglia Schools > Faculty of Science > Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Faculty of Science > Research Centres > Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Environmental Social Sciences
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Depositing User: LivePure Connector
Date Deposited: 24 Oct 2022 17:30
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 13:45
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/89316
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39925-1_47

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