Cuminatto, Claire, Baines, Roger ORCID: and Drugan, Joanna
Employability as an ethos in translator and interpreter training.
Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 11 (2-3).
pp. 123-138.
ISSN 1750-399X
Drugan, Joanna (2017) Ethics and social responsibility in practice: interpreters and translators engaging with and beyond the professions. The Translator, 23 (2). pp. 126-142. ISSN 1355-6509
Drugan, Joanna and Tipton, Rebecca (2017) Translation, ethics and social responsibility. The Translator, 23 (2). pp. 119-125. ISSN 1355-6509
Filipovic, Luna (2017) Applied Language Typology: Applying typological insights in professional practice. Languages in Contrast, 17 (2). 255 –278. ISSN 1387-6759
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide, Hijazo-Gascon, Alberto ORCID: and Mendo Murillo, Susana
Aspectos básicos de las preposiciones, las partículas del movimiento y el estilo retórico en ELE: un análisis desde la lingüística cognitiva.
Cuadernos AISPI, 10.
pp. 63-90.
ISSN 2283-981X
Marsh, Hazel ORCID:
Chilean New Song: The Political Power of Music, 1960s–1973 - by McSherry, J. Patrice.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 36 (1).
ISSN 0261-3050
Marsh, Hazel ORCID:
Hugo Chávez, Alí Primera, and the politics of popular music in Venezuela.
The Conversation.
Marsh, Hazel ORCID:
The Militant Song Movement in Latin America: Chile, Uruguay and Argentina - by Vila, Pablo.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 36 (3).
ISSN 0261-3050
Marsh, Hazel ORCID:
Venezuela’s long history of racism is coming back to haunt it.
The Conversation.
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Introduction: Language aggression in public debates on immigration. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, 5 (2). pp. 175-177. ISSN 2213-1272
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Metaphor, irony and sarcasm in public discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 109. pp. 95-104. ISSN 0378-2166
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Truth, lies and figurative scenarios: Metaphors at the heart of Brexit. Journal of Language and Politics, 16 (5). 641–657. ISSN 1569-2159
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Wilhelm II’s ‘Hun Speech’ and its alleged resemiotization during World War I. Language and Semiotic Studies, 3 (3). pp. 42-59. ISSN 2096-031X
Ridealgh, Kim ORCID:
Prepare British children for life after Brexit – teach them another language.
The Conversation.
Wolf, Alain J. E. (2017) In search of lost hybridity: the French Daniel Deronda. Language and Literature, 26 (3). pp. 213-226. ISSN 0963-9470
Filipovic, Luna (2017) Applying language typology:Practical applications of research on typological contrasts between languages. In: Motion and Space across Languages. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISBN 9789027246752
Guillot, Marie-Noëlle ORCID:
Subtitling and dubbing in telecinematic text.
Pragmatics of Fiction.
Handbooks of Pragmatics
De Gruyter, 397–424.
ISBN 9783110431094
Hijazo-Gascon, Alberto ORCID:
Motion events contrasts in Romance languages:Deixis in Spanish as a second language.
Motion and Space across languages.
Human Cognitive Processing
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027246752
Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide, Hijazo-Gascon, Alberto ORCID: and Moret-Oliver, María-Teresa
The importance of minority languages in motion event typology:The case of Aragonese and Catalan.
Motion and Space across Languages.
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
ISBN 9789027246752
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Language under totalitarian regimes:The example of political discourse in Nazi Germany. In: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Politics. Taylor and Francis, pp. 660-672. ISBN 9781138779167
Musolff, Andreas (2017) Metaphor and Cultural Cognition. In: Advances in Cultural Linguistics. Cultural Linguistics . Springer, pp. 325-344. ISBN 978-981-10-4055-9
Tomizawa-Kay, Eriko (2017) 富泽爱理子, 何香凝对日本画的吸收与再发展,《借路扶桑:留日画家的中国画改良》(广州:岭南美术出版社,2017):He Xiangning’s (1878–1972) perception of nihonga (Japanese Style painting) and the development of works in China. In: 岭南美术出版社. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 83-112.
Yulita, Leticia ORCID:
Literature for critical cultural awareness.
The Critical Turn in Language and Intercultural Communication Pedagogy.
Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication
Routledge, pp. 197-215.
ISBN 9781138953451
Drugan, Joanna (2017) Translation as a Teaching Tool: Challenges and suggestions from translation studies and the translation industry. In: 19th British Association for Teachers of Japanese as a Foreign Language, 2016-09-01 - 2016-09-02, University of East Anglia.
Tomatsuri, Akiko (2017) 国際学会10th Moisa Meeting: The ‘Revolution’ of the New Music に出席して. UNSPECIFIED.