Items where Research Group is "Global Environmental Justice

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Number of items: 41.


Sikor, Thomas, ed. (2013) The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystem Services. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415825405

Lankford, Bruce, Bakker, Karen, Zeitoun, Mark and Conway, Declan, eds. (2013) Water security:Principles, Perspectives and Practices. Earthscan Water Text . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0415534703

Armijos, Maria Teresa (2013) "They cannot come and impose on us" Indigenous autonomy and resource control through collective water management in highland Ecuador. Radical History Review, 2013 (116). pp. 86-103. ISSN 0163-6545

Bulkeley, Harriet, Carmin, JoAnn, Castán Broto, Vanesa, Edwards, Gareth A. S. and Fuller, Sara (2013) Climate justice and global cities: mapping the emerging discourses. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 23 (5). pp. 914-925. ISSN 0959-3780

Burch, Sarah, Schroeder, Heike, Rayner, Steve and Wilson, Jennifer (2013) Novel multisector networks and entrepreneurship: The role of small businesses in the multilevel governance of climate change. Environment & Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (5). pp. 822-840. ISSN 1472-3425

Carmenta, Rachel, Vermeylen, Saskia, Parry, Luke and Barlow, Jos (2013) Shifting cultivation and fire policy: insights from the Brazilian Amazon. Human Ecology, 41 (4). 603–614. ISSN 0300-7839

Chhotray, Vasudha (2013) How an NGO works the state and why it succeeds: A case study from central India. In: Water Governance and Civil Society Responses in South Asia. Routledge. ISBN 9780415710619

Chhotray, Vasudha (2013) Two types of citizenship politics: state, authority and resource property rights in coastal Odisha, India. In: ProCit Conference, 2013-01-01.

Clark, Nigel, Chhotray, Vasudha and Few, Roger (2013) Global justice and disasters. The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). 105–113. ISSN 1475-4959

Edmunds, Kelly, Hunter, Paul, Few, Roger and Bell, Diana (2013) Hazard analysis of critical control points assessment as a tool to respond to emerging infectious disease outbreaks. PLoS One, 8 (8). ISSN 1932-6203

Edwards, Gareth A. S. (2013) Shifting constructions of scarcity and the neoliberalization of Australian water governance. Environment and Planning A, 45 (8). pp. 1873-1890. ISSN 0308-518X

Few, Roger, Lake, Iain, Hunter, Paul R. and Tran, Pham Gia (2013) Seasonality, disease and behavior: Using multiple methods to explore socio-environmental health risks in the Mekong Delta. Social Science and Medicine, 80. pp. 1-9. ISSN 0277-9536

Forsyth, T. and Sikor, T. (2013) Forests, development and the globalisation of justice. The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). pp. 114-121. ISSN 0016-7398

Gilberthorpe, E. (2013) In the shadow of industry:A study of culturization in Papua New Guinea. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19 (2). pp. 261-278. ISSN 1359-0987

Gilberthorpe, Emma (2013) Community development in Ok Tedi, Papua New Guinea: the role of anthropology in the extractive industries. Community Development Journal, 48 (3). pp. 466-483. ISSN 0010-3802

Ibrahim, N, Satyal, Poshendra, Humphreys, David and Rayner, Jeremy (2013) Bridging certification and community forestry through NTFPs: a case study from Nepal. In: Forest Governance Scholarships for the Real World: Building strategic insights through policy learning, Issues & Options Briefs on Forest Policy. IUFRO Occasional Paper Series, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-902762-11-5

Jordan, Andrew, Rayner, Tim, Schroeder, Heike, Adger, Neil, Anderson, Kevin, Bows, Alice, Le Quéré, Corinne, Joshi, Manoj, Mander, Sarah, Vaughan, Naomi and Whitmarsh, Lorraine (2013) Going beyond two degrees? The risks and opportunities of alternative options. Climate Policy, 13 (6). pp. 751-769. ISSN 1469-3062

Luque, Andres, Edwards, Gareth A. S. and Lalande, Christophe (2013) The local governance of climate change: new tools to respond to old limitations in Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Local Environment, 18 (6). pp. 738-751. ISSN 1469-6711

Martin, Adrian (2013) Global environmental in/justice, in practice: introduction. The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). pp. 98-104. ISSN 0016-7398

Martin, Adrian, Akol, Anne and Phillips, Jon (2013) Just conservation? On the fairness of sharing benefits. In: The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystems Services. Earthscan, pp. 69-91.

Martin, Adrian, Mcguire, S. and Sullivan, S. (2013) Global environmental justice and biodiversity conservation. The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). pp. 122-131. ISSN 0016-7398

Müller, Daniel, Leitão, Pedro J. and Sikor, Thomas (2013) Comparing the determinants of cropland abandonment in Albania and Romania using boosted regression trees. Agricultural Systems, 117. pp. 66-77. ISSN 0308-521X

Satyal, Poshendra (2013) The changing discourse of social justice in Nepal. In: Routeing Democracy in the Himalayas: Experiments and Experiences. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-81199-6

Satyal, Poshendra and Dunk, R (2013) The use of synthesised indicator sets to understand climate justice impacts in an intra-national context: methodological perspectives. 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Social Issues, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-29 November, Conference Proceedings: Climate Change and Social Issues.

Satyal Pravat, Poshendra and Humphreys, David (2013) Using a multilevel approach to analyse the case of forest conflicts in the Terai, Nepal. Forest Policy and Economics, 33. pp. 47-55. ISSN 1389-9341

Schroeder, Heike, Burch, Sarah and Rayner, Steve (2013) Novel multisector networks and entrepreneurship in urban climate governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (5). 761–768. ISSN 1472-3425

Schroeder, Heike, Li, Jun, Harriet, Bulkeley, Barbier, Carine, Zhao, Jimin, Colombier, Michel, Chu, Shu Yi and Ghosh, Shibani (2013) Enabling the transition to climate smart development in Asian cities. In: Climate Smart Development in Asia. Taylor and Francis, pp. 148-183. ISBN 9780203141564

Schroeder, Heike and Okereke, Chukwumerije (2013) REDD+ and social justice:Adaptation by Way of Mitigation? In: Successful adaptation to climate change. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-52499-5

Sikor, Thomas (2013) Introduction: Linking ecosystem services with environmental justice. In: The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystem Services. Earthscan Publications, London, pp. 1-18.

Sikor, Thomas (2013) REDD+: The justice effects of technical design. In: The Justices and Injustices of Ecosystem Services. Earthscan Publications, pp. 46-68.

Sikor, Thomas, Auld, Graeme, Bebbington, Anthony J, Benjaminsen, Tor A, Gentry, Bradford S, Hunsberger, Carol, Izac, Anne-Marie, Margulis, Matias E, Plieninger, Tobias, Schroeder, Heike and Upton, Caroline (2013) Global land governance:from territory to flow? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5 (5). pp. 522-527. ISSN 1877-3435

Sikor, Thomas, Gritten, David, Atkinson, Julian, Huy, Bao, Dahal, Ganga Ram, Duangsathaporn, Khwanchai, Hurahura, Francis, Phanvilay, Khamla, Maryudi, Ahmad, Pulhin, Juan, Ramirez, Mark Anthony, Win, Saw, Toh, Sumei, Vaz, Justine, Sokchea, Tol, Marona, Srey and Yaqiao, Zhao (2013) Community Forestry in Asia-Pacific. The Centre for People and Forests – RECOFTC, Bangkok.

Sletto, Bjorn and Rodriguez Fernandez, Iokine (2013) Burning, fire prevention and meanings of landscape among the Pemon, Gran Sabana, Venezuela: Toward an inter-cultural approach to wildland fire management in neotropical savannas. Journal of Environmental Management, 115 (2013). pp. 155-166. ISSN 0301-4797

Springate-Baginski, Oliver, Sarin, Madhu and Reddy, M. Gopinath (2013) Resisting rights: Forest bureaucracy and the tenure transition in India. Small-Scale Forestry, 12 (1). pp. 107-124. ISSN 1873-7617

Zeitoun, M., Goulden, M. and Tickner, D. (2013) Current and future challenges facing transboundary river basin management. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 4 (5). pp. 331-349. ISSN 1757-7780

Zeitoun, Mark (2013) Global environmental justice and international transboundary waters: An initial exploration. The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). pp. 141-149. ISSN 0016-7398

Zeitoun, Mark (2013) How 'soft' power shapes transboundary water interaction. Working Paper. Global Water Forum.

Zeitoun, Mark (2013) Rivers of strife in the Middle East - conflicts over water will exacerbate tensions. The World Today, 69 (7).

Zeitoun, Mark (2013) Trouble Downstream: While the fighting in Syria drags on, another danger looms ever larger. Majalla Magazine.

Zeitoun, Mark, Eid-Sabbagh, Karim, Talhami, Michael and Dajani, Muna (2013) Hydro-hegemony in the Upper Jordan waterscape: Control and use of the flows. Water Alternatives, 6 (1). pp. 86-106. ISSN 1965-0175

Zeitoun, Mark, Talhami, Michael and Eid-Sabbagh, Karim (2013) The Influence of narratives on negotiations over and resolution of the Upper Jordan River Conflict. International Negotiation, 18 (2). pp. 293-322. ISSN 1382-340X

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