Stewart, Carol, ed. (2018) Eliza Haywood: The Fortunate Foundlings. Critical Texts . Modern Humanities Research Association, Cambridge. ISBN 9781781882672
Large, Duncan, Akashi, Motoko, Józwikowska, Wanda and Rose, Emily, eds. (2018) Untranslatability:Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies . Routledge, New York and London. ISBN 9781138082571
Hughes, Kathryn (2018) Victorians Undone:Tales of the Flesh in the Age of Victoria. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Kitson, Peter ORCID:
Alan Bewell, Natures in Translation: Romanticism and Colonial Natural History (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2017), pp. xvii + 393, $60.00.
Literature and History, 27 (12).
pp. 219-221.
ISSN 0306-1973
Kitson, Peter ORCID:
The Last War of the Romantics: De Quincey, Macaulay, the First Chinese Opium War.
The Wordsworth Circle, 49 (3).
ISSN 0043-8006
Large, Duncan ORCID:
Could Google translate Shakespeare?
In Other Words, 2019 (52).
pp. 79-98.
Large, Duncan ORCID:
Ex oriente tenebrae!:Orientalism and Anti-Semitism in Oscar Levy’s Nietzsche.
Angermion, 10 (1).
pp. 131-145.
ISSN 1868-9426
Large, Duncan ORCID:
Review of Hans von Trotha, "A Sentimental Journey: Laurence Sterne in Shandy Hall".
The Shandean: An Annual Volume Devoted to Laurence Sterne and his Works, 29.
pp. 179-180.
ISSN 0956-3083
Large, Duncan ORCID:
The Untranslatable in Philosophy.
Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Routledge, New York and London.
ISBN 978-1-138-08257-1
Large, Duncan ORCID:
What remains: Pseudotranslation as salvage.
Comparative Critical Studies, 15 (Issue Supplement).
pp. 5-16.
ISSN 1744-1854
Large, Duncan ORCID:
The translation of philosophical texts.
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Philosophy.
Routledge Handbooks
Routledge, London and New York, pp. 307-323.
ISBN 9781138933552
Large, Duncan ORCID:, Akashi, Motoko, Jozwikowska, Wanda and Rose, Emily
Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Routledge, New York and London.
ISBN 978-1-138-08257-1
Thomson, Ian (2018) After the boat came in: Empire Windrush. Observer. pp. 14-17.
Thomson, Ian (2018) Alberto Moravia. In: Literary Landscapes: Charting the Real-Life Settings of the World’s Favourite Fiction. Modern books. ISBN 978-1911130772
Thomson, Ian (2018) Dante's Divine Comedy:A Journey Without End. Head of Zeus. ISBN 978-1786690807
Thomson, Ian (2018) 'Debt and damnation':Dante's debt to Islam. Standpoint (104). pp. 37-41.
Thomson, Ian (2018) 'Tragi-comic': Essay on Flann O'Brien. The Tablet. p. 20.
Thomson, Ian (2018) 'The gospel according to Pasolini': the making of 'The Gospel According to Matthew'. The Tablet. p. 10.
Wood, James ORCID:
Four Ways of Telling Anecdotes about the Endeavour.
Scénographie du voyage et imaginaire viatique (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles).
Éditions Hermann.
ISBN 9782705694678
Wood, James Robert ORCID:
Periodicals and the Problem of Women’s Learning.
Women's Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1690-1820s.
Edinburgh University Press, pp. 25-39.
ISBN 9781474419659