Catling, Jo and Hibbitt, Richard (2011) Saturn's Moons: a W. G. Sebald Handbook. Legenda. ISBN 978-1906540029
Large, Duncan (2011) 'Der Abgott aller Unklarheiten unsrer Zeit':Gutzkow’s Anti-Wagnerism in its Contemporary Context. In: Karl Gutzkow and His Contemporaries. Aisthesis, Bielefeld, pp. 241-249. ISBN 978-3-89528-836-4
Large, Duncan (2011) Kofman’s Nietzsche. In: Interpreting Nietzsche. Continuum, London and New York, pp. 116-130. ISBN 978-1441152411
Large, Duncan (2011) Nietzsche as Poet, Nietzsche and Literature. Nietzsche-Studien, 40. pp. 420-438. ISSN 0342-1422