Items where School is "School of Art History and World Art Studies (former - to 2014)

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Number of items: 35.


Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2012) Objetos de poder, pessoas de prestígio:a temporalidade biográfica do ritual xinguano e a cosmopolítica wauja. Mundo Amazónico, 3. pp. 17-42.

Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2012) Semana Santa en los Andes. UNSPECIFIED.

Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2012) A origem da arte e o gosto estético entre os Wauja do Alto Xingu. In: Sujeito, saberes e prática. Editora da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoro, pp. 89-136.


Coolidge Rousmaniere, Nicole (2012) Vessels of Influence:China and the Birth of Porcelain in Medieval and Early Modern Japan. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 978-0715634639


Edwards, Paul (2012) An Unknown Portrait by Wyndham Lewis. The Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies, 3. pp. 1-3.


Haour, Anne (2012) To the other shore: West African trade centres and the wics. In: From one sea to the other: trade centres in the European and Mediterranean Early Middle Ages. Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 441-456.

Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Japanische Bruchkanten: konturen der kankei nai-Kultur (Japanese Breaking Edges: Sociological Aspects of Contemporary Japan). LIT Verlag, Münster. ISBN 13978-3825896522

Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Marking History Herstory: Nelson's Son and Siebold's Daughter in Japanese Shōjo Manga. In: Manga and the Representation of History. Routledge Contemporary Japan Series . Routledge, London, pp. 102-120. ISBN 978-0-415-69423-0

Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Nippon's nostalgic national narrative: Ishihara Shintarō’s kamikaze film Ore. Contemporary Japan, 24 (1). pp. 71-94. ISSN 1869-2729

Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Time Travel Topoi in Japanese Manga. Japan Forum, 24 (2). pp. 191-212. ISSN 0955-5803

Hobart, Michelle, Campana, Stefano, Hodges, Richard and Mitchell, John (2012) Monasteri di contesa nella Tuscia Longobarda: il case di S.Pietro d'Asso, Montalcino. Archeologia Medievale, 39. pp. 175-213.

Hodges, Richard (2012) Adriatic sea trade in a European perspective. In: From One Sea to Another. Trading Places in the European and Mediterranean Early Middle Ages. Brepols, Brussels.

Hodges, Richard (2012) Dark Age Economics:A New Audit. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9780715636794

Hodges, Richard (2012) A new topographic history of Butrint, ancient Buthrotum. In: Le Ricerche delle Missioni Archeologiche nella ricorrenza dei dieci anni di scavi a Phoinike (2000-2010). Ante Quem, Bologna. ISBN 978-88-7849-067-3

Hodges, Richard and Bowden, Will (2012) An 'Ice Age settling on the Roman Empire':Post-Roman Butrint between strategy and serendipity. In: Urbes Extinctae. Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot. ISBN 9780754665625

Hodges, Richard, Leppard, Sarah and Mitchell, John (2012) Reconstructing the later eighth-century claustrum at San Vincenzo al Volturno. Papers of the British School at Rome, 80. pp. 145-155. ISSN 0068-2462

Hooper, Steven, Jacobs, Karen, Jessop, Maia and Nuku, George (2012) Encounters with Polynesia in Britain: Art, Ancestors, Artists and Curators. Museum Anthropology, 35 (1). pp. 10-22.


Jacobs, Karen (2012) Collecting Kamoro: Objects, Encounters and Representation on the Southwest coast of Papua. Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (40). Sidestone Press and National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden. ISBN 978-90-8890-088-4


Maguire, Richard (2012) Late Antique Basilicas on Cyprus sources, contexts, histories. Doctoral thesis, University of East Anglia.

Mitchell, John (2012) An 8th-century casting matrix for a gilt-bronze letter from Comacchio. In: From One Sea to Another. Brepols. ISBN 978-2-503-54527-1

Mitchell, John (2012) Believing is seeing: the natural image in Late Antiquity. In: Architecture and Interpretation: Studies in Honour of Eric Fernie. Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 16-41.

Mitchell, John (2012) The Bible in public art of the early Middle Ages, 600-1050. In: New Cambridge History of the Bible 2: c. 600-1450. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 755-84.

Mitchell, John (2012) Gli intonaci dipinti della cripta della Cattedrale. In: Archeologia in Piazza dei Miracoli: Gli scavi 2003-2009. Felici Editore, Ghezzano, pp. 264-7.

Mitchell, John (2012) Of eyes and dogs: a late Roman amulet from Butrint. In: Le plaisir de l’art du moyen âge: commande, production et reception de l’oeuvre d'art. Mélanges offerts à Xavier Barral i Altet. Picard, Paris, pp. 61-8.


Riggs, Christina (2012) Portraits, Prestige, Piety: Images of Women in Roman Egypt. In: A Companion to Women in the Ancient World. Wiley, Oxford, pp. 423-36.

Riggs, Christina and Baines, John (2012) Ethnicity. UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology.

Rousmaniere, Nicole (2012) Japanese Art in Norwich, Sir Robert and Lady Sainsbury's Collection in the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, UK. In: Kobayashi Tadashi Sensei Koki Kinen Ronbunshu. Geika Shoin, Tokyo.


Sebastiani, Alessandro, Gooney, Dawn, Mitchell, John, Papadopoulou, Pagona, Reynolds, Paul, Vaccaro, Emanuele and Vroom, Joanita (2012) The medieval church and cemetery at the Well of Junia Rufina. In: Butrint 4: The Archaeologies and Histories of an Ionian Town. Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 215-244. ISBN 9781842174623


Thofner, Margit (2012) Framing the Sacred:Lutheran Church Furnishings in the Holy Roman Empire. In: Lutheran Churches in Early Modern Europe. Ashgate Publishing, Farnham, pp. 97-131. ISBN 9780754665830


Wilson, Bronwen (2012) Assembling the Archipelago: Early Modern Isolarii and the Horizons of Public Making. In: Making Space Public in Early Modern Europe: Geography, Performance, Privacy. Routledge.

Wilson, Bronwen (2012) Bedroom politics: The vexed spaces of late medieval public making. History Compass, 10 (9). pp. 608-621. ISSN 1478-0542

Wilson, Bronwen (2012) Social Networking: the album amicorum and early modern public-making. In: Oltre la sefra pubblica/Beyond the public sphere: opinions, publics, spaces in Early Modern Europe. Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 1-19. ISBN 978-0415661096

Wilson, Bronwen (2012) Visual Knowledge/Facing Blindness. In: Seeing Across Cultures: visualities in the Early Modern World. Transculturalisms, 1400–1700 . Ashgate Publishing, pp. 97-123. ISBN 978-1-4094-1189-5

Wilson, Bronwen (2012) The Work of Realism. Art History, 35 (5). pp. 1058-1073. ISSN 1467-8365

Wilson, Bronwen and Vanhaelen, Angela (2012) The Erotics of Looking: Materiality and Solicitation in Netherlandish Visual Culture. Art History, 35 (5). pp. 874-885. ISSN 1467-8365

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