A view on vitamin D: A pleiotropic factor?

Giustina, Andrea, Lazaretti-Castro, Marise, Martineau, Adrian R., Mason, Rebecca S., Rosen, Clifford J. and Schoenmakers, Inez (2024) A view on vitamin D: A pleiotropic factor? Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 20 (4). 202–208. ISSN 1759-5029

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Vitamin D is precursor of the steroid hormone calcitriol and has important functions throughout the body, including increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with a range of disorders, including several bone diseases. However, large trials of vitamin D supplementation have produced mixed results. Here, experts from around the world discuss several key questions in the vitamin D research and clinical fields.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Funding Information: A.G. is a consultant for Abiogen, Ipsen, Pfizer, Recordati and Takeda, and is a recipient of research grants (to his institution) from Pfizer and Takeda. A.R.M. declares receipt of funding in the last 36 months to support vitamin D research from the following companies which manufacture or sell vitamin D supplements: Pharma Nord Ltd, DSM Nutritional Products Ltd, Thornton & Ross Ltd and Hyphens Pharma Ltd. A.R.M. also declares receipt of vitamin D capsules for clinical trial use from Pharma Nord Ltd, Synergy Biologics Ltd and Cytoplan Ltd; support for attending meetings from Pharma Nord Ltd and Abiogen Pharma Ltd; receipt of consultancy fees from DSM Nutritional Products Ltd and Qiagen Ltd; and receipt of a speaker fee from the Linus Pauling Institute. A.R.M. declares participation on Data and Safety Monitoring Boards for the VITALITY trial (Vitamin D for Adolescents with HIV to Reduce Musculoskeletal Morbidity and Immunopathology, Pan African Clinical Trials Registry ref PACTR20200989766029) and the Trial of Vitamin D and Zinc Supplementation for Improving Treatment Outcomes Among COVID-19 Patients in India (ClinicalTrials.gov ref NCT04641195); and unpaid work as a Programme Committee member for the Vitamin D Workshop. R.S.M. has received speaker fees from Sanofi Australia. M.L.-C., C.J.R. and I.S. declare no competing interests.
Uncontrolled Keywords: endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism,endocrinology,sdg 3 - good health and well-being ,/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/2700/2712
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Musculoskeletal Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Nutrition and Preventive Medicine
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Depositing User: LivePure Connector
Date Deposited: 07 Mar 2024 11:31
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 12:34
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/94591
DOI: 10.1038/s41574-023-00942-0

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