Photonic wire biosensor microarray chip and instrumentation with application to serotyping of Escherichia coli isolates

Janz, S., Xu, D. X., Vachon, M., Sabourin, N., Cheben, P., McIntosh, H., Ding, H., Wang, S., Schmid, J. H., Delâge, A., Lapointe, J., Densmore, A., Ma, R., Sinclair, W., Logan, S. M., MacKenzie, R., Liu, Q. Y., Zhang, D., Lopinski, G., Mozenson, O., Gilmour, M. and Tabor, H. (2013) Photonic wire biosensor microarray chip and instrumentation with application to serotyping of Escherichia coli isolates. Optics Express, 21 (4). pp. 4623-4637. ISSN 1094-4087

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A complete photonic wire molecular biosensor microarray chip architecture and supporting instrumentation is described. Chip layouts with 16 and 128 independent sensors have been fabricated and tested, where each sensor can provide an independent molecular binding curve. Each sensor is 50 μm in diameter, and consists of a millimeter long silicon photonic wire waveguide folded into a spiral ring resonator. An array of 128 sensors occupies a 2 × 2 mm2 area on a 6 × 9 mm2 chip. Microfluidic sample delivery channels are fabricated monolithically on the chip. The size and layout of the sensor array is fully compatible with commercial spotting tools designed to independently functionalize fluorescence based biochips. The sensor chips are interrogated using an instrument that delivers sample fluid to the chip and is capable of acquiring up to 128 optical sensor outputs simultaneously and in real time. Coupling light from the sensor chip is accomplished through arrays of sub-wavelength surface grating couplers, and the signals are collected by a fixed two-dimensional detector array. The chip and instrument are designed so that connection of the fluid delivery system and optical alignment are automated, and can be completed in a few seconds with no active user input. This microarray system is used to demonstrate a multiplexed assay for serotyping E. coli bacteria using serospecific polyclonal antibody probe molecules.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: atomic and molecular physics, and optics ,/dk/atira/pure/subjectarea/asjc/3100/3107
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
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Depositing User: LivePure Connector
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2022 09:30
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 11:43
DOI: 10.1364/OE.21.004623

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