Genre and Discourse Analysis in Language for Specific Purposes

Hyland, Ken (2018) Genre and Discourse Analysis in Language for Specific Purposes. In: The Concise Encyclopaedia of Applied Linguistics. Elsevier.

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Language for specific purposes (LSP) refers to a distinctive approach to language education that focuses on the particular linguistic features, discourse practices, and communicative skills used by target groups. Its success depends on accurately identifying what these features and practices are so they can be taught to students, and this has been greatly assisted since the late 1980s by the emergence of genre analysis. Genre analysis has become established as one of the most popular and productive frameworks for the study of specialized communication in academic, professional, and institutional contexts. Essentially, the approach is used to describe texts within textual and social contexts, rejecting the idea that individual texts should be treated in isolation from either their use or other texts. This entry will offer an overview of the importance of genre and discourse analysis in this area of research and pedagogy.

Item Type: Book Section
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Education and Lifelong Learning
Depositing User: LivePure Connector
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2018 14:30
Last Modified: 28 Jan 2025 10:59

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