Processing of configural and componential information in face-selective cortical areas

Zhao, Mintao, Cheung, Sing-Hang, Wong, Alan C-N, Rhodes, Gillian, Chan, Erich K S, Chan, Winnie W L and Hayward, William G (2014) Processing of configural and componential information in face-selective cortical areas. Cognitive Neuroscience, 5 (3-4). pp. 160-167. ISSN 1758-8928

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We investigated how face-selective cortical areas process configural and componential face information and how race of faces may influence these processes. Participants saw blurred (preserving configural information), scrambled (preserving componential information), and whole faces during fMRI scan, and performed a post-scan face recognition task using blurred or scrambled faces. The fusiform face area (FFA) showed stronger activation to blurred than to scrambled faces, and equivalent responses to blurred and whole faces. The occipital face area (OFA) showed stronger activation to whole than to blurred faces, which elicited similar responses to scrambled faces. Therefore, the FFA may be more tuned to process configural than componential information, whereas the OFA similarly participates in perception of both. Differences in recognizing own- and other-race blurred faces were correlated with differences in FFA activation to those faces, suggesting that configural processing within the FFA may underlie the other-race effect in face recognition.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: face perception,ffa,ofa,configural processing,other-race effect
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Psychology
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Social Sciences > Research Groups > Developmental Science
Faculty of Social Sciences > Research Groups > Cognition, Action and Perception
Depositing User: Pure Connector
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2017 05:06
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:24
DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2014.912207

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