Use of multi-transition-metal-ion-exchanged zeolite 13X catalysts in methane emissions abatement

Hui, K. S., Chao, C. Y. H., Kwong, C. W. and Wan, M. P. (2008) Use of multi-transition-metal-ion-exchanged zeolite 13X catalysts in methane emissions abatement. Combustion and Flame, 153 (1-2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 0010-2180

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Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. It has a global warming potential (GWP) 23 times greater than carbon dioxide. Reducing methane emissions would lead to substantial economic and environmental benefits. This study investigated the performance of multi-transition-metal-(Cu, Cr, Ni, and Co)-ion-exchanged zeolite 13X catalysts in methane emissions abatement. The catalytic activity in methane combustion using multi-ion-exchanged catalysts was studied with different parameters including the molar percentage of metal loading, the space velocity, and the inlet methane concentration under atmospheric pressure and at a relatively low reaction temperature of 500 °C. The performance of the catalysts was determined in terms of the apparent activation energy, the number of active sites of the catalyst, and the BET surface area of the catalyst. This study showed that multi-ion-exchanged catalysts outperformed single-ion-exchanged and acidified 13X catalysts and that lengthening the residence time led to a higher methane conversion percentage. The enhanced catalytic activity in the multi-ion-exchanged catalysts was attributed to the presence of exchanged transition ions instead of acid sites in the catalyst. The catalytic activity of the catalysts was influenced by the metal loading amount, which played an important role in affecting the apparent activation energy for methane combustion, the active sites, and the BET surface area of the catalyst. Increasing the amount of metal loading in the catalyst decreased the apparent activation energy for methane combustion and also the BET surface area of the catalyst. An optimized metal loading amount at which the highest catalytic activity was observed due to the combined effects of the various factors was determined.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: catalytic combustion,methane,natural gas,transition metal ions,zeolite 13x
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Science > School of Engineering (former - to 2024)
University of East Anglia Research Groups/Centres > Theme - ClimateUEA
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Energy Materials Laboratory
Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Emerging Technologies for Electric Vehicles (former - to 2024)
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Depositing User: Pure Connector
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2016 12:01
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 06:43
DOI: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.12.003

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