Effects of nebivolol on biomarkers in elderly patients with heart failure

Taneja, Anil K., Gaze, David, Coats, Andrew J.S., Dumitrascu, Dan, Spinarova, Lenka, Collinson, Paul, Roughton, Michael and Flather, Marcus D. (2014) Effects of nebivolol on biomarkers in elderly patients with heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology, 175 (2). pp. 253-260. ISSN 0167-5273

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Background: Heart failure activates neurohormones, and elevated levels of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) are associated with adverse outcomes. The SENIORS trial showed that nebivolol, a highly selective beta-1 antagonist with vasodilating properties, reduced the composite outcome of all cause mortality or cardiovascular hospital admissions in older patients with heart failure. We explored the effects of nebivolol on a range of neurohormones, cytokines and markers of nitric oxide activity in heart failure. Methods: In a subset of patients in SENIORS we measured N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-BNP), pro atrial natriuretic peptide (Pro-ANP), endothelin-1 (ET-1), peripheral norepinephrine (PNE), soluble Fas (sFas), soluble Fas-ligand (sFas-L), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), serum uric acid (SUA), symmetrical dimethyl arginine (SDMA), arginine, citrulline and asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) at baseline (before study drug), at 6 months and 12 months in a prespecified substudy. Results: One hundred and six patients were enrolled and 75 had a baseline and at least one follow-up sample. There were no significant differences in neurohormone cytokines or nitric oxide markers measured between the two groups at six or twelve months. NT-ProBNP showed a numerical increase in the nebivolol group compared to placebo (P = 0.08) and sFas showed a numerical increase in patients on placebo (P = 0.08). Mean baseline LVEF was 35% in both groups and at 12 months was 43% on nebivolol group and 34% on placebo group (P = 0.01). Conclusion: There were trends but no clear changes associated with nebivolol in neurohormones, cytokines or markers of nitric oxide activity in this study of elderly patients with heart failure. Further studies are needed to understand the mechanistic effects of beta blockers on biomarkers in heart failure. Abbreviations: NT-Pro BNP, N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide; Pro-ANP, Pro atrial natriuretic peptide; ET-1, endothelin-1; sFas, soluble Fas; sFas-L, soluble Fas-ligand; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor-alpha; SUA, serum uric acid; SDMA, symmetrical dimethyl arginine; ADMA, asymmetrical dimethyl arginine; PNE, peripheral norepinephrine; HF, heart failure; NO, nitric oxide; SENIORS, Study of Effects of Nebivolol Intervention on Outcomes and Rehospitalisation in seniors with heart failure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; NYHA, New York Heart Association; STARS-BNP, systolic heart failure treatment supported by BNP

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: beta blockers in heart failure,neurohormones,seniors substudy,nebivolol,nt-pro bnp ,beta blockers
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Norwich Clinical Trials Unit
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Public Health and Health Services Research (former - to 2023)
Depositing User: Pure Connector
Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2016 10:09
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 07:08
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/58025
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.05.018

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