The microtubule end-binding protein EB2 is a central regulator of microtubule reorganisation in apico-basal epithelial differentiation

Goldspink, Deborah, Gadsby, Jonathan, Bellett, Gemma, Keynton, Jennifer, Tyrrell, Benjamin, Lund, Elizabeth, Powell, Penny, Thomas, Paul and Mogensen, Mette (2013) The microtubule end-binding protein EB2 is a central regulator of microtubule reorganisation in apico-basal epithelial differentiation. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (Pt 17). pp. 4000-4014.

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Microtubule end-binding (EB) proteins influence microtubule dynamic instability, a process that is essential for microtubule reorganisation during apico-basal epithelial differentiation. Here, we establish for the first time that expression of EB2, but not that of EB1, is crucial for initial microtubule reorganisation during apico-basal epithelial differentiation, and that EB2 downregulation promotes bundle formation. EB2 siRNA knockdown during early stages of apico-basal differentiation prevented microtubule reorganisation, whereas its downregulation at later stages promoted microtubule stability and bundle formation. Interestingly, although EB1 is not essential for microtubule reorganisation, its knockdown prevented apico-basal bundle formation and epithelial elongation. siRNA depletion of EB2 in undifferentiated epithelial cells induced the formation of straight, less dynamic microtubules with EB1 and ACF7 lattice association and co-alignment with actin filaments, a phenotype that could be rescued by inhibition with formin. Importantly, in situ inner ear and intestinal crypt epithelial tissue revealed direct correlations between a low level of EB2 expression and the presence of apico-basal microtubule bundles, which were absent where EB2 was elevated. EB2 is evidently important for initial microtubule reorganisation during epithelial polarisation, whereas its downregulation facilitates EB1 and ACF7 microtubule lattice association, microtubule-actin filament co-alignment and bundle formation. The spatiotemporal expression of EB2 thus dramatically influences microtubule organisation, EB1 and ACF7 deployment and epithelial differentiation.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: eb2,eb1,acf7,epithelia,microtubules,cochlea,intestinal crypt,actin filaments
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Science > School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
Faculty of Science
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Cells and Tissues
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Gastroenterology and Gut Biology
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Centres > Metabolic Health
Depositing User: Pure Connector
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2013 00:48
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 04:22
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.129759

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