Oedipal authority and capitalist sovereignty: A Deleuzoguattarian reading of IR theory

Gammon, Earl (2010) Oedipal authority and capitalist sovereignty: A Deleuzoguattarian reading of IR theory. Journal of International Relations and Development, 13. pp. 354-377. ISSN 1581-1980

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Despite advancements in the theorisation of political sovereignty brought about by the engagements of critical international relations theory, there remain significant lacunae in our understanding of the reproduction of this peculiar configuration of social life. This article, drawing on the collaborative work of Deleuze and Guattari, seeks to provide a more robust theorisation of the subjectivities underpinning modern political sovereignty — here understood as capitalist sovereignty. It looks to their programme of ‘schizoanalysis’, which interrogates the unconscious libidinal investments of capitalist reproduction. Specifically, Deleuze and Guattari argue that a factitious Oedipal configuration of desire allows the sovereign flow of capital. This article gathers insights from schizoanalysis in elucidating a dynamic affective relationship between sovereignty and the territorial state. It also suggests the potential of schizoanalysis for reconceptualising world politics and contributing to emancipatory IR scholarship.

Item Type: Article
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Arts and Humanities > School of Political, Social and International Studies (former - to 2014)
Faculty of Arts and Humanities > School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies (former - to 2024)
Depositing User: Earl Gammon
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2011 14:20
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 02:00
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/35726
DOI: 10.1057/jird.2010.13

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