A streamlined life-cycle assessment and decision tool for used tyres recycling

Curry, Robin, Powell, Jane C., Gribble, Nicole and Waite, Steve (2011) A streamlined life-cycle assessment and decision tool for used tyres recycling. Proceedings of the ICE - Waste and Resource Management, 164 (4). pp. 227-237. ISSN 1747-6526

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In order to achieve progress towards sustainable resource management, it is essential to evaluate options for the reuse and recycling of secondary raw materials, in order to provide a robust evidence base for decision makers. This paper presents the research undertaken in the development of a web-based decision-support tool (the used tyres resource efficiency tool) to compare three processing routes for used tyres compared to their existing primary alternatives. Primary data on the energy and material flows for the three routes, and their alternatives were collected and analysed. The methodology used was a streamlined life-cycle assessment (sLCA) approach. Processes included were: car tyre baling against aggregate gabions; car tyre retreading against new car tyres; and car tyre shred used in landfill engineering against primary aggregates. The outputs of the assessment, and web-based tool, were estimates of raw materials used, carbon dioxide emissions and costs. The paper discusses the benefits of carrying out a streamlined LCA and using the outputs of this analysis to develop a decision-support tool. The strengths and weakness of this approach are discussed and future research priorities identified which could facilitate the use of life cycle approaches by designers and practitioners.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: sdg 7 - affordable and clean energy,sdg 8 - decent work and economic growth,sdg 12 - responsible consumption and production ,/dk/atira/pure/sustainabledevelopmentgoals/affordable_and_clean_energy
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Science > School of Environmental Sciences
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Science > Research Centres > Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE)
Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Resources, Sustainability and Governance (former - to 2018)
Depositing User: Rosie Cullington
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2011 13:17
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 01:43
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/34348
DOI: 10.1680/warm.2011.164.4.227

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