ApoE genotype, cardiovascular risk and responsiveness to dietary fat manipulation: Symposium on ‘Molecular basis for diseases’

Minihane, A. M., Jofre-Monseny, L., Olano-Martin, E. and Rimbach, G. H. (2007) ApoE genotype, cardiovascular risk and responsiveness to dietary fat manipulation: Symposium on ‘Molecular basis for diseases’. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 66 (2). pp. 183-197. ISSN 0029-6651

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Cardiovascular risk is determined by the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. The apoE genotype represents the most-widely-studied single nucleotide polymorphism in relation to CVD risk, with >3600 publications cited in PubMed. Although originally described as a mediator of lipoprotein metabolism, the lipoprotein-independent functions of apoE are being increasingly recognised, with limited data available on the potential impact of genotype on these metabolic processes. Furthermore, although meta-analyses suggest that apoE4 carriers may have a 40–50% increased CVD risk, the associations reported in individual studies are highly heterogeneous and it is recognised that environmental factors such as smoking status and dietary fat composition influence genotype–phenotype associations. However, information is often derived from observational studies or small intervention trials in which retrospective genotyping of the cohort results in small group sizes in the rarer E2 and E4 subgroups. Either larger well-standardised intervention trials or smaller trials with prospective recruitment according to apoE genotype are needed to fully establish the impact of diet on genotype–CVD associations and to establish the potential of dietary strategies such as reduced total fat, saturated fat, or increased antioxidant intakes to counteract the increased CVD burden in apoE4 carriers.

Item Type: Article
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Nutrition and Preventive Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Groups > Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Research Centres > Lifespan Health
Depositing User: Rhiannon Harvey
Date Deposited: 31 May 2011 15:39
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 03:43
URI: https://ueaeprints.uea.ac.uk/id/eprint/31635
DOI: 10.1017/S0029665107005435

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