Data quality of 5 years of central norovirus outbreak reporting in the European Network for food-borne viruses

Kroneman, A, Harris, J, Vennema, H, Duizer, E, van Duynhoven, Y, Gray, J, Iturriza, M, Böttiger, B, Falkenhorst, G, Johnsen, C, von Bonsdorff, C-H, Maunula, L, Kuusi, M, Pothier, P, Gallay, A, Schreier, E, Koch, J, Szücs, G, Reuter, G, Krisztalovics, K, Lynch, M, McKeown, P, Foley, B, Coughlan, S, Ruggeri, F M, Di Bartolo, I, Vainio, K, Isakbaeva, E, Poljsak-Prijatelj, M, Grom, A Hocevar, Bosch, A, Buesa, J, Sanchez Fauquier, A, Hernandéz-Pezzi, G, Hedlund, K-O and Koopmans, M (2008) Data quality of 5 years of central norovirus outbreak reporting in the European Network for food-borne viruses. Journal of Public Health, 30 (1). pp. 82-90. ISSN 1741-3842

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The outbreaks reported to the FBVE reflect the lack of standardization of surveillance systems across Europe, making direct comparison of data between countries difficult. However, trends in reported outbreaks per country, distribution of NoV genotypes, and detection of diffuse international outbreaks were used as background data in acute questions about NoV illness and the changing genotype distribution during the 5-year period, shown to be of added value. Integrated reporting is essential for these objectives, but could be limited to sentinel countries with surveillance systems that allow this integration. For successful intervention in case of diffuse international outbreaks, completeness and timeliness of reporting would need to be improved and expanded to countries that presently do not participate.

Item Type: Article
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences > Norwich Medical School
Depositing User: Rhiannon Harvey
Date Deposited: 28 Apr 2011 15:03
Last Modified: 28 Mar 2025 03:30
DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdm080

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