Trainee teachers' views on what helps them to use information and communication technology effectively in their subject teaching

Barton, R. and Haydn, T. (2006) Trainee teachers' views on what helps them to use information and communication technology effectively in their subject teaching. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22 (4). pp. 257-272. ISSN 0266-4909

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This study explored the views of initial teacher trainees on various components of their training in the use of new technology to teach their subject. The research focused on trainees' reflections on their experiences of trying to ‘get better’ at information and communication technology (ICT) in the course of their training. Data collection involved baseline and follow-up questionnaire surveys of trainees' attitudes to the use of ICT in subject teaching and the factors that they felt had hindered or promoted their development in the use of ICT, and focus group interviews with small groups of trainees. In spite of the importance attached to this facet of initial training, and significant investment in terms of time and training materials and resources, there is evidence to suggest that much of this investment is not found to be helpful by trainees. In particular, there appears to be a danger that they have simply been overwhelmed with information about the use of ICT to such an extent that they do not feel that they can realistically be expected to engage with many of the materials that have been produced. In addition to ascertaining trainees' views on strategies and interventions that they did not find helpful, the data identify some key factors and moments that trainees felt had a major impact on their progress in the use of ICT. The outcomes of the enquiry reveal clear preferences among trainees for modes of working with ICT, and in terms of the experiences that they felt had impacted on their ability to use ICT in their subject teaching. The concluding section of the paper considers the ways in which trainees' induction into the use of new technology might be made more effective.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: computer,impact,instruction,it use,survey,training
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Social Sciences > School of Education and Lifelong Learning
Depositing User: Vishal Gautam
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2006
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 02:57
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2006.00175.x

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