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University of East Anglia Research Groups/Centres
Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Groups
Accounting & Quantitative Methods
Accounting, Finance and Governance (former - to 2017)
Applied Econometrics And Finance
Applied and Financial Economics (former - to 2017)
Behavioural Economics
Behavioural and Experimental Development Economics
Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Child Placement (former - to 2017)
Child Protection & Family Support
Child Protection (former - to 2017)
Climate Change
Cognition, Action and Perception
Commercial Law (former - to 2017)
Company and Commercial Law (former - to 2017)
Competition, Markets and Regulation
Critical Cultural Studies In Education
Developmental Science
Economic Theory
Education and Development (former - to 2018)
Employment Systems and Institutions
Environment, Resources and Conflict
Experimental Economics (former - to 2017)
Fathers, Families and Work (former - to 2017)
Finance Group
Gender and Development
Global Environmental Justice
Globalisation and CSR
Health and Disease
Human Rights and Public Protest
Impact Evaluation
Industrial Economics
Innovation, Technology and Operations Management
International Law
Language in Education
Life Course, Migration and Wellbeing
Literacy and Development Group
Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Business Strategy (former - to 2019)
Media, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law
Media@uea (former - to 2017)
Migration Research Network
Pedagogy and Engagement with Learning (former - to 2017)
Physical Education Pedagogy (former - to 2017)
Research in Higher Education and Society
Research in Mathematics Education
Responsible Business Regulation Group
Social Cognition Research Group
Social and Developmental Psychology (former - to 2017)
Sport, Health And Education
Strategy and Entrepreneurship
The State, Governance and Conflict