Almajai, Ibrahim and Milner, Ben (2009) Effective visually-derived Wiener filtering for audio-visual speech processing. In: AVSP 2009, 2009-09-10 - 2009-10-04.
Almajai, Ibrahim and Milner, Ben (2009) Enhancing Audio Speech using Visual Speech Features. In: Interspeech 2009, 2009-01-01.
Gasson, P. and Lapeer, R. (2009) Fitting hyperelastic material models to stress-strain data from an in-vitro experiment on human skin. In: International Conference on Polymers and Moulds Innovations (PMI), 2009-09-17 - 2009-09-18.
Gonzalez Garcia, Gerardo and Lapeer, Rudy (2009) An Evaluation of Photo-consistency for Intra-operative Registration in an Image Enhanced Surgical Navigation (IESN) System. Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA09). pp. 229-233.
Gonzalez Garcia, Gerardo and Lapeer, Rudy (2009) Using Photo-consistency for Intra-operative Registration in Augmented Reality based Surgical Navigation. In: AMI-ARCS satellite workshop of MICCAI09, 2009-09-24.
Lapeer, Rudy and Gonzalez-Garcia, G. (2009) Augmented Reality based Surgical Navigation system software for minimally invasive surgery. In: AMI-ARCS satellite workshop of MICCAI09, 2009-09-24.
Milner, Ben, Darch, Jonathan and Almajai, Ibrahim (2009) Reconstructing clean speech from noisy MFCC vectors. In: 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), 2009-09-06 - 2009-09-10.
Shah, S. K., Rowland, R. S. and Lapeer, R. J. (2009) Fast non-rigid registration of medical image data for image guided surgery. In: AMI-ARCS satellite workshop of MICCAI09, 2009-09-24.
Shah, S. K., Rowland, R.S. and Lapeer, Rudy (2009) Fast non-rigid registration of medical image data. In: AMI-ARCS satellite workshop of MICCAI09, 2009-09-24.