Davy, Jack (2015) Dolphins at the British Museum: Zoomorphic Calusa Sinkers. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 25 (2). ISSN 0965-9315
Davy, Jack (2015) A Lego snowmobile and the elements of miniaturization. Anthropology Today, 31 (6). pp. 8-11. ISSN 0268-540X
Emmett, Hilary (2015) Brownian Motion: Directions in Charles Brockden Brown Scholarship. Early American Literature, 50 (1). pp. 205-221. ISSN 0012-8163
Hair, Ross (2015) First Reading of Basil Bunting’s Performance of Thomas Wyatt’s ‘Blame Not My Lute’ (3). Jacket2. ISSN 2167-2326
Køhlert, Frederik Byrn (2015) Working it through: Trauma and autobiography in Phoebe Gloeckner’s A Child’s Life and The Diary of a Teenage Girl. South Central Review, 32 (3). pp. 124-142. ISSN 1549-3377
Selby, Nick (2015) Editorial. Comparative American Studies, 13 (3). pp. 127-128. ISSN 1477-5700
Selby, Nick (2015) The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley. Rod Smith, Peter Baker, and Kaplan Harris, ed. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 2014. h/bk 467 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-24160-2. Price £44.95. Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 42. pp. 276-278.
Smith, Thomas (2015) Knowing the Mississippi. Open Rivers, 1 (1).
Smith, Thomas (2015) Roustabouts, Steamboats, and the Old Way to Dixie: The Mississippi River and the Southern Imaginary in the Early Twentieth Century. Southern Quarterly, 52 (3). pp. 10-29.
Smith, Thomas Ruys (2015) “The Mississippi was a virgin field”: Reconstructing the River Before Mark Twain, 1865-1875. Mark Twain Journal, 53 (2). ISSN 0025-3499
Garland, Sarah (2015) A Surrealist Duet:Word and image in Into the Night Life with Henry Miller and Bezalel Schatz. In: Henry Miller. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781628921267
Hair, Ross (2015) Afterword. In: The Book of the Green Man by Ronald Johnson. Uniformbooks, Axminster, Devon, pp. 89-93. ISBN 978–1–910010–04–4
Hair, Ross (2015) All Eyes in Shoreham:On Ronald Johnson, Geoffrey Grigson and Samuel Palmer. In: Reliquiae. Corbel Stone Press, Cumbria, pp. 10-18. ISBN 978-0-9934310-0-5
Selby, Nick (2015) 'Answering "Each in His Nature": Some Ways out of The Cantos'. In: Exorcising Modernism. SWPS, Warsaw, pp. 142-185. ISBN 978-83-62609-48-2
Bigsby, Christopher (2015) Flint. Bella Books, Norwich. ISBN 9781517350796