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University of East Anglia Research Groups/Centres
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Research Groups
American Studies
Ancient Philosophy (former - to 2017)
Area Studies
Art History and World Art Studies
BLOC Media
Beyond Materiality
British Centre for Literary Translation Research Group
British Cinema & Television
Centre for European and American Art History
Centre for Japanese Studies
Centre of East Anglian Studies
Comics Studies Research Group
Creative Writing Research Group
Creative-Critical Research Group
Critical Global Politics
Cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics research into oppositional talk (former - to 2017)
Cross-cultural communication and translation (former - to 2017)
Cultural Politics, Communications & Media
Dialogues with Art Practice
Digital Humanities
Early Modern Britain (former - to 2017)
Early Modern History
Early Modern and Modern Europe (former - to 2017)
East Anglian Film Archive
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Research Group
Feminist Media Studies
Film, Television and Media
Gender Studies
Global & Transnational History
Heritage and History
History of Medicine (former - to 2017)
Institute for the Study of Ideas of Europe (ISIE)
Intercultural Studies (former - to 2017)
Intercultural identity and interfaith dialogue (former - to 2017)
Landscape History
Language and Communication Studies
Legible / Visible
Literature and Translation (former - to 2017)
Long 19th century (former - to 2017)
Media & Cultural Consumption
Medieval History
Medieval and Early Modern Research Group
Modern British History
Modern British and International History (former - to 2017)
Modern European History
Modern Literature and Theory (former - to 2017)
Modern and Contemporary Writing Research Group
Museology - text and intra-and interlingual representations (former - to 2017)
Philosophy and the Arts (former - to 2017)
Philosophy of Language and Early Analytic Philosophy (former - to 2017)
Philosophy of Mathematics and Economics (former - to 2017)
Philosophy of Nature and the Environment (former - to 2017)
Policy & Politics
Political, Social and International Studies
Research in Applied Pragmatics
Translating, Interpreting & Border Crossing (former - to 2017)
UEA Experimental Philosophy Group
Wittgenstein and the Wittgensteinian tradition (former - to 2017)
Women of Influence - Community Participation in Peru