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Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Japanische Bruchkanten: konturen der kankei nai-Kultur (Japanese Breaking Edges: Sociological Aspects of Contemporary Japan). LIT Verlag, Münster. ISBN 13978-3825896522
Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Marking History Herstory: Nelson's Son and Siebold's Daughter in Japanese Shōjo Manga. In: Manga and the Representation of History. Routledge Contemporary Japan Series . Routledge, London, pp. 102-120. ISBN 978-0-415-69423-0
Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Nippon's nostalgic national narrative: Ishihara Shintarō’s kamikaze film Ore. Contemporary Japan, 24 (1). pp. 71-94. ISSN 1869-2729
Heinze, Ulrich (2012) Time Travel Topoi in Japanese Manga. Japan Forum, 24 (2). pp. 191-212. ISSN 0955-5803
Jowitt, Claire (2012) Hakluyt’s Legacy:Representations of Armchair Travellers in Renaissance Drama. In: Richard Hakluyt and Travel Writing in Early Modern Europe. Routledge, pp. 295-306. ISBN 9781409400172
Jowitt, Claire (2012) Robert Wilson’s The Three Ladies of London (1581) and its Theatrical and Cultural Contexts. In: The Oxford Handbook of Tudor Drama. Oxford University Press, pp. 309-322. ISBN 9780199566471
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Pitchford-Hyde, Jenna (2012) From One Gulf to Another: Reading Masculinity in American Narratives of the Gulf and Iraq Wars. Literature Compass, 9 (5). pp. 357-70. ISSN 1741-4113