Items where School is "School of Art History and World Art Studies (former - to 2014)

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Number of items: 32.


Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2006) Cruces Vivas, Cruces Protectoras. Sao Paulo: Laboratório de Imagem e Som em Antropol.

Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2006) De divinaçōes xamânicas e acusaçōes de feitiçaria:imagens wauja da agência letal. Mana-Estudos de Antropologia Social, 12 (2). pp. 285-313.

Barcelos Neto, Aristoteles (2006) Des villages indigènes aux musées d’anthropologie: de la propriété et vente des objets rituels amazoniens. Gradhiva - Revue d’Anthropologie et Museologie, 4. pp. 87-95.

Bell, Joshua (2006) Losing the forest but not the stories in the trees: Contemporary understandings of F. E. Williams' 1922 Photographs of the Purari Delta. Journal of Pacific History, 41 (2). pp. 191-206. ISSN 1469-9605

Bell, Joshua A. (2006) Marijuana, guns, crocodiles and submarines: Economies of desire in the Purari Delta. Oceania, 76 (3). pp. 220-234. ISSN 1834-4461

Bell, Joshua A. (2006) 'A gift of the first importance': The Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology's Papuan Gulf photographic collection. Journal of Museum Ethnographers, 17. pp. 176-190.

Bescoby, David J., Cawley, Gavin C. and Chroston, P. Neil (2006) Enhanced interpretation of magnetic survey data from archaeological sites using artificial neural networks. Geophysics, 71 (5). pp. 45-53. ISSN 1942-2156

Brooks, Nick, Clarke, Joanne, Crisp, Jon, Crivellaro, Federica, Jousse, Hélène, Markiewicz, Emma, Nichol, Matt, Raffin, Margaret, Robinson, Rachel, Wasse, Alexander and Winton, Vicky (2006) Funerary sites in the 'Free Zone': report on the second and third seasons of fieldwork of the Western Sahara Project. Sahara, 17. pp. 73-94.


Edwards, Paul (2006) The Imagery of Hulme's Poems and Notebooks. In: Hulme and the Question of Modernism. Ashgate Publishing, London, pp. 23-38. ISBN 978-0754640882

Edwards, Paul (2006) Solipsism, Narrative and Love in Enduring Love. In: Ian McEwan's Enduring Love. Routledge Guides to Literature . Routledge, London, pp. 78-90. ISBN 978-0415345590


Haour, Anne (2006) Contributions to Peoples and Cultures of Africa, a six volume series on modern Africa and Africans. Bateman.

Haour, Anne (2006) Contributions to the Sahelian section of The City and Urban Life, Rogozinski, ed. A three volume reference work tracing the development of urban places from the first cities to the present day. M.E.Sharpe.

Haour, Anne (2006) Eating, dying and building walls in the central Sahel: aspects of archaeology of daily life at Kufan Kanawa, Niger. Nyame Akuma, 66. pp. 35-46.

Haour, Anne, Winton, Vicky, Idé, Oumarou A., Rendell, Helen and Clarke, Michèle (2006) The Project Sahel 2004: The archaeological sequence in the Parc W, Niger. Journal of African Archaeology, 4 (2). pp. 299-315.

Heinze, Ulrich (2006) Hautkontakt der Schriftsysteme. Japan im Zeichen der Globalisierung: Geldflüsse und Werbetexte (Signs of Global Trade: Advertisement and Money as Economical Media). Transcript, Bielefeld. ISBN 978-3-89942-513-0

Hodges, Richard (2006) Between text and territory. Survey and excavations in the terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno. British School at Rome. ISBN 0904152480

Hodges, Richard (2006) Eternal Butrint: A UNESCO world heritage site in Albania. General Penne UK, London. ISBN 1905680015

Hodges, Richard (2006) Goodbye to the Vikings? Re-reading Early Medieval Archaeology. Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd. ISBN 0715634291

Hooper, Steven (2006) Exhibition: Pacific Encounters::Art & Divinity in Polynesia 1760-1860. [Show/Exhibition]

Hooper, Steven (2006) Pacific Encounters: Art and Divinity in Polynesia 1760-1860. British Museum Press, London. ISBN 9780714125756


Lau, George (2006) Recuay Tradition Sculptures from Chinchawas, North Highlands of Ancash, Peru. KAVA, Kulturen 1, 1. pp. 183-250.


Mitchell, John (2006) The Painted Wall Plaster (pp. 245-8); The Tiles (pp. 249-52); Worked Stone (p. 258); The Roman Inscriptions (p. 249). In: Between Territory and Text: Survey and Excavations in the Terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno. British School at Rome, London.

Mitchell, John (2006) Preliminary report on the Early Christian basilica on the Vrina Plain, Albania. Archeologia Medievale, 33. pp. 397-408.

Mitchell, John (2006) The San Vincenzo Community in Capua. In: Between Territory and Text: Survey and Excavations in the Terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno. British School at Rome, London, pp. 269-278. ISBN 0904152480

Mitchell, John (2006) Strategies for salvation: the mosaic pavement of the Triconch church at Antigoneia. In: New Directions in Albanian Archaeology. Essays dedicated to Muzafer Korkuti. International Centre for Albanian Archaeology, ICAA, Tirana, pp. 261-276.


Nunez Laiseca, Monica (2006) Arte y política en la España del desarrollismo. CSIC, Madrid. ISBN 9788400084592


Onians, John (2006) Compression vs. Expression: Containing and Explaining the World's Art. Yale University Press. ISBN 0300097905


Rousmaniere, Nicole (2006) Vessels for Painting: New Styles of Artistic Expression on Early Modern Ceramics in the John C Weber Collection. Orientations, 37/7. pp. 72-77. ISSN 0030-5448

Rousmaniere, Nicole and Meech, Julia (2006) 11 entries in Arts of Japan - The John C. Weber Collection, Melanie Trede (editor), Museum of East Asia Art. ISBN: 3-88609-537-1. National Museums in Berlin.


Thofner, Margit (2006) ”Spirito, Acqua e Sangue”. Gli arredi delle Chiese Luterane (XVI-XVII secolo). Quaderni Storici, New series, 123 (3). pp. 519-548.


Wilson, Bronwen (2006) La dama del vergiù: secrecy, vendetta, and sexual blackmail in a late medieval bedroom. In: Firenze alla virgilia del Rinascimento. Antonio Pucci e i suoi contemporanei. Cadmo, Turin, pp. 369-88. ISBN 978-8879234474

Wilson, Bronwen (2006) Venice, print, and the early modern icon. Urban History, 33 (1). pp. 39-64. ISSN 0963-9268

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