Repository Statistics
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University of East Anglia Schools
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Interdisciplinary Institute for the Humanities
School of American Studies (former - to 2014)
School of Art History and World Art Studies (former - to 2014)
School of Art, Media and American Studies (former - to 2024)
School of Film and Television Studies (former - to 2012)
School of History
School of Language and Communication Studies (former - to 2014)
School of Literature and Creative Writing (former - to 2011)
School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing
School of Media, Language and Communication Studies
School of Music (former - to 2014)
School of Philosophy (former - to 2014)
School of Political, Social and International Studies (former - to 2014)
School of Politics, Philosophy and Area Studies
School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communication Studies (former - to 2024)
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Allied Health Professions (former - to 2013)
Norwich Medical School
School of Health Sciences
School of Nursing and Midwifery (former - to 2011)
School of Rehabilitation Sciences (former - to 2014)
Faculty of Science
School of Biological Sciences
School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy (former - to 2009)
School of Chemistry (former - to 2024)
School of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
School of Computing Sciences
School of Engineering (former - to 2024)
School of Engineering, Mathematics and Physics
School of Environmental Sciences
School of Mathematics (former - to 2024)
School of Natural Sciences (former - to 2024)
School of Pharmacy (former - to 2024)
School of Physics (former - to 2024)
The Sainsbury Laboratory
Faculty of Social Sciences
Norwich Business School
School of Economics
School of Education and Lifelong Learning
School of Global Development (formerly School of International Development)
School of Law
School of Psychology
School of Social Work
School of Social Work and Psychology (former - to 2012)
School of Sociology