Lehtsalu, Liise, Moran, Sarah and Evangelisti, Silvia (2018) Introduction: Perspectives on women’s religious activities in early modern Europe and the Americas. Journal of Early Modern History, 22 (1-2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1385-3783
Evangelisti, Silvia (2018) Spazi monastici, clausura e arti visive: Firenze, XVI secolo. In: Mujeres Entre el Claustro y el Siglo: Autoridad y Poder en el Mundo Religioso Hispanico. UNSPECIFIED. ISBN 978-84-7737-973-7
Evangelisti, Silvia (2018) Religious women, mystic journeys and agency in early modern Spain. Journal of Early Modern History, 22 (1-2). pp. 9-27. ISSN 1385-3783
Evangelisti, Silvia (2017) Educazione, devozione e arti visive in Italia tra cinque e seicento. In: Attraverso il tempo: Teresa di Gesù. Longo Editore, Ravenna, pp. 195-210. ISBN 9788880639756
Evangelisti, Silvia (2016) Household Management and Civic Femininity in Seventeenth-Century Italy. In: Conduct Literature for and about Women in Italy 1470-1900. Classiques Garnier, pp. 63-80. ISBN 978-2-406-05916-5
Evangelisti, Silvia (2013) Learning from home: Discourses on education and domestic visual culture in early modern Italy. History, 98 (333). pp. 663-679. ISSN 0018-2648
Evangelisti, Silvia (2013) Material Culture. In: The Ashgate Research Companion to the Counter-Reformation. Ashgate Publishing.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2013) Spaces for Agency: the View from Female Religious Communities. In: Attending to Early Modern Women and Men. University of Delaware Press, Delaware. ISBN 9781611494440
Evangelisti, Silvia (2013) Gender, Religion, and the Spanish American missions in 16th and 17th Centuries. In: Communities and Identities in the Iberian World: Studies in Honour of Jim Casey. UNSPECIFIED.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2012) Storia delle monache 1450-1700. Il Mulino, Bologna. ISBN 978-8815233141
Evangelisti, Silvia (2012) Education and the Senses: Fragments for Future Thinking. In: Essays in Honour of Joseph Connor. Harvard, Florence.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2011) Cultura Material y relaciones de genero en la reciente historiografia italiana de la Edad Moderna. In: La Historia de las mujeres y del genéro en Italia. Icaria, Barcelona.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2010) Faith and Religion. In: The Cultural History of Childhood and the Family. Berg Publishers, Oxford.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2008) To find God in work? Female social stratification in Early Modern Italian convents. European History Quarterly, 38 (3). pp. 398-416. ISSN 1461-7110
Evangelisti, Silvia, Lanzinger, Margareth and Sarti, Raffaella (2008) Introduction. European History Quarterly, 38 (3). pp. 365-374. ISSN 1461-7110
Evangelisti, Silvia (2008) A Room of One's Own in the Era of the Communal. Times Higher Education Supplement.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2008) Structures and Subjectivities: Attending to Early Modern Women. Modern Languages Review, 4.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2008) Nuns: A History of Convent Life (Paperback). Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Nuns: A History of Convent Life, 1450-1750. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192804358
Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Ricche e povere: classi di monache in etá moderna. In: Bollettino della Societá Italiana di Demografia Storica, a cura di Margareth Lanzingher and Raffaella Sarti. Udine.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2007) Voci da dentro: scrittrici mistiche e clausura monastica nell'Europa mediterranea tra Cinque e Seicento in Mediterranoesis. In: Vici dal Medioevo e Rinascimento a cura di Roberta Morosini e Cristina Perissinotto. Naples.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2006) Rooms to Share: Convent Spaces and Social Relations in Early Modern Italy. In: The Art of Survival. Gender and History in Europe, 1450-2000. Oxford University Press, pp. 55-71. ISBN 978019920829
Evangelisti, Silvia (2004) Monastic poverty and material culture in Early Modern Italy. The Historical Journal, 47 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1469-5103
Evangelisti, Silvia (2003) We do not have it and we do not want it: Women, power and convent reform in Florence. Sixteenth Century Journal, 34 (3). pp. 677-700.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2001) Arte e clausura: le monache di San Maurizio al monastero Maggiore di Milano. In: I doni della cultura. Banca Popolare di Milano.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2000) Arts and the Advent of Clausura: the Convent of Saint Catherine in Tridentine Florence. In: Suora Pautilla Nelli (1523-1588): The First Woman Painter in Florence. Cadmo, Florence, pp. 67-82.
Evangelisti, Silvia (2000) Wives, widows, and brides of Christ: Marriage and the convent in the historiography of Early Modern Italy. The Historical Journal, 43 (1). pp. 233-247. ISSN 1469-5103
Evangelisti, Silvia (1997) Dalla letteratura all storia: la monografia su Camilla Faa di Fernanda Sorbelli Bonfa (1878-1982). Annali dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento (XXII). pp. 401-419.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1996) Moral Virtues and Personal Goods: the Double Representation of the Female Monastic Identity. In: Women in the Religious Life. Yearbook of the Department of History and Civilization. European University Institute, Florence, pp. 27-54.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1996) Complicating Categories. Women, Gender and Difference: la X edizione della Berkshire Conference (17). pp. 69-71.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1995) 'Farne quello che pare e piace...' L'uso e la trasmissione delle celle nel monastero di Santa Giulia di Brescia (1597-1688). Quaderni Storici (88). pp. 85-109.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1995) Angelica Baitelli, la historiadora. In: La mujer barroca. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, pp. 87-108.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1994) The Woman Writing in the Convent. In: Women of the Golden Age. An International Debate on Women in Seventeenth-century Holland, England and Italy. Verloren, pp. 157-165. ISBN 9789065503831
Evangelisti, Silvia (1994) Identitá intellettuale e relazioni familiari: Angelica e Lodovico Baitelli (XVI-XVII). In: Las sabias mujeres : educacion, saber y autoria (siglos III-XVII). Colección Laya . A C Al-Mudayna, Madrid, pp. 247-61.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1992) Memoria di antiche madri. I generi della storiografia monastica femminile in Italia (secc. XV-XVIII). In: La voz del silencio, I: Fuentes directas para la historia de las mujeres (siglos VIII al XVIII), edicion de Cristina Segura Graino. Coleccion Laya, Madrid, pp. 221-249.
Evangelisti, Silvia (1992) Angelica Baitelli, la storica. In: Barocco al femminile. Laterza, Roma-Bari, pp. 71-95.
Evangelisti, Silvia, Martinat, M, Medioli, F, Papa, C and Tonini, C (1992) Generazioni. Rosemberg e Sellier, Torino.