Banakas, Stathis, Petrov, Dmitry Anatolyevich, Popondopulo, Vladimir Fedorovich and Silina, Elena Vladimirovna (2023) Цифровые отношения как предмет правового исследования. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Право (Herald St Petersburg State University. Law), 14 (2). pp. 492-509.
Banakas, Stathis (2023) Contractual space and third parties: A comparison. Journal of Civil Law Studies. (In Press)
Banakas, Stathis (2020) Visions of Tort law in Different Traditions: What are the challenges ahead? Journal of Comparative Law, XV (2). pp. 250-263. ISSN 1477-0814
Banakas, Stathis (2017) Tales of Damage and (Retro-)Causation. Nuovo Diritto Civile. pp. 275-300.
Banakas, Stathis (2015) Non-pecuniary loss in personal injury: Topography architecture and nomenclature in the European landscape. Journal of Comparative Law, 10 (2). pp. 291-342. ISSN 1477-0814
Banakas, Stathis (2010) Private law remedies and procedures: A double-edged sword? Journal of Comparative Law, 4.
Banakas, Stathis (2009) Liability for Contractual Negotiations in English Law: Looking for the Litmus Test. InDret.
Banakas, Stathis (2009) Voluntary Assumption of Tort Liability in English Law: A Paradox? InDret.
Banakas, Stathis (2008) Unde Venis et Quo Vadis? European Tort law revisited. Schweizerisches Zeitschrift fuer Internationales und Europaeisches Recht, 18 (4). pp. 295-320.
Banakas, E. (2007) A global concept of justice - Dream or nightmare? Looking at different concepts of justice or righteousness competing in today's world. Louisiana Law Review, 67 (4). pp. 1021-1041. ISSN 0024-6859
Banakas, Stathis (2002) European Tort Law: Is it possible? European Review of Private Law, 10 (3). pp. 363-375. ISSN 0928-9801
Banakas, Stathis (2020) European Traditions of Tort liability: Prolegomena to a new European Tort law. In: ‘Europa e America Latina: due continenti, un solo diritto. Unità e specificità del sistema giuridico latinoamericano’. Series of the Department of Law of the University of Brescia Quaderni . UNSPECIFIED, Milan. ISBN 9788892132986
Banakas, Stathis (2020) Who decides who decides? Algorithm or human? Right and Wrong in the age of Artificial Intelligence. In: Il Diritto nell’era dell’algoritmo’. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Banakas, Stathis (2020) The Contract of Services in English law. In: La Modernizacion del contratto de servicios,. UNSPECIFIED.
Banakas, Stathis (2018) Les fonds d’indemnisation en droit anglais. In: Les fonds d’indemnisation. Larcier, Paris.
Banakas, Stathis (2017) Topographie et Nomenclature : La réparation du préjudice corporel dans les droits européens. In: Des spécificités de l'indemnisation du dommage corporel. Larcier. ISBN 9782802757634
Banakas, Stathis (2017) Tort Duties under Contract’s shadow:Are English and German law converging. In: Studi in onore di Antonio Gambaro. Giuffre, Milan. ISBN 9788814220555
Banakas, Stathis (2016) La responsabilité des constructeurs. In: L'immeuble et la responsabilité. GRERCA (1). Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, pp. 41-47. ISBN 9782802756606
Banakas, Stathis (2016) Les responsabilités liées à l’immeuble bâti. In: L'immeuble et la responsabilité. GRERCA (1). Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, pp. 221-226. ISBN 9782802756606
Banakas, Stathis (2016) Les préjudices réparables – rapport anglais. In: La responsabilité liée aux activités juridiques. GRERCA (1). Bruylant Publishers, Brussels, pp. 170-178. ISBN 9782802755531
Banakas, Efstathios (2016) Du réparable et du non-réparable Etude comparative des dommages-intérêts. In: La notion de dommages-interets. Thèmes et commentaires (1). Dalloz. ISBN 978-2247160860
Banakas, Efstathios (2016) Comparative Law and Legal Traditions: How Far Can We Go. In: Le droit comparé et… / Comparative Law and…. Presses universitaires d’Aix-Marseille. ISBN 9782731410037
Banakas, Efstathios (2014) E Pluribus Unus: The UK Mix of Plurality and Uniformity of Laws. In: Federalism and Legal Unification: A Comparative Empirical Investigation of Twenty Systems. Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice . Springer, New York, pp. 333-353. ISBN 978-94-007-7398-1
Banakas, Efstathios (2011) Harmonization of European Private Law: Out of Date, Out of Time. In: Oeffnung und Wandel-Die Internationale Dimension des Rechts Vol II. LexisNexis, Wien.
Gajdosova, Jana and Banakas, Stathis (2010) Private property, public access and the access to information – a comparative analysis. In: Fundamental Rights and Private Law in the European Union. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521196338
Banakas, Stathis (2009) Injuries, damages and a puzzle: can an effect ever precede its cause? In: Medizin und Haftung. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 729-747. ISBN 978-3-642-00611-1
Banakas, Stathis (2008) Harmonisation of European Contract Law and general principles of contracts: a common lawyer's look into the future. In: Il diritto europeo dei contratti. Universita de Pisa.
Banakas, E. (2006) The Constitutionalisation of Private Law in the UK: is there an Emperor inside the new Clothes? In: Constitutionalisation of Private Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9004148523
Banakas, E. (2002) The Contribution of Comparative Law to the Harmonisation of European Private Law. In: Comparative Law in the Twenty First Century. Kluwer Law International, pp. 179-191. ISBN 904119875X
Banakas, Stathis (2016) Personal injury: Cases and Questions of Comparative European Law. In: Personal injury: Cases and Questions of Comparative European Law, 2016-01-29, Spazio Multimediale San Francesco.
Banakas, Stathis (2015) La responsabilité des constructeurs. In: Droits nationaux et projets européens en matière de responsabilité civile, 2015-09-18 - 2015-09-19.