Matsuda, Akira (2011) Situating an archaeological site in the present ('Genzi' ni ichizukerareru iseki). Journal of the Japanese Society for Cultural Heritage (Isekigaku Kenkyû), 8. pp. 178-183.
Matsuda, Akira (2010) When a local legend is (mis)appropriated in the interpretation of an archaeological site. Archaeologies, 6 (3). pp. 447-467.
Matsuda, Akira (2010) Excavating Roman London. Kodaigaku Kenkyû, 184. pp. 66-67.
Sadler, Nigel and Matsuda, Akira (2010) Introduction. Archaeologies, 6 (3). pp. 425-430.
Kaner, Simon, Nagase, F, Tsujita, J, Matsuda, Akira and Rousmaniere, Nicole (2009) Re-excavating the Power of Dogu (Dogû no Chikara Saihakkutsu). Cultural Resource Studies (Bunka Shigengaku), 8. pp. 1-8.
Matsuda, Akira and Okamura, K (2009) Archaeologists at the crossroads 4: towards an engaged archaeology (Gendai shakai to sekkyokutekini kakawatteiku kôkogaku wo mezashite). Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 55 (4). pp. 117-120.
Okamura, K and Matsuda, Akira (2008) Archaeologists at the crossroads 3: re-considering the role of archaeology in modern Japanese society (Kôkogaku wo hakkutsu suru). Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 55 (3). pp. 106-109.
Okamura, K and Matsuda, Akira (2008) Archaeologists at the crossroads 2: how should we communicate with the general public? (Nani ga katareruka, nani wo kataru bekika). Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 55 (2). pp. 97-100.
Okamura, K and Matsuda, Akira (2008) Archaeologists at the crossroads 1: where are we now? (Watashitachi wa doko ni iruka). Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 55 (1). pp. 81-84.
Sugiyama, K, Matsuda, Akira, Iwaki, A and Mukai, T (2006) The Roman Archaeological Site in Somma Vesuviana. Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 52 (4). pp. 109-112.
Matsuda, Akira (2005) Public archaeology at archaeological sites: case studies in Britain and applicability in Japan. Journal of the Japanese Society for Cultural Heritage (Isekigaku Kenkyû), 2. pp. 90-101.
Matsuda, Akira and Okamura, K (2005) The frontier of public archaeology. Quarterly of Archaeological Studies (Kôkogaku Kenkyû), 52 (1). pp. 100-103.
Matsuda, Akira (2004) The concept of ‘the public’ and the aims of public archaeology. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology, 15. pp. 66-75. ISSN 2041-9015
Matsuda, Akira (2011) Archaeology by the (Far) East in the West: what do local people think if Japanese archaeologists excavate the 'Villa of Augustus' in Italy? In: New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology. Springer, New York, pp. 167-181.
Matsuda, Akira and Okamura, K (2011) Introduction: new perspectives in global public archaeology. In: New Perspectives in Global Public Archaeology. Springer, New York, pp. 1-18.
Matsuda, Akira (2010) Public Archaeology in Somma Vesuviana. In: Festshrift for Tsuboi Kiyotari on the Occasion of His Ninetieth Birthday: Between Management and Research of Cultural Properties. Meishinsha, Nara, pp. 515-524.
Okamura, K and Matsuda, Akira (2010) Archaeological Heritage Management in Japan. In: Cultural Heritage Management: A Global Perspective. University of Florida, Gainesville, pp. 99-110.
Matsuda, Akira (2007) La prima guida di Somma: omaggio a “Fifino” dalla missione archeologica dell'Università di Tokyo. In: Antiquitates Summae. Fusco, Salerno, pp. 92-93.
Aoyagi, M and Matsuda, Akira (2005) The Concept and System of World Heritage (Sekai isan no rinen to seido). In: World Heritage and the Study of History (Sekai isan to Rekishi gaku). Yamakawa Shuppan, Tokyo, pp. 5-25.
Matsuda, Akira (2005) Vano 33. In: Annual Report of the Center for Evolving Humanities: Study of Cultural Exchange 18: VRC01 Preliminary Report (excavation report). Tokyo, University of Tokyo.