Repository Policies

UEA Research Publications Policy

Publications Policy for the deposit of research publications

The University of East Anglia:

  • Aims to increase the visibility, usage and impact of its research publications by maximising unrestricted online access to its research for all users and researchers worldwide.
  • Supports the principle that the outcomes of publicly funded research should be made available freely online for non-commercial private study or research purposes.

All materials contained within UEA Digital Repository shall comply with copyright legislation and, where appropriate, publishers' copyright policies. Where publisher policy does not permit the use of the actual published version, the author's final accepted peer-reviewed draft (sometimes known as the post-print or as the author’s accepted manuscript) will normally be submitted.

All submissions are done via the PURE deposit interface, supported by RIN. You can no longer deposit materials directly into the UEA Digital Repository. UEA Digital Repository is populated by an automated feed from PURE.

Non-peer reviewed material may also be deposited, subject to the version type of that material being made clear and unambiguous, e.g. reports, working papers, etc. On occasions, owing to publisher restrictions, it may be necessary to accept not yet peer-reviewed (pre-print) versions of journal articles, in which case their version type will be clearly marked.

Non-peer reviewed material may also be deposited via PURE, subject to the version type of that material being made clear and unambiguous, e.g. reports, working papers, etc. On occasions, owing to publisher restrictions, it may be necessary to accept not yet peer-reviewed (pre-print) versions of journal articles, in which case their version type will be clearly marked.

UEA authors, or their nominated representatives, may only submit works via PURE in which they are identified as the author or one of the authors (providing permissions have been obtained). This policy is designed to assist UEA authors, or their nominated representatives, with obtaining copyright clearance and a range of templates and supporting material is available via the RIN website. Material may only be deposited by staff affiliated to UEA or their nominated representatives using PURE, the self-deposit software administered by RIN.

Authors may request that their submission is embargoed for a period of up to five years subject to appropriate supporting evidence (e.g. the need to publish further on the topic or for commercial and copyright reasons). In such circumstances, the full-text should still be deposited, but only the publication details will be made visible in the repository for the duration of the agreed embargo period. Material will not normally be removed from the repository once submitted unless it breaches copyright.

OpenDOAR policies

The following policies have been generated using the Directory of Open Access Repositories which detail specific use policy of UEA's Digital Repository.

Metadata Policy for information describing items in UEA Digital Repository

Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.

The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes provided that a link is made to the original metadata record in UEA Digital Repository.

The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.See the UEA Digital Repository full Terms and Conditions.

Full-text Data Policy

Anyone may access the full text free of charge.

Copies of full items generally can be:

  • Reproduced, displayed or performed, and given to third parties in any format or medium
  • Used for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge.
  • the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given
  • a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page
  • the content is not changed in any way

Full items must not be harvested by robots except transiently for full-text indexing or citation analysis, items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.

UEA Digital Repository is not the publisher; it is merely the online archive.

Content Policy for types of document & data set held

UEA Digital Repository holds all types of materials.

Deposited items may include:

  • Pre-refereed author's version (as submitted to journals for peer-review) [Preprint]
  • Post-refereed author's version (author's final accepted peer-reviewed drafts) [Postprint]
  • Post-refereed publisher's version (publisher-created files)
  • Non peer reviewed articles
  • Teaching materials
  • Research data

Deposit Policy

Items may only be deposited by accredited members of the University of East Anglia, or their delegated agents.

Eligible depositors must deposit bibliographic metadata for all their publications. The administrator of UEA Digital Repository only vets items for the eligibility of authors/depositors, relevance to the scope of the repository, valid layout & format, and the exclusion of spam

The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.

Full text can be deposited via PURE at any time, but will not be made publicly visible until any publishers' or funders' embargo period has expired.

Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors. If UEA Digital Repository receives proof of copyright violation; the relevant item will be removed immediately.

Preservation Policy

Full-text and metadata will be retained indefinitely.

UEA Digital Repository will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility, items will be migrated to new file formats where appropriate.

Where possible, software emulations will be provided to access un-migrated formats.

UEA Digital Repository regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.

Deposited items may not normally be removed from UEA Digital Repository.

Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include:

  • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
  • Legal requirements and proven violations
  • National Security
  • Falsified research

Withdrawn items are not deleted per se, but are removed from public view.

Withdrawn items' identifiers/URLs are retained indefinitely.

URLs will continue to point to 'tombstone' citations, to avoid broken links and to retain item histories.

Changes to deposited items are not permitted.

Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required.

If necessary, an updated version may be deposited.

In the event of UEA Digital Repository being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.

Copyright Breach / Request for Content Removal

To report a suspected breach of your own or another person's copyright, contact