Performance predictions for a new zeolite 13X/CaCl 2 composite adsorbent for adsorption cooling systems

Chan, K. C., Chao, Christopher Y. H., Sze-To, G. N. and Hui, K. S. (2012) Performance predictions for a new zeolite 13X/CaCl 2 composite adsorbent for adsorption cooling systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55 (11-12). pp. 3214-3224. ISSN 0017-9310

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Composite adsorbents synthesized from zeolite 13X and CaCl 2 were investigated for applications in solar adsorption cooling systems. The effects of Ca ion exchange on the adsorption properties of zeolite 13X were studied. Ca ion exchange was found to decrease the specific surface area of the zeolite while increasing the total pore volume. Soaking zeolite 13X in 46 wt.% CaCl 2 solution for 24 h gave the optimum Ca ion exchange. The increase in the total pore volume facilitated further impregnating the zeolite with CaCl 2. In all, 41.5 mol% of CaCl 2 was impregnated in the Ca-ion-exchanged zeolite from a 40 wt.% CaCl 2 solution to form the zeolite 13X/CaCl 2 composite adsorbent. A 0.4 g/g difference in equilibrium water uptake between 25 and 75°C at 870 Pa was recorded for the composite adsorbent. This was 420% of that of zeolite 13X under the same conditions. Numerical simulation predicts that an adsorption cooling system using the composite adsorbent could be powered by a low grade thermal energy source using the temperature range 75-100°C. Greatly improved efficiency is predicted compared to a system using pure zeolite 13X or impregnated silica gel.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: adsorption cooling,adsorption kinetics,composite adsorbent,ion-exchange,zeolite 13x
Faculty \ School: Faculty of Science > School of Engineering (former - to 2024)
University of East Anglia Research Groups/Centres > Theme - ClimateUEA
UEA Research Groups: Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Energy Materials Laboratory
Faculty of Science > Research Groups > Emerging Technologies for Electric Vehicles (former - to 2024)
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Depositing User: Pure Connector
Date Deposited: 04 Oct 2016 12:01
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2025 06:43
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.02.054

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